
对于查拉·斯里尼瓦苏鲁·塞蒂来说,挑战是将高飞的印度国家银行带到新的高度。 For people’s man Challa Sreenivasulu Setty, the challenge is to take high-flying SBI to newer heights 作者: Joel Rebello Challa Sreenivasulu Setty’s upcoming role as the chairman of State Bank of India follows a period of remarkable growth under Chairman Khara’s leadership, marked by a substantial increase in the bank’s stock price and improved … Read more


银行扫描账户以识别“资金骡子”。 Banks scanning proprietor A/Cs to spot ‘money mules’ 作者: Sugata Ghosh Banks intensify scrutiny on new accounts to combat mule activities, adapting to evolving fraud tactics like forming private companies. Vigilant measures include verification visits, latitude data, and washout logic analysis to deter money laundering and digit… 银行加强了对新账户的审查,以打击资金搬运活动,适应如成立私营公司等不断演变的欺诈手段。警惕措施包括验证访问、纬度数据以及冲刷逻辑分析,以阻止洗钱和数字化… (注:由于原文最后似乎不完整,”digit” 后面没有内容,因此翻译也只能到此为止。) Wary bankers and deceptive … Read more

RBI旨在将通胀降至4%,预计今年不会有任何降息:阿米塔布·乔杜里,Axis Bank总经理。

RBI旨在将通胀降至4%,预计今年不会有任何降息:阿米塔布·乔杜里,Axis Bank总经理。 RBI aims to get inflation down to 4%, don’t expect any rate cut this year: Amitabh Chaudhry, MD, Axis Bank 作者: Sangita Mehta and MC Govardhana Rangan Axis Bank aims for sustained growth through NIM enhancement, market share expansion, and compliance strengthening under CEO Amitabh Chaudhry’s leadership. 轴心银行在阿米特巴·乔杜里首席执行官的领导下,旨在通过提高净利息收益率、扩大市场份额和加强合规性来实现持续增长。 Axis Bankmay have cleaned up … Read more

DEG-IFC-ADB 三方瞄准可再生能源公司第四伙伴 )

DEG-IFC-ADB 三方瞄准可再生能源公司第四伙伴 ) DEG-IFC-ADB trio eyes renewable energy firm Fourth Partner 作者: Reghu Balakrishnan A group of German investor DEG, along with the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), are set to invest $300 million to acquire a controlling interest in Fourth Partner Energy, a renewable energy firm based … Read more

体育 | 印度宣布世界杯团队奖金1500万美元,南非队获得130万美元奖金。

体育 | 印度宣布世界杯团队奖金1500万美元,南非队获得130万美元奖金。 Sport | India announces $15 million World Cup team prize, Proteas walk away with $1.3m 作者: sport India’s World Cup-winning cricket team will share prize money of nearly $15 million, the national cricket board said Sunday, as a reward for their “talent, determination, and sportsmanship”. 印度国家板球委员会周日表示,世界杯冠军板球队将分享近1500万美元的奖金,以奖励他们的“才华、决心和体育精神”。 India’s World Cup-winning cricket team will … Read more


十年间,海外消费增长29倍。 Money spent abroad grows 29x in a decade 作者: TNN India Business News: MUMBAI: The increase in forex spends by Indians has far outpaced the growth in remittance of foreign exchange workers into India over the decade. 印度商业新闻:孟买:过去十年间,印度人在外汇支出上的增长远远超过了外国工作者汇款回印度的增长速度。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount you deposit earns interest as per … Read more


大众汽车洽谈出售股份,吸引本地合作伙伴入股。 Volkswagen in talks to sell stake, rope in local partner 作者: Pankaj Doval International Business News: PRAGUE: German auto giant Volkswagen is in talks to sell stake in its India business to a local partner, having failed to crack the market despite inv. 国际商业新闻:布拉格:德国汽车巨头大众正在与一位当地合作伙伴洽谈,出售其在印度业务的股份,尽管投入了大量资金,但仍未能打开市场。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount … Read more

不要因为“气候变化”而停止生育孩子 | 观点

不要因为“气候变化”而停止生育孩子 | 观点 Don’t Stop Having Children Because of ‘Climate Change’ | Opinion 作者: None Our cultural crisis will only continue if we do not confront these attacks on the family head-on. 如果我们不对这些对家庭的攻击正面应对,我们的文化危机将会持续下去。 There is a growing chorus of voices that argue America’s declining birth rate is actually a good thing because the fewer people … Read more


晨间报价:新季度,中国PMI指数依旧如故。 Morning Bid: New quarter, same old China PMIs 作者: Reuters Morning Bid: New quarter, same old China PMIs 早盘报价:新季度,中国PMI依旧如故。 By Jamie McGeever (Reuters) – A look at the day ahead in Asian markets. Asian market trading on Monday kicks off the new week, quarter and second half of the year with investors’ focus locked … Read more


如果高昂的食品杂货费用让你感到不适,你并不孤单。 If The High Cost Of Groceries Makes You Feel Sick, You Are Not Alone 作者: Activist Post By Michael Snyder If you are really struggling with the high cost of living, I want you to know that you aren’t alone.  In recent… If The High Cost Of Groceries Makes You Feel Sick, You Are … Read more