
不孕症药物与设备市场预计到2034年将以6.2%的复合年增长率增长:Visiongain。 Infertility Drugs & Devices market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.2% by 2034: Visiongain 作者: Visiongain Reports Ltd Visiongain has published a new report entitled Infertility Drugs & Devices Market Report 2024-2034: Forecasts by Product (Drugs, Equipment, Media & Consumables, Accessories), by Procedure (Assisted Reproductive Technology, Artificial Insemination, Fertility S… visiongain发布了一份题为《不孕症药物与设备市场报告2024-2034:按产品(药物、设备、培养基与消耗品、配件)和程序(辅助生殖技术、人工授精、生育手术等)预测》的新报告。 … Read more


印度经济有望保持高增长轨迹:ITC报告指出。 India economy likely to sustain high growth trajectory: ITC 作者: PTI Indian conglomerate ITC predicts the Indian economy will sustain its high growth trajectory in FY2024-25 due to strong momentum in fixed investments and private consumption. The growth is supported by a good Rabi harvest and normal monsoons. Factors like a fa… 印度企业集团ITC预测,由于固定投资和私人消费的强劲势头,印度经济在2024-25财年将保持高增长轨迹。这一增长得到了良好的拉比作物收成和正常的季风的支持。诸如积极的…(此处原文似乎不完整) The … Read more


热门航空公司宣布在奥兰多国际机场开设全新直达航班。 Popular Airline Announces NEW Nonstop Flight at Orlando International Airport 作者: Emily Burrus There’s a new nonstop flight option at the Orlando International Airport. The post Popular Airline Announces NEW Nonstop Flight at Orlando International Airport appeared first on AllEars.Net. 奥兰多国际机场新增了不停靠中转的航班选项。 热门航空公司宣布在奥兰多国际机场推出全新不停靠航班的首条消息出现在AllEars.Net。 Flying to Disney World soon? We’ve got an update for you. Orlando … Read more


泰米尔纳杜的SIPCOT旨在为工业工人提供可持续的住房。 Tamil Nadu’s SIPCOT aims to provide sustainable housing for industrial workers 作者: BL Chennai Bureau Projects include an 807-bed working women’s hostel in SIPCOT Industrial Park, Siruseri, and a large industrial housing facility with 18,720 beds at Vallam-Vadagal. 项目包括在Siruseri SIPCOT工业园区的一个拥有807张床位的职业女性宿舍,以及Vallam-Vadagal的一个大型工业住宅设施,拥有18,720张床位。 State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu (SIPCOT) has formed a Special Purpose Vehicle … Read more


为何积累这家共同基金公司可能会带来回报? Why it may be rewarding to accumulate this mutual fund company 作者: Venkatasubramanian K & BL Research Bureau HDFC Asset Management Company (HDFC AMC), India’s third-largest mutual fund company, managed Rs 6.07 lakh crore as of March 2024, showing strong AUM growth and significant inflows into equity-oriented schemes. With industry-leading operating margins, a rising… … Read more


为何多资产策略在2024年是理想的? Why a multi-asset strategy is ideal for 2024 作者: Ashish Shanker Despite market peaks, the outlook remains positive due to corporate deleveraging, a revived capex cycle, and steady profit growth. Large-cap valuations benefit from strong earnings, while mid- and small-caps trade at premiums. Supportive fiscal policies and l… 尽管市场达到峰值,但由于企业去杠杆、资本支出周期的复苏以及稳定的利润增长,前景依然乐观。大型股的估值得益于强劲的收益,而中盘和小型股则以溢价交易。支持性的财政政策及……(此处原文缺失,无法提供完整翻译)。 Though markets have been touching … Read more


兰科制药与西普拉合作分销新尿路感染药物。 Orchid Pharma ties up with Cipla for new UTI drug’s distribution 作者: Our Bureau Orchid Pharma launches new drug Cefepime-Enmetazobactam to combat antimicrobial resistance, partners with Cipla for distribution in India. 兰花制药推出新药Cefepime-Enmetazobactam以对抗抗菌耐药性,与Cipla合作在印度进行分销。 Chennai-based Orchid Pharma Ltd today announced the launch of its new drug – Cefepime-Enmetazobactam, meant for the treatment of complicated Urinary Tract … Read more


公积金提领福利扩展至服务不足6个月的会员。 EPF withdrawal benefits extended to members with under 6 months of service 作者: Shiva Rajora EPF withdrawal: The move is expected to benefit more than 700,000 EPS members every year who leave the scheme with less than six months of contributory service 公积金提取:预计该举措将使每年超过70万名在少于六个月供款服务后离开公积金计划的EPS会员受益。 The move is expected to benefit more than 700,000 EPS members … Read more


棕榈油会议概述了到2025-26年增加额外60万公顷种植面积的计划。 Palm oil meet outlines plans to increase area by additional 0.6 m hectares by 2025-26 作者: BL Mangaluru Bureau Plans were outlined to expand oil palm cultivation area by an additional 0.6 million hectares by 2025-26 at a seminar on palm oil in Indore on Friday. 计划在周五于印多尔举行的一场棕榈油研讨会上提出,到2025-26年将额外扩大油棕种植面积60万公顷。 Plans were outlined to expand oil palm … Read more


巴基斯坦国民议会通过了2024-2025财年18877亿卢比的预算。 Pakistan’s National Assembly passes Rs 18,877 billion budget for fiscal 2024-25 作者: PTI The budget, facing opposition, sets growth targets and tax revenue goals while addressing concerns about IMF loans and tax exemptions to aid economic growth. 预算案面临反对声音,在设定增长目标和税收收入目标的同时,也解决了关于国际货币基金组织贷款和税收减免以促进经济增长的关切。 Islamabad: Cash-strapped Pakistan’s Parliament on Friday passed a Rs 18,877 billion budget for the fiscal year … Read more