

Fall in Household Financial Savings actually a worry

作者: Gayatri Nayak

The Reserve Bank of India has warned that household debt needs close monitoring due to a decline in overall household savings to 18.4% of GDP in FY2022-23, and an increasing trend in financial liabilities. The share of net financial savings in total household…


Even as jury is out whether the fall in financial savings of the household is anything to worry about as it has gone towards buying physical assets, the Reserve Bank of India has warned that from the… [+1886 chars]


1. 家庭金融储蓄
2. 下降
3. 担忧
4. 陪审团
5. 裁决
6. 实物资产
7. 印度储备银行
8. 警告

1. 家庭金融储蓄:指的是家庭在金融体系中存储的资金,用于未来的消费或应急。
2. 下降:表示家庭金融储蓄的金额在减少。
3. 担忧:对于家庭金融储蓄下降这一现象,人们感到忧虑,因为这可能影响家庭的财务安全和未来的消费能力。
4. 陪审团:在此上下文中,可能指代一个负责评估或裁决的团体,他们还没有对家庭金融储蓄下降的现象做出判断。
5. 裁决:指陪审团或相关机构对某一问题做出的正式决定或判断。
6. 实物资产:指的是有形的资产,如房地产、汽车等,这里指家庭可能已经将储蓄用于购买这些资产。
7. 印度储备银行:是印度的中央银行,负责制定和实施货币政策,维护金融稳定。
8. 警告:表明印度储备银行已经对家庭金融储蓄下降的趋势发出正式的预警,提示可能存在的风险。

原文链接:The Times of India