RMZ公司将以2100亿卢比将金奈的One Paramount出售给吉宝公司。

RMZ公司将以2100亿卢比将金奈的One Paramount出售给吉宝公司。 RMZ Corp to sell One Paramount in Chennai to Keppel for ₹2,100 crore 作者: Janaki Krishnan RMZ Corp announces ₹2100 crore sale of One Paramount in Chennai to Keppel. Explore the details and implications of this significant real estate transaction.” RMZ公司宣布将金奈的One Paramount以2100亿卢比的价格售予凯普尔。探索这一重大房地产交易的细节和影响。 Real estate developer RMZ Corp and CPP Investments have signed an … Read more


新海底电力电缆能够将绿色能源从一国输送到另一国。 New Undersea Power Cables Could Carry Green Energy From Country to Country 作者: EditorDavid What if across the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, six high-voltage power cables stretched — each over 2,000 miles long. CNN reports that a group of entrepreneurs “wants to build what would be the worldâ(TM)s largest subsea energy interconnector between … Read more


BCCI秘书长贾伊·沙阿宣布为赢得2024年T20世界杯的印度队提供12.5亿卢比。 BCCI secretary Jay Shah announces Rs 125 cr for Team India for winning 2024 T20 World Cup 作者: Gaurav Gupta BCCI secretary Jay Shah on Sunday announced a whopping prize money of Rs 125 crores for Team India for winning the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024. India beat South Africa by seven runs … Read more


IBBI推出用于监控清算流程的数字表格。 IBBI introduces digital forms for monitoring liquidation processes 作者: Press Trust of India To ease the compliance burden for insolvency professionals, and enhance the effectiveness of the liquidation process, the IBBI has launched a set of electronic forms under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. 为了减轻破产专业人士的合规负担,提高清算过程的有效性,印度破产与破产委员会(IBBI)根据破产与破产法推出了一套电子表格。 The new circular, issued by the Insolvency and Bankruptcy … Read more


税收高效的美国资产投资替代方案 Tax efficient alternative to invest in US assets 作者: Ketaki Mehta , Kunal Savani & Jinisha Motwani Estate tax in US can be an obstacle for foreign investors. Investing in pooled assets is an option 美国的遗产税对外国投资者可能是一个障碍。投资于集合资产是一种选择。 The US remains a popular destination for investing in various assets such as securities, real estate, ETFs etc. … Read more


斯柯达希望找到一个本地合作伙伴来驯服印度“掠夺性”的汽车市场。 Skoda wants a local partner to tame India’s ‘predatory’ car market 作者: Alisha Sachdev The Skoda brand has been present in India for over 20 years, but it now wants to double down on the world’s third-largest automobile market. Klaus Zellmer, chairman of the board of management of Skoda Auto, said that the company … Read more


资本主义还剩下什么? What is left of capitalism 作者: Uday Balakrishnan Explore ‘What is Left of Capitalism’ in this insightful book examining modern economic challenges and the evolving nature of capitalism. Gain new perspectives on economic systems and their impact in today’s world. 在这本深刻审视现代经济挑战及资本主义演变本质的书中探索“资本主义剩下的是什么”。获得关于经济体系及其在当今世界影响的新视角。 In his tour de force What Went Wrong with Capitalism, Ruchir Sharma, Financial Times columnist, author, and … Read more


并非每个人都适合创业生活。 Not everyone is cut out for the entrepreneurial life 作者: K Vaitheeswaran Why it’s important to consider personal and family backgrounds before jumping into entrepreneurship 为什么在投身创业之前要考虑个人和家庭背景的重要性 A few weeks ago, I was in Chennai at a relatives wedding, where I was accosted by a middle-aged man. He introduced himself as an IT services professional … Read more


初创企业如何扩展电动汽车充电网络? How startups are expanding the EV charging network 作者: Jyoti Banthia With generous funding, a host of newbie companies are revving up the expansion of the country’s EV charging network 在充足的资金支持下,众多新兴公司正在加速扩大该国的电动汽车充电网络。 Vikas Rao didnt dare use his electric vehicle (EV) on long drives for fear of draining the battery en route without a reliable … Read more


极限E品牌重塑为极限H,特色绿色氢能和燃料电池。 Extreme E Rebrands To Extreme H Featuring Green Hydrogen And Fuel Cells 作者: Tina Casey Green hydrogen is front and center in the new Extreme H fuel cell electric vehicle racing series, a rebrand of the former Extreme E series. The post Extreme E Rebrands To Extreme H Featuring Green Hydrogen And Fuel Cells … Read more