市场预计到2030年将达到2500万台:B. Thiagarajan,蓝星公司。

市场预计到2030年将达到2500万台:B. Thiagarajan,蓝星公司。

Market size expected to reach 25 million units by 2030: B Thiagarajan, Blue Star

作者: ET Now

See, tier three, four, five have been contributing significantly. My estimate is that close to 65% for the industry comes from tier three, four, five. In our case, it is around 68% or so. The important thing is more than 90% are first-time buyers and Nilesh w…

看,第三层、第四层、第五层贡献很大。我估计该行业近65%的份额来自第三层、第四层、第五层。在我们的情况下,大约是68%左右。重要的是,超过90%的买家是首次购买,而Nilesh w…

“I think June is going to be another month where it will be around 50% growth. And I think for the first time, the summer months will witness more than 60% growth. It has to be also read in conjuncti… [+3935 chars]


原文链接:The Times of India