
预算文件及其含义,由财政部进行解读。 Budget documents and their meanings, decoded by Ministry of Finance 作者: iStock The Department of Economic Affairs under the Ministry of Finance has explained the meanings of different documents that you will come across while reading the Budget for this year. The first one in the list is Annual Financial Statement. As per the … Read more

RAIR Technologies助力开发者通过印度最大的黑客马拉松构建Web3应用。

RAIR Technologies助力开发者通过印度最大的黑客马拉松构建Web3应用。 RAIR Technologies Empowers Developers to Build Web3 Applications through India’s Largest Hackathon 作者: RAIR RAIR Technologies aims to fuel Web3 growth in India by offering a token pool prize for hackathon champions RAIR Technologies aims to fuel Web3 growth in India by offering a token pool prize for hackathon champions RAIR Technologies旨在通过为黑客马拉松冠军提供代币池奖励,推动印度Web3的发展。 Delhi, … Read more


每日赫勒:为古老生活方式打造的新品牌。 The Daily Heller: A New Brand for an Old Way of Life 作者: Steven Heller How would you brand democracy? 你如何定义民主? “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” Winston S. Churchill, 1947 “A democratic government … Read more


零售投资者使用互惠基金单位作为短期贷款的抵押品。 Retail investors using Mutual Fund units as collateral for short-term loans 作者: Ayush Mishra Mutual fund loans for retail investors: By opting for a loan instead of redeeming your mutual fund units, you can continue to benefit from potential market appreciation and compound growth. 互惠基金贷款针对个人投资者:选择贷款而不是赎回您的互惠基金份额,您可以继续从潜在的市场增值和复利增长中受益。 By opting for a loan instead of redeeming your … Read more


新集装箱服务将查尔斯顿港与印度连接起来。 New container service links Port of Charleston to India 作者: David Wren The first container ship in a new, weekly Ocean Network Express service linking India with the Port of Charleston’s arrived at Wando Welch Terminal this week. 全新的一周一次连接印度与查尔斯顿港的Ocean Network Express服务的首艘集装箱船本周抵达了旺多韦尔奇码头。 The first vessel in a new weekly service connecting the Port of Charleston … Read more

游戏化数字学习平台 – Khired Kids教授儿童机器人学、编程及其他内容(TrendHunter.com)

游戏化数字学习平台 – Khired Kids教授儿童机器人学、编程及其他内容(TrendHunter.com) Gamified Digital Learning Platforms – Khired Kids Teaches Children Robotics, Coding, and More (TrendHunter.com) 作者: Ellen Smith (TrendHunter.com) Khired Kids, a pioneering initiative by Khired Networks in collaboration with international partners, is transforming the educational landscape in Pakistan. Targeting children aged 5 to 10 years,… (TrendHunter.com) 喀里德儿童,由喀里德网络与国际合作伙伴共同推出的开创性举措,正在改变巴基斯坦的教育格局。 目标是5至10岁的儿童…… Khired Kids, a … Read more


企业买家指南:适用于商务的安卓智能手机 Enterprise buyer’s guide: Android smartphones for business 作者: Galen Gruman Android dominates smartphone usage throughout the world — in every region except North America and Oceania. Thus, businesses in many regions are likely to support and issue Android devices to employees as their mainstay mobile devices. Even in areas where App… 安卓在全球智能手机使用中占主导地位——除了北美和大洋洲的每个地区。因此,许多地区的企业很可能支持并发放安卓设备作为员工的主要移动设备。即使在应用…的地区也是如此。 Android version: … Read more


经济外交是政府首要任务:外交部长Shrestha。 Economic diplomacy is govt’s top priority: Foreign Minister Shrestha 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: Minister for Foreign Affairs Narayan Kaji Shrestha has asked Nepal’s diplomatic missions abroad to work proactively for export expansion, tourism promotion and foreign employment management since the government attaches top priority to economic dip… 加德满都:外交部长纳拉扬·卡吉·什雷什塔要求尼泊尔驻外使团积极工作,扩大出口、促进旅游业发展以及管理海外就业,因为政府将经济发展放在首要位置。 KATHMANDU: Minister for Foreign Affairs Narayan Kaji … Read more


2024年从印度出发的经济实惠的国际旅行;查看以下列表。 Budget-friendly International Trips From India 2024; check the list below 作者: Sudeep Singh Rawat Budget international travel destinations 2024: If travelling is your thing and you want to explore the world without stretching your budget, then are the top destinations to cover under your budget 2024年预算国际旅行目的地:如果旅行是你的爱好,而且你想在不超支的情况下探索世界,那么以下是在你预算内的顶级目的地。 If travelling is your thing and you want … Read more


印度黄金买家推迟了他们的购买计划,热切期待莫迪政府在联邦预算中是否会削减进口关税。 India gold buyers postpone their purchasing plans, keenly waiting to see if Modi government cuts import duty in Union Budget 作者: ET Online BUDGET NEWS: Indian gold demand remains subdued due to high prices, with expectations of an import duty cut in the upcoming budget. Meanwhile, Chinese demand also declined. Domestic gold prices hovered … Read more