
CAG报告指出泰米尔纳德邦外来务工人员登记存在缺陷。 CAG report points out flaws in migrant workers registration in Tamil Nadu 作者: Vivek Narayanan CHENNAI: The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) report has lashed out at the Tamil Nadu Construction Workers Welfare Board (TNCWWB) for th. 钦奈:印度审计总长(CAG)的报告严厉批评了泰米尔纳德邦建筑工人福利委员会(TNCWWB)的做法。 9 vegetables that improve eyesight naturally 9种自然改善视力的蔬菜 关键词: 1. CAG报告 2. 泰米尔纳德邦 3. 外来务工人员 … Read more


印度必须解决飙升的中国钢铁进口问题:AMNS印度的兰詹·达尔 India must tackle soaring Chinese steel imports: Ranjan Dhar of AMNS India 作者: Abhishek Law Indian steel industry faces challenges from rising Chinese imports, pushing for increased customs duty to protect domestic market. 印度钢铁行业面临来自中国进口增加的挑战,推动提高关税以保护国内市场。 New Delhi Indian authorities need to take various measures for controlling rising steel imports from China, and other indirect sources … Read more


奢侈品水果世界:156美元的瓜会更甜吗? The World of Luxury Fruit: Does $156 Melon Taste Sweeter? 作者: dnyuz A $396 pineapple comes tucked into an ornate red box which unfurls like origami and is punched with breathing holes. 一个396美元的菠萝被精心放置在一个装饰华丽的红盒子里,盒子像折纸一样展开,还被打上了透气孔。 A $396 pineapple comes tucked into an ornate red box which unfurls like origami and is punched with breathing holes. A … Read more


奥拉正在研发固态电池,CEO表示可以接受政府逐渐减少电动汽车补贴。 Ola working on solid-state batteries, CEO says okay with govt tapering off EV subsidies 作者: ET Online Ola Electric, led by Bhavish Aggarwal, revolutionizes electric vehicle batteries with cutting-edge technology. Partnering with Beijing Welion New Energy, they achieve a 1000 km range with innovative battery-swapping services. The industry anticipates electric… 奥拉电力公司,在Bhavish Aggarwal的领导下,用尖端技术革新电动汽车电池。与北京威利新能源合作,他们通过创新的电池换电服务实现了1000公里的续航里程。行业预期电动汽车…… Ola Electric … Read more


古吉拉特政府与IBM、微软签署谅解备忘录,以提升人工智能能力。 Gujarat govt signs MoUs with IBM, Microsoft to enhance AI capabilities 作者: Press Trust of India The Gujarat government on Saturday signed memorandums of understanding with software giants IBM and Microsoft, and the National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM) for promoting the use of Artificial Intelligence technologies in the state.… 古吉拉特邦政府周六与软件巨头IBM和微软以及全国软件与服务公司协会(NASSCOM)签署谅解备忘录,以促进该州人工智能技术的应用。… IBM … Read more


孟买房地产登记在六月份猛增12%,为十多年来最高;印花税增长16.65%。 Mumbai property registry surged 12% in June, highest in over a decade; Stamp duty rises 16.65% 作者: Anubhav Mukherjee Real Estate registrations in the city of Mumbai grew 12.11 per cent to 11,569 for June 2024. Out of the total properties registered per month in Mumbai, 80 per cent were residential units, as per … Read more


微小企业延期付款的税务处理将进行调整。 Tax treatment of delayed payments to micro, small businesses in for a tweak 作者: Gireesh Chandra Prasad, Rituraj Baruah The government is considering modifications to the tax treatment introduced last year to discouraged delays in payments to micro and small businesses so it doesn’t backfire on them 政府正在考虑修改去年引入的税收政策,以避免打击小微企业的付款延迟现象,防止对企业产生反效果。 NEW DELHI : The government introduced … Read more


印度-马尔代夫新闻实时更新:马尔代夫美国大使表示中国、美国和印度都是重要的合作伙伴。 India-Maldives News Live Updates: Maldives US envoy says China, US and India are all important partners 作者: Economic Times India-Maldives News Live Updates: The Maldives, which has raised U.S. and Indian concerns by signing defense agreements with China, sees all the big powers in the Indo-Pacific as important partners and considers regional stability vital, … Read more


食品公司瞄准比赛日加快商务活动。 Food Inc eyes quicker commerce on match day 作者: Ajay Rag and Soumyajit Saha With India battling South Africa in the T20 World Cup final this Saturday, quick commerce, food delivery services, restaurants, and brands are bracing for a massive order spike. As fans cheer on the Men in Blue, bars and restaurants screening … Read more


世界银行向绿色氢能市场提供15亿美元推动。 World Bank lends $1.5 billion push to power green hydrogen market 作者: Shilpa Samant India’s energy transition supported by the World Bank includes green hydrogen promotion, renewable energy scaling, and grid code amendments for enhanced integration of battery energy storage solutions. 印度的能源转型得到世界银行的支持,包括推广绿色氢能、扩大可再生能源规模,以及修订电网准则以增强电池储能解决方案的融合。 New Delhi: The World Bank Friday approved a $1.5 billion loan to … Read more