

Fourth modern marketing Reckoner by Group M and MMA Global India: 60+ experts on winning with AI

作者: Https://plus.google.com/107324234873078450867

Mumbai: GroupM, WPP’s media investment group and MMA Global India launched the 4th edition of the Modern Marketing Reckoner 2024: Winning with AI at the 13th edition of MMA IMPACT Delhi. The report explores how AI is not merely transforming the 4 key pillars …

孟买:群邑,WPP的媒体投资集团与MMA全球印度分部在第13届MMA IMPACT德里大会上推出了《现代营销预测2024:借助AI取胜》第四版。报告探讨了AI如何不仅仅是转变四大关键支柱……

Mumbai: GroupM, WPPs media investment group and MMA Global India launched the 4th edition of the Modern Marketing Reckoner 2024: Winning with AI at the 13th edition of MMA IMPACT Delhi. The report ex… [+3077 chars]

孟买:群邑集团(GroupM),WPP的媒体投资集团,与MMA全球印度分公司在第13届MMA IMPACT德里大会上共同发布了《现代营销年鉴2024:借助AI制胜》的第四版。该报告详细探讨了……[+3077字符]
