
Delta押注热门科技行业 Delta bets on hot tech sectors 作者: Nareerat Wiriyapong As global electronics demand is projected to pick up in the second half of 2024 following inventory destocking, Delta Electronics (Thailand) expects to be a beneficiary thanks to its product mix, continued expansion and geopolitical diversification. 鉴于预计2024年下半年全球电子需求在库存去化后将有所回升,泰达电子(泰国)因其产品组合、持续的扩张和地缘政治多元化,预计将成为受益者。 As global electronics demand is projected to pick … Read more

丙烷碳酸酯市场规模及份额将在2034年超过4.883亿美元 | 未来市场洞察公司

丙烷碳酸酯市场规模及份额将在2034年超过4.883亿美元 | 未来市场洞察公司 Propylene Carbonate Market Size & Share to Surpass USD 488.3 Million by 2034 | Future Market Insights, Inc. 作者: Future Market Insights Global and Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Shift toward Water-based Formulations in the Propylene Carbonate Sector. FMI Report Reveals how Aqueous Solutions can Redefine Market Dynamics. The United States propylene carbonate market … Read more


众多优惠:餐厅、咖啡馆为世界T20决赛做好准备。 Offers galore: Restaurants, cafes ready pitch for World T20 final 作者: Akshara Srivastava, Ayushman Baruah, Aneeka Chatterjee After India’s big upset in the last ICC World Cup event in November 2023, fans will be out in full force on Saturday evening as India takes on South Africa 在2023年11月举行的最后一次国际板球赛上印度遭遇重大挫折之后,周六晚上印度队对阵南非队时,球迷们将全力支持。 Hashtag, a restaurant in Kolkata, has … Read more


汽车折扣回归,结束了四年的等待名单。 Car discounts are back after 4 years of waitlists 作者: Nandini Sen Gupta India Business News: CHENNAI: Now may be a good time to buy that car you’ve had your eyes on. 印度商业新闻:金奈:现在可能是买入你心仪已久的那辆汽车的好时机。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount you deposit earns interest as per the prevailing… Calculate Now FD计算器 … Read more


4个不寻常的创业理念,可能会给您带来优势。 4 Uncommon Startup Concepts That Could Give You An Edge 作者: Abdo Riani, Senior Contributor, Abdo Riani, Senior Contributor In this article, we continue our mission of exploring the lesser-known concepts in business that can help you think in ways most founders are typically not able to. 在这篇文章中,我们继续我们的任务,探索商业中鲜为人知的概念,这些概念可以帮助你以大多数创始人通常无法做到的方式进行思考。 In this article, we continue … Read more


珠宝商、时尚零售商寄望节日销售。 Jewellers, fashion retailers pin hopes on festive sales 作者: Asmita Dey India Business News: MUMBAI: With discretionary spending still subdued, retailers are pinning hopes on festivities and weddings in the second half of the year to give a le. 印度商业新闻:孟买:由于可自由支配的开支仍然低迷,零售商们寄望于今年下半年的节日和婚礼能够带来提振。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount you deposit earns interest … Read more


清晰心灵医药公司获得香港专利,用于治疗暴饮暴食行为。 Clearmind Medicine secures Hong Kong patent for binge behavior treatment 作者: Clearmind Medicine secures Hong Kong patent for binge behavior treatment 清晰心灵医药公司获得香港专利,用于治疗冲动行为。 VANCOUVER – Clearmind Medicine Inc. (NASDAQ:CMND), (FSE:CWY0), a biotech company specializing in the development of psychedelic-derived therapeutics, has announced the approval of a new patent in Hon… [+4340 chars] 温哥华 – … Read more


印度进入T20世界杯决赛,迪士尼之星提高广告费率。 India in T20 World Cup final, Disney Star hikes ad rates 作者: Javed Farooqui Star Sports is the official TV broadcast partner of the tournament. Prior to the tournament, the broadcaster had quoted spot buy rates of ₹13-26 lakh per 10-second slots for India and knockout games. The average ad rate for all 55 … Read more


印度跨国公司担忧,美国尚未批准全球税收协议。 MNCs in India fret as US yet to ratify global tax deal 作者: Vinod Mahanta Tax experts say the international tax treaty, which Republicans strongly oppose and requires a two-thirds majority in the US Senate to pass, faces significant challenges. Without US ratification, meeting the OECD tax deal’s implementation conditions to reshap… 税务专家表示,这项国际税收协定遭到共和党强烈反对,并且需要获得美国参议院三分之二以上的多数票才能通过,面临着重大挑战。没有美国的批准,满足经合组织税收协议的实施条件,以重塑……(注:原文似乎不完整,未能提供完整句子以供翻译。) Large … Read more


每周SSRN税收文章回顾与汇总:金评论第一支柱及流动性——一个真正的全球解决方案?作者:科斯蒂奇和纳瓦罗 Weekly SSRN Tax Article Review And Roundup: Kim Reviews Pillar One And Mobility – A Truly Global Solution? By Kostić & Navarro 作者: Paul Caron This week, Young Ran (Christine) Kim (Cardozo; Google Scholar) reviews Svetislav Kostić (University of Belgrade Law School; Google Scholar) and Aitor Navarro (Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and … Read more