

India eyes oil deals with nations including Russia, minister says

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(marketscreener.com) Indian Oil Minister
Hardeep Singh Puri on Tuesday announced that state-run Bharat
Petroleum Corp plans to build a new refinery and the
nation is looking at signing more oil import deals with
countries including Russia at discounted rates.…

(market screener.com) 印度石油部长哈迪普·辛格·普里周二宣布,国有企业印度石油公司计划建造一座新炼油厂,并且该国正在考虑以优惠价格与包括俄罗斯在内的国家签署更多石油进口协议。…

NEW DELHI, June 11 (Reuters) – Indian Oil Minister
Hardeep Singh Puri on Tuesday announced that state-run Bharat
Petroleum Corp plans to build a new refinery and the
nation is looking at signing m… [+2016 chars]

新德里,6月11日(路透社)- 印度石油部长哈迪普·辛格·普里周二宣布,国有企业印度石油公司计划建设一座新炼油厂,并且该国正在考虑签署…[+2016个字符]
