
家庭债务需要被密切关注。 Household debt needs to be kept under watch 作者: ET Bureau “With overall household savings declining to 18.4% of GDP (gross domestic product) in FY23 from an average of 20% of GDP over 2013-2022, and coupled with an increasing trend in financial liabilities, household debt warrants close monitoring from a financial s… 随着家庭储蓄在FY23年下降至占国内生产总值(GDP)的18.4%(2013-2022年期间平均为GDP的20%),同时金融负债呈现上升趋势,家庭债务问题需要从金融稳定性的角度进行密切关注。 Mumbai: … Read more


技术进步助力乡村繁荣 Technological Advancements for Rural Prosperity 作者: statetimes_editor Dr. Banarsi Lal India is a land of villages and about 70 per cent of India’s population lives in the rural areas. Agriculture is the backbone of the rural economy. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has rendered great service in the scientific… 班萨里·拉尔博士印度是一个乡村之国,大约70%的印度人口生活在农村地区。农业是农村经济的支柱。印度农业研究理事会(ICAR)在科学领域提供了巨大的服务…… Dr. Banarsi … Read more


银行资本充足,能够应对宏观经济冲击。 Banks well capitalised to handle macro shocks 作者: ET Bureau “Under the baseline scenario, the aggregate CRAR (capital to risk weighted asset ratio) of 46 major banks is projected to slip from 16.7% in March 2024 to 16.1% by March 2025,” the RBI said in its June 2024 Financial Stability Report. 在基准情景下,46家主要银行的合并资本充足率(资本对风险加权资产比率)预计将从2024年3月的16.7%降至2025年3月的16.1%,印度储备银行在其2024年6月的金融稳定报告中指出。 Mumbai: Various … Read more


评论:在世界各地酷热难当之际,全球气候领导者需要更优质的数据。 Commentary: The world’s climate leaders need better data amid sweltering heat 作者: None The world needs high-quality data like that collected for employment or inflation to guide governments in their response, says Mihir Sharma for Bloomberg Opinion. 世界需要像就业或通货膨胀那样收集的高质量数据,以指导政府做出应对,彭博观点的Mihir Sharma表示。 NEW DELHI: It isnt hard to understand that global warming is already changing how we … Read more


通用磨坊的销量、印度零食、北美即食餐——这就是本周《只关于食品》的数据报道。 General Mills’ volumes, snacks in India, ready-meals in North America – Just Food’s week in data 作者: None None If you click ‘Accept all’, we and our partners, including 237 who are part of the IAB Transparency & Consent Framework, will also store and/or access information on a device (in other words, use … … Read more

LockBit 团体错误地宣称对美联储的网络攻击负责。

LockBit 团体错误地宣称对美联储的网络攻击负责。 LockBit group wrongly claimed the hack of the Federal Reserve 作者: Pierluigi Paganini The LockBit ransomware group seems to have lied when they announced the hack of the US Federal Reserve. The real victim is the Evolve Bank. The LockBit ransomware group hasn’t hacked the Federal Reserve as it has recently claimed, the … Read more


斯里兰卡与中国、法国等国就债务重组达成协议。 Sri Lanka agrees on debt restructuring with China, France, others 作者: Cnbc Sri Lanka’s President Ranil Wickremesinghe announced a debt restructuring deal with its various creditors Wednesday, marking progress in its economic recovery. 斯里兰卡总统拉尼尔·维克勒马辛哈周三宣布与各债权人达成债务重组协议,标志着该国经济复苏取得进展。 Sri Lanka’s President Ranil Wickremesinghe announced a debt restructuring deal with countries including India, France, Japan and China in a televised address to the … Read more


10个不常见的商业理念,可能会让你作为创业创始人获得优势。 10 Uncommon Business Concepts That Could Give You An Edge As A Startup Founder 作者: Abdo Riani, Senior Contributor, Abdo Riani, Senior Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/abdoriani/ Unusual concepts would improve your thinking by making it unique. Here are ten uncommon business concepts that can sharpen your business mind and give you an edge. 不同寻常的概念能让你的思维变得独特。以下是十个不常见的商业概念,它们可以磨练你的商业头脑,并给你带来优势。 Unusual concepts … Read more

BPCL子公司获得NCLT批准接管Videocon Oil

BPCL子公司获得NCLT批准接管Videocon Oil BPCL subsidiary gets NCLT nod to take over Videocon Oil 作者: Joel Rebello Bharat PetroResources secured the acquisition of Videocon Oil Ventures by matching offers and paying upfront, resulting in minimal creditor recovery. The resolution professional managed claims totaling ₹30,640 crore from financial creditors. 印度石油资源公司通过匹配报价并预付款项,成功收购了维迪康石油风险投资公司,使得债权人回收资金最小化。负责清算的专业人员管理了来自金融债权人的总计30,640亿卢比的索赔。 Mumbai: A Mumbai bankruptcy court has approved a … Read more


塞比简化了债务证券公开发行流程。 Sebi streamlines process for public issue of debt securities 作者: PTI Further, the minimum subscription period has been cut from 3 to 2 working days, and the listing timeline has been reduced from T+6 to T+3 working days, which will be initially optional for one year and mandatory thereafter, Sebi chief Madhabi Puri Buch … Read more