

Japan’s economy is shrinking, although slightly less than previously thought

作者: The Associated Press

TOKYO (AP) — The Japanese economy shrank at an annual rate of 1.8% in the first quarter of this year, slightly better than the initial estimate at a 2.0% contraction, according to revised government data Monday. The revision was due to private sector investme…

东京(AP) —— 根据周一修订的政府数据,今年第一季度日本经济以年率1.8%萎缩,略好于最初估计的2.0%的收缩。修订是因为私营部门投资……

TOKYO (AP) The Japanese economy shrank at an annual rate of 1.8% in the first quarter of this year, slightly better than the initial estimate at a 2.0% contraction, according to revised government da… [+2995 chars]

东京(AP) 根据修订后的政府数据,今年第一季度,日本经济以1.8%的年率萎缩,略好于最初估计的2.0%的收缩率。… [+2995 chars]

原文链接:Financial Post