
阿里巴巴在东南亚和墨西哥扩张之际,将关闭澳大利亚和印度的数据中心。 Alibaba to close data centres in Australia, India amid expansion in Southeast Asia, Mexico 作者: None None If you click ‘Accept all’, we and our partners, including 237 who are part of the IAB Transparency & Consent Framework, will also store and/or access information on a device (in other words, use … [+678 chars] … Read more

正庚烷市场 – 全球行业分析,规模,份额,增长,趋势及2031年预测 – 关键行业需求激增/中国主导,亚太地区及拉丁美洲展现良好增长前景

正庚烷市场 – 全球行业分析,规模,份额,增长,趋势及2031年预测 – 关键行业需求激增/中国主导,亚太地区及拉丁美洲展现良好增长前景 n-Heptane Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2031 – Surge in Demand from Key Industries/China Leads, APEJ&C and Latin America Show Promising Growth 作者: Research and Markets Dublin, June 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “n-Heptane Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, … Read more

Airtel 与 Jio:最新价格上调后的预付费计划比较

Airtel 与 Jio:最新价格上调后的预付费计划比较 Airtel vs Jio: Prepaid Plans Comparison After Latest Price Hike 作者: Rohan Pal Airtel and Reliance Jio have increased the prices of their prepaid plans in India. The new pricing will be implemented from July 03, 2024. Both operators have increased the pricing by up to 20 percent. So, if you are … Read more


刚果渴望加入金砖国家——总统说 Congo keen on joining BRICS – president 作者: RT Congolese President Denis Sassou Nguesso has said his country is interested in joining the BRICS Read Full Article at RT.com 刚果总统德尼·萨苏-恩格索表示,他的国家有兴趣加入金砖国家。在RT.com上阅读全文。 The president of the Republic of the Congo, Denis Sassou Nguesso, has expressed his country’s interest in becoming a member of BRICS. The African … Read more


HDFC银行新信用卡规定将于8月1日起生效——滞纳金调整;房租、公用事业缴费费用增加。 HDFC Bank’s new credit card rules to take effect from August 1 — late fee revised; rent, utility payments to cost more 作者: Livemint HDFC Bank revises credit card regulations, implements charges on transactions done via third-party apps. HDFC银行修订信用卡规定,对通过第三方应用程序完成的交易实施收费。 HDFC Bank, the biggest private sector bank in India, has revised its terms and conditions … Read more


印度房地产市场显示出疲软迹象:2024年第二季度,顶级城市销量下降。 Indian housing market shows signs of fatigue: Sales decline across top cities in Q2 2024 作者: Arnab Dutta Steady rise in prices of homes over the last three years have begun to impact consumer sentiment in the housing market, says Anarock 过去三年房价的稳步上涨已经开始影响房地产市场的消费者情绪,Anarock这样说。 Growing at a fast clip for the past three and half years, … Read more


康斯堡公司将海军打击导弹的电子订单授予Kitron公司。 KONGSBERG awards electronics order for Naval Strike Missile to Kitron 作者: Kitron ASA (2024-06-28) Kitron has received orders with a value of over NOK 500 million from Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (KONGSBERG). The order is for…… (2024年6月28日) 奇特龙公司(Kitron)收到了来自康斯堡防务与航空航天公司(Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace,简称KONGSBERG)的总价值超过5亿挪威克朗的订单。该订单是用于……。 (注:由于未提供完整句子,翻译中省略号保留了原文的省略部分。) (2024-06-28) Kitron has received orders with a value of over NOK 500 … Read more


美国宣布悬赏100万美元,奖励给俄罗斯GRU黑客,该黑客对乌克兰发动了网络攻击。 US announces a $10M reward for Russia’s GRU hacker behind attacks on Ukraine 作者: Pierluigi Paganini The US DoJ announced charges against a member of Russia’s military intelligence service GRU for conducting wiper attacks on Ukraine in 2022. The US Department of Justice (DoJ) announced charges against Russian national Amin Timovich Stigal, who is … Read more


奇怪的世界杯让英格兰的未来悬而未决。 ‘Strange World Cup leaves England futures in the air’ 作者: Matthew Henry An up-and-down T20 World Cup means questions about England’s hierarchy have not been answered and doubts remain about the future, writes Matthew Henry. 一项起伏不定的T20世界杯意味着关于英格兰等级地位的问题尚未得到解答,关于未来的疑虑依然存在,马修·亨利写道。 Motts position is less certain, simply because head coaches are easier to replace. Key has already tipped one … Read more


巴基斯坦议会批准了负担税收的预算,此前进行了新一轮IMF贷款谈判。 Pak Parliament passes tax-laden budget ahead of talks on fresh IMF loan 作者: Reuters Pakistan is in talks with the IMF for a loan of $6 billion to $8 billion 巴基斯坦正在与国际货币基金组织(IMF)就一笔60亿至80亿美元的贷款进行谈判。 Muhammad Aurangzeb, Pakistans finance minister, during an interview in Islamabad, Pakistan, on Friday, March 22, 2024. Aurangzeb said he’s keen to tap Chinese … Read more