
每部奥斯卡最佳影片奖获奖电影,按票房排名 Every Oscars Best Picture-Winning Movie, Ranked By Box Office 作者: Hannah Yasharoff The Academy Award for Best Picture isn’t decided by popular vote, but many of them racked up plenty of dough at the box office anyway. Ranking each Best Picture winner by box-office performance is no small feat–for six films ranging from the … Read more


非居民印度人如何充分利用互惠基金平台? How NRIs can make the most of mutual fund platforms 作者: Shreyas Arora Investing in mutual funds in India as an NRI made easy with platforms like Vance, SBNRI, and iNRI. 在印度的NRI通过Vance、SBNRI和iNRI等平台投资共同基金变得更加简便。 As NRIs are remitting money to India at higher numbers than ever, there is a common question they all have. How do … Read more


比拉集团巩固领先地位,阿达尼的计划逐渐成形。 Birla Group cements lead, Adani plans taking shape 作者: Nikita Periwal and Kala Vijayraghavan According to industry observers, the competition for leadership in the cement sector is expected to escalate following the Adani group’s announcement of ambitious expansion plans. Currently, however, the Kumar Mangalam Birla group appears to have strengthened… 根据行业观察人士的说法,在阿达尼集团宣布了雄心勃勃的扩张计划后,预计水泥行业的领导地位竞争将会加剧。然而,目前来看,库马尔·曼加拉姆·比尔拉集团似乎已经加强了…… The battle for … Read more


Z世代如何重塑印度护肤市场的规则 How Gen Z is retouching the rules of the skincare market in India 作者: Sagar Malviya These youngsters are far more conscious of what goes on to their skin, compared to millennials and Gen X. They no longer chase basic whitening or moisturising creams. Influenced by social media, the young India have educated themselves … Read more

环境监测市场价值186亿美元 | MarketsandMarkets™

环境监测市场价值186亿美元 | MarketsandMarkets™ Environmental Monitoring Market Worth $18.6 billion | MarketsandMarkets™ 作者: None CHICAGO, June 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Environmental Monitoring Market in terms of revenue was estimated to be worth $14.7 billion in 2024 and is poised to reach $18.6 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 4.9% from 2024 to 2029 according … Read more


我们不像以前那样经常谈论加密货币了,但外面依然有很多骗子。 We’re not talking about cryptocurrency as much as we used to, but there are still plenty of scammers out there 作者: Jonathan Munshaw A report in March found that 72% of cryptocurrency projects had died since 2020, with crypto trading platform FTX’s downfall taking out many of them in one fell swoop. 一份三月的研究报告发现,自2020年以来,有72%的加密货币项目已经死亡,其中加密货币交易平台FTX的崩溃一次就带走了许多项目。 AI … Read more

看上去年轻健康是新的富有,Varun Alagh这样说。

看上去年轻健康是新的富有,Varun Alagh这样说。 Looking young and healthy is the new rich, says Varun Alagh 作者: Sagar Malviya Through influencer marketing and product differentiation, skincare brands like Mamaearth and The DermaCo cater to a wide Indian audience. The industry’s focus on active ingredients and transparency aligns with global skincare trends. Dermatologists and influe… 通过影响者营销和产品差异化,像Mamaearth和The DermaCo这样的护肤品牌吸引了广泛的印度受众。行业对活性成分和透明度的关注与全球护肤趋势相一致。皮肤科医生和影响者……(此处原文未完整,无法提供完整翻译)。 Varun Alagh, … Read more


蒂森克虏伯印度公司着手可持续航空燃料的探索。 Thyssenkrupp India lines up sustainable aviation fuel foray 作者: Anirban Chowdhury Thyssenkrupp Industries India, whose majority shares were recently sold by its German parent company, is set to enter the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) sector as part of its new business strategy under Indian ownership. Vivek Bhatia, the managing director, … 蒂森克虏伯工业印度公司,其多数股权最近被德国母公司出售,计划在印度所有权下作为其新商业战略的一部分,进入可持续航空燃料(SAF)领域。总经理Vivek Bhatia…… Thyssenkrupp … Read more


Flipkart上的卖家在更改价格时遇到问题,公司否认在定价方面进行任何干预。 Sellers on Flipkart facing issue in changing price, firms denies any intervention in pricing 作者: PTI The Walmart group firm, however, denied any role in influencing pricing on the platform and said that it is working with sellers to help them understand the new rate card policy. 沃尔玛集团旗下公司否认在平台上对定价有任何影响,并表示正在与卖家合作,帮助他们理解新的费率卡政策。 Some sellers on Flipkart have complained … Read more


到2029年5G用户将达到56亿,但4G将在三个地区保持主导地位。 5G to hit 5.6 billion subscribers in 2029, but 4G will remain dominant in three regions 作者: Eileen Yu Globally, total mobile data traffic will more than triple in the next five years. Growing AI adoption could push that even higher. 全球范围内,移动数据流量在未来五年将增长三倍以上。人工智能的广泛应用可能会使这一数字进一步提高。 FeelPic/Getty Images The number of 5G subscriptions is expected to hit 5.6 … Read more