新闻24 | 肯尼亚的鲁托为400名前往海地打击帮派的警察举行告别仪式

新闻24 | 肯尼亚的鲁托为400名前往海地打击帮派的警察举行告别仪式

News24 | Kenya’s Ruto bids ceremonial farewell to 400 Haiti-bound police due to tackle gangs

作者: news24

Kenya’s President William Ruto bid a ceremonial goodbye on Monday to some 400 police officers set to lead a UN-backed mission to tackle gang violence in Haiti, the presidency said.


  • Kenyan President William Ruto sent about 400 police officers off with prayer and a flag on Monday.
  • They are headed to Haiti as part of an anti-gang initiative.
  • Several other c… [+3881 chars]

    • 肯尼亚总统威廉·鲁托周一在祈祷和升旗仪式后,派出大约400名警察。
    • 他们作为打击帮派行动的一部分前往海地。
    • 还有几个其他…
