

Emerging Currencies Drop as EU Elections Add to Political Risks

作者: Peter Laca and Maria Elena Vizcaino

(Bloomberg) — Most emerging-market currencies weakened versus the greenback Monday and a gauge of volatility jumped as political risk took center stage…

— 周一,大多数新兴市场货币对美元贬值,波动性指标因政治风险上升而急剧升高…

(Bloomberg) — Most emerging-market currencies weakened versus the greenback Monday and a gauge of volatility jumped as political risk took center stage following the advance of the far right in Euro… [+2961 chars]

(彭博社)– 周一,大多数新兴市场货币兑美元走弱,波动性指标跃升,因为随着极右翼在欧洲议会选举中取得进展,政治风险成为焦点。[…]

原文链接:Yahoo Entertainment