
投资者表示特朗普对股市更有利,但对于市场走向意见分歧,CNBC调查显示。 Investors say Trump is better for stocks, but are split on where the market is heading, CNBC survey shows 作者: None A new CNBC Delivering Alpha Stock Survey of 400 money managers shows they think Trump is better for stocks, but they’re split where the market is heading. 一项针对400位资金管理者的CNBC Delivering Alpha股票调查表明,他们认为特朗普对股市更有利,但对于市场走势,他们意见分歧。 Former President Donald … Read more

印度储备银行正在使用人工智能进行实时数据分析,行长Shaktikanta Das说。

印度储备银行正在使用人工智能进行实时数据分析,行长Shaktikanta Das说。 RBI Is Using AI For Real-Time Data Analysis, Says Governor Shaktikanta Das 作者: None The Reserve Bank has ventured into Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) analytics in multiple areas in order to develop cutting-edge systems for high frequency and real-time data monitoring and analysis, RBI Governor said today. 储备银行已经在多个领域尝试使用人工智能(AI)和机器学习(ML)分析,以开发用于高频和实时数据监控与分析的前沿系统,央行行长今天说道。 The Reserve … Read more


德里机场1号航站楼屋顶坍塌揭示了其与雨水灾害的历史渊源。 Delhi Airport Terminal 1 roof collapse sheds light on its history with rain disasters 作者: ET Online Amid torrential rainfall in Delhi, the collapse of Terminal 1 at the Indira Gandhi International Airport has not only resulted in tragic loss of life but also reignited a heated blame game between the Modi government and … Read more

Dhruva Space与法国公司Kinéis合作,在印度提供物联网连接;将在P-30卫星上搭载物联网有效载荷。

Dhruva Space与法国公司Kinéis合作,在印度提供物联网连接;将在P-30卫星上搭载物联网有效载荷。 Dhruva Space ties up with French player Kinéis to provide IoT connectivity in India; to host IoT payload on P-30 satellite 作者: Swati Bharadwaj India Business News: HYDERABAD: Spacetech startup Dhruva Space on Friday said it has beefed up its collaboration with French satellite operator and global IoT connectivity. 印度商业新闻:海得拉巴:太空技术初创公司Dhruva Space周五表示,已加强与法国卫星运营商及全球物联网连接的合作。 FD Calculator … Read more


印度今日起成为全球债券指数的一部分。 India Becomes Part Of Global Bond Index Effective Today 作者: None India government bonds or government securities are set for inclusion in the global bond index from today. 印度政府债券或政府证券将从今天起被纳入全球债券指数。 India’s inclusion in global bond index effective today. Mumbai: India government bonds or government securities are set for inclusion in the global bond index from … Read more


“良好的反洗钱金融行动特别工作组评级帮助印度公司无需繁琐的背景审查即可筹集海外资金” ‘Good FATF rating to help India Inc raise overseas funds without elaborate background checks’ 作者: PTI India has been given a good FATF rating, allowing domestic companies to access overseas investments without extensive background checks and enhanced due diligence processes. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) praised India for its high level of technical … Read more


市场在对新政府乐观情绪的推动下,实现了自12月以来最佳的单月涨幅。 Markets see best monthly advance since Dec amid optimism around new govt 作者: Sundar Sethuraman The gains come amid the background of strong economic data and optimism around the functioning of the new government 收益是在经济数据强劲和新政府运作乐观的背景下出现的。 The gains come amid the background of strong economic data and optimism around the functioning of the new government … Read more

CCI 将很快对竞争规则进行修改。

CCI 将很快对竞争规则进行修改。 CCI to shortly come out with changes to competition rules 作者: PTI The Competition Commission of India (CCI) is set to announce changes to competition rules, including those related to green channel approvals for mergers and acquisitions. The regulator is focusing on advocacy efforts and capacity building. The changes will a… 印度竞争委员会(CCI)即将宣布对竞争规则进行调整,包括与合并和收购的绿色通道审批相关的内容。监管机构正专注于倡导工作和能力建设。这些变化将…… Fair … Read more


DXC技术被指控拖延超过4800名校园招聘新员工的入职。 DXC technology accused of delaying onboarding of over 4,800 campus recruits 作者: Sanjana B The union has written a letter to Mansukh Mandaviya, the Union minister of labour and employment, requesting him to take action against the company 工会已致信劳动与就业联盟部长Mansukh Mandaviya,请求他对该公司采取行动。 IT-employee union Nascent Information Technology Employees Senate (NITES) has accused DXC technology, formed by … Read more


JFrog(纳斯达克:FROG)发布2024年第二季度业绩指引。 JFrog (NASDAQ:FROG) Releases Q2 2024 Earnings Guidance 作者: MarketBeat News JFrog (NASDAQ:FROG – Get Free Report) issued an update on its second quarter 2024 earnings guidance on Friday morning. The company provided earnings per share (EPS) guidance of 0.130-0.150 for the period, compared to the consensus estimate of 0.140. The compa… JFrog(纳斯达克股票代码:FROG – 获取免费报告)在周五早上发布了2024年第二季度盈利预期的更新。该公司对该期间的每股收益(EPS)预期为0.130-0.150美元,相较于市场普遍预期的0.140美元。这家公司…… … Read more