
打捞关于果阿海洋财富的数据 Fishing out data on Goa’s marine wealth 作者: Paul Fernandes India News: Scientists’ work has yielded an inventory of 600+ species, with ICAR taking forward NIO’s pioneering studies 印度新闻:科学家们的工作已经编制出600多种物种的清单,ICAR推进了NIO的开创性研究。 Scientists work has yielded an inventory of 600+ species, with ICAR taking forward NIOs pioneering studies Goans love for fish is legendary and the tiny … Read more


帕纳加里亚:必须继续数据驱动的政策制定,以攀登增长阶梯。 Panagariya: Must continue data-driven policy-making to climb growth ladder 作者: TNN India News: India should continue its data driven policy making in order to move along its development trajectory, Arvind Panagariya, chairman of the 16th Finance. 印度新闻:印度应当继续其以数据为驱动的政策制定,以便沿着其发展轨迹前进,第16届财政委员会主席阿温德·潘纳加里亚说道。 9 vegetables that improve eyesight naturally 9种自然改善视力的蔬菜 关键词: 1. 帕纳加里亚 2. 数据驱动 3. 政策制定 4. 增长阶梯 5. … Read more


城中医药公司的新型抗生素将于年底前用于抗击超级细菌。 City pharma’s new antibiotic to combat superbugs by year-end 作者: Times Of India City-based pharma company, Wockhardt, is designing a new antibiotic, WCK 5222, to combat superbugs. The clinical trial is expected to be completed by year-end with a 100% success rate in initial patients. The antibiotic targets drug-resistant strains of bacte… 城市制药公司Wockhardt正在设计一种新型抗生素WCK 5222,用以对抗超级细菌。临床试验预计将在年底前完成,初步患者的成功率达到了100%。这种抗生素针对的是抗药性细菌株…… … Read more


24家初创企业在AWS太空加速器项目中。 24 startups in AWS space accelerator programme 作者: Times Of India Amazon Web Services (AWS) India has selected 24 promising space technology startups for its first-ever space accelerator programme in India. The initiative, known as AWS Space Accelerator: India, aims to foster innovation in the space sector by providing tech… 亚马逊网络服务(AWS)印度为其在印度的首个太空加速器项目选择了24家有前景的太空技术初创公司。这一名为AWS太空加速器:印度的举措旨在通过提供技术支持,促进太空领域的创新。 9 vegetables that … Read more


印度为马来西亚人提供免费30天电子旅游签证。 India offers Malaysians free 30-day eTourist visa 作者: The Star Online PETALING JAYA: Malaysians will be granted a 30-day eTourist visa at no cost from July 1 to June 30, 2025, the Indian High Commission to Malaysia announced. Read full story PETALING JAYA:印度驻马来西亚高级专员公署宣布,从2023年7月1日至2025年6月30日,马来西亚人将可以获得免费的30天电子旅游签证。阅读全文。 PETALING JAYA: Malaysians will be granted a 30-day eTourist visa at … Read more


气候危机如何改变孟加拉国的家庭计划和生殖健康状况? How the climate crisis is changing family planning and reproductive health in Bangladesh 作者: pbs.org Few places in the world are suffering more from the effects of climate change than Bangladesh. Most of the country is no higher than 50 feet above sea level, making it vulnerable to severe flooding after monsoon rains. As … Read more


2024年预算:专家呼吁重组AB-PMJAY以提高卫生预算。 Budget 2024: Experts call for restructuring AB-PMJAY to hike health budget 作者: Press Trust of India Echoing the urgency of healthcare reforms ranging from restructuring of Ayushman Bharat Yojana (AB-PMJAY) to accelerating the digital health mission, experts and industry leaders have outlined key priorities for the Modi government in its third consecutive te… 呼应从阿尤什·巴哈特计划(AB-PMJAY)的重组到加快数字健康使命的医疗卫生改革的紧迫性,专家和行业领袖为莫迪政府在连续第三个任期内的关键优先事项勾勒了轮廓。 … Read more


美国就业增长料将随工资增长一同放缓。 US Employment Seen Moderating Along With Wage Growth 作者: Bloomberg News US employers probably tempered their hiring while wage growth moderated in June, another favorable development for Jerome Powell and his Federal Reserve colleagues seeking more confirmation that inflation is slowing. 美国雇主可能在六月份减缓了招聘步伐,同时工资增长也趋于温和,这对杰罗姆·鲍威尔及其美联储同事来说,是另一个寻求更多通胀放缓确认的利好发展。 US employers probably tempered their hiring while wage growth moderated in June, … Read more


气候友好型技术助力农业增产:达哈尔总理 Climate-friendly technology to boost agricultural production: PM Dahal 作者: Khabarhub CHITWAN: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has said that climate-friendly technologies will be used in paddy cultivation to increase production and productivity. Addressing a program organized here today on the occasion of the 21st National Paddy … 奇旺:总理普什帕·卡马尔·达哈尔“普拉昌达”表示,将在稻米种植中使用气候友好型技术以提高产量和生产力。在今天举行的第21届全国稻米节活动上,他发表了上述讲话。 CHITWAN: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal … Read more


皮尤什·戈亚尔:对未来财年25年实现8000亿美元出口信心满满。 Confident of $800 billion exports in FY25: Piyush Goyal 作者: Kirtika Suneja Amidst global challenges, India’s export sector is anticipated to thrive under Minister Goyal’s projections. Efforts to establish specific targets, navigate FTA negotiations, and preserve diamond export interests are crucial in sustaining India’s export growt… 在全球挑战之下,预计印度的出口部门将在戈亚尔部长的预测下蓬勃发展。努力设定具体目标、引导自由贸易协定谈判以及维护钻石出口利益对于维持印度的出口增长至关重要。 Mumbai: India’s goods and services exports could … Read more