
2024-25财年东北边疆铁路的毛预算分配为14184.69亿卢比:铁路部长阿什温·瓦什纳夫。 Gross budget allocation for Northeast Frontier Railway for the FY 2024-25 is Rs 14184.69 cr: Railway minister Ashwini Vaishnav 作者: Bikash Singh Ashwini Vaishnaw, Union Minister for Railways, announced a significant budget allocation of Rs. 14,183.69 crores for Northeast Frontier Railway for FY 2024-25. The allocation for North-eastern states, Rs. 10,376 crores, was substantially … Read more


五年内为城市增加250趟城郊列车服务:铁路部长。 250 more suburban train services for city in 5 yrs: Rly minister 作者: Manthank Mehta Railway minister announces plans to increase suburban train services and long-distance trains in Mumbai over the next five years. Maharashtra allocated record budget for railway projects. Capacity augmentation and terminal stations to improve transportation. 铁路部长宣布未来五年内增加孟买郊区列车服务和长途列车的计划。马哈拉施特拉邦为铁路项目分配了创纪录的预算。提高运力和终端站将改善交通状况。 10 evening snacks made … Read more


HMD的“更好的手机计划”能改变过度使用智能手机的状况吗? Can HMD’s Better Phone Project shift the dial on excessive smartphone use? 作者: Jonathan Bell Human Mobile Devices wants to explore ways to diffuse the digital deluge affecting young people’s mental health, and it’s looking for everyone’s help 人类移动设备公司想要探索缓解影响青少年心理健康的数字信息洪流的方法,并且在寻求每个人的帮助。 We use our phones way too much. An increasing number of studies are pointing to … Read more


嫁妆收费常被用作一种施压手段,古吉拉特邦高等法院表示。 Dowry charges often used as a pressure tactic, says Gujarat HC 作者: TNN India News: AHMEDABAD: Gujarat HC has observed that women often resort to pressure tactics and level dowry allegations against their husbands and in-laws to make . 印度新闻:艾哈迈达巴德:古吉拉特邦高等法院指出,女性常常采取施压手段,对丈夫和公婆提出嫁妆要求的指控以便达到。 (请注意,这句话的结尾似乎不完整,因此翻译中保留了“达到”后面未完成的含义。) 10 evening snacks made with oats 10种用燕麦制成的夜间小吃 从您提供的新闻内容来看,似乎包含两个不同的信息:一是关于嫁妆收费的问题,二是关于用燕麦制成的夜间小吃。针对这两个方面,我们可以探讨以下商业机会: 嫁妆收费问题: 新闻中提到嫁妆收费被用作施压手段,这实际上反映了印度某些地区的社会现象。对于中国的外贸公司来说,以下商业机会可能存在: 社会责任与伦理产品:可以关注那些提倡性别平等、反对嫁妆文化的组织和项目,为其提供支持或合作。例如,提供相关宣传材料、教育产品或服务,帮助改变这一社会现象。 女性经济赋权:为女性提供职业培训、创业支持等服务,帮助她们在经济上独立,减少对嫁妆的依赖。 燕麦制成的夜间小吃: … Read more


扎马托外卖员500卢比孟买贫民窟房间游成为病毒视频。 Zomato Delivery Agent’s Rs 500 Mumbai Slum Room Tour Is Viral 作者: None The video, which garnered over 4.5 million views, showcased the tight living conditions and Mr Borgoyary’s positive spirit, even as he cared for a kitten. 这段视频展示了狭小的居住环境和博格奥里先生积极的精神风貌,即使他在照顾一只小猫时也是如此,该视频获得了超过450万的观看量。 The video also sparked a conversation about Mumbai’s high cost of living. A Zomato delivery … Read more


基于生物的资源:为(农业)环境服务提供系统性及循环性解决方案。 Bio-based resources: systemic & circular solutions for (agro)environmental services 作者: Gabrijel Ondrasek, Cristian Meriño-Gergichevich, Carlos Manterola-Barroso, Alex Seguel Fuentealba, Sebastián Meier Romero, Radovan Savić, Sarvamangala S. Cholin, Jelena Horvatinec RSC Adv., 2024, 14,23466-23482DOI: 10.1039/D4RA03506B, Review Article Open Access &nbsp This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.Gabrijel Ondrasek, Cristian Meriño-Gergichevich, … Read more


赚钱试玩视频游戏 Make money To try out Video games 作者: Anairas Articles Kraken Com While the A good Crypto Tap | deposit 5 get 30 mobile casino Available Game Bitcoin Stops Participants can be collect, increase, and you may change animals called “Axies” (axolotl-motivated emails). Axies try bred to help make young childr… 文章Kraken Com时,一个好的加密货币水龙头|存款5元获得30元移动赌场,可玩的比特币让参与者可以收集、增加,并兑换名为“Axies”(以鲎为灵感的虚拟角色)。Axies可以繁殖,以产生后代…… Participants … Read more


基于时间序列条件生成对抗网络的绿色金融增长预测模型 Green finance growth prediction model based on time-series conditional generative adversarial networks 作者: Aya Salama Abdelhady, Nadia Dahmani, Lobna M. AbouEl-Magd, Ashraf Darwish, Aboul Ella Hassanien Climate change mitigation necessitates increased investment in green sectors. This study proposes a methodology to predict green finance growth across various countries, aiming to encourage such investments. Our … Read more


美国将巴基斯坦的经济增长与政治稳定联系起来。 US links Pakistan’s economic growth to political stability 作者: webdesk@voanews.com (Ayaz Gul) ISLAMABAD — The United States urged Pakistan Wednesday to protect the rights of all citizens, including freedom of expression and assembly, as a military-backed crackdown on the opposition party of jailed former prime minister Imran Khan continues.  Donald … 伊斯兰堡——美国周三敦促巴基斯坦保护所有公民的权利,包括言论自由和集会自由,因为军方支持的针对被监禁的前总理伊姆兰·汗所在的反对党的镇压行动仍在继续。 唐纳德…… ISLAMABAD  The … Read more


马克·扎克伯格刚刚加剧了AI未来之争 Mark Zuckerberg Just Intensified the Battle for AI’s Future 作者: Billy Perrigo Alongside the release of its latest generation of Llama, the Meta CEO published a manifesto arguing for open-source AI. 与其最新一代Llama一同发布,Meta的CEO发表了一份宣言,主张开源人工智能。 The tech industry is currently embroiled in a heated debate over the future of AI: should powerful systems be open-source and freely … Read more