

Bitcoin Whales Switching To Risk-Off Mode After $61,000 Crash

作者: Keshav Verma

On-chain data shows the Bitcoin whales have been dialing back risk on derivatives exchanges following the latest downturn in the cryptocurrency. Bitcoin Inter-Exchange Flow Pulse Has Just Turned Red As explained by CryptoQuant founder and CEO Ki Young Ju in a…

链上数据显示,在加密货币最近一次下跌之后,比特币鲸鱼已在衍生品交易所上减少风险。正如CryptoQuant的创始人兼首席执行官Ki Young Ju在一条解释中提到的,比特币交易所间流量脉搏刚刚变红。

Keshav is currently a senior writer at NewsBTC and has been attached to the website since June 14, 2021. Keshav has been writing for many years, first as a hobbyist and later as a freelancer. He has … [+2820 chars]

Keshav 目前是 NewsBTC 的高级撰稿人,自2021年6月14日起便一直为该网站撰写文章。Keshav 写作多年,起初是作为业余爱好,后来成为自由职业者。他有过……[+2820个字符]的经历。
