俄罗斯、南美在周三USDA报告中受关注 – 布劳恩

俄罗斯、南美在周三USDA报告中受关注 – 布劳恩

Russia, South America under scrutiny in Wednesday USDA report -Braun

作者: None

(marketscreener.com) The U.S.
Department of Agriculture’s June supply and demand report
could be more interesting than normal as the grain market has
been rife with developments over the past few weeks, including a
state of emergency in top wheat exporter Rus…


NAPERVILLE, Illinois, June 11 (Reuters) – The U.S.
Department of Agricultures (USDA) June supply and demand report
could be more interesting than normal as the grain market has
been rife with deve… [+4048 chars]

伊利诺伊州纳珀维尔,6月11日(路透社)- 美国农业部(USDA)6月的供需报告可能比平常更有趣,因为谷物市场一直充斥着各种发展的传闻…[+4048个字符]
