
经济摘要:快速了解尼泊尔的商业新闻。 Economic Digest: Nepal’s Business News in a Snap 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: Economic Digest offers a concise yet comprehensive overview of significant business happenings in Nepal, presented in easily digestible summaries. The Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has amended regulations to allow foreign companies operating in Nepal wit… 加德满都:经济摘要提供了简洁而全面的对尼泊尔重大商业事件的概述,以易于消化的摘要形式呈现。尼泊尔国家银行(NRB)已经修订了规定,允许在尼泊尔运营的外国公司……(此处原文似乎不完整,请提供完整句子以便翻译)。 KATHMANDU: Economic Digest offers a concise yet … Read more


NOC提高石油产品价格。 NOC hikes prices of petroleum products 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: The Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) has announced a hike in petroleum product prices following a Board of Directors meeting held on Sunday. Effective from midnight today, the prices of petrol, diesel, and kerosene have been raised. The NOC cited the in… 加德满都:尼泊尔石油公司(NOC)在周日的董事会会议后宣布提高石油产品价格。从今天午夜起,汽油、柴油和煤油的价格已上调。NOC提到的原因是……(此处原文未完整提供)。 KATHMANDU: The Nepal … Read more


比哈尔将在12月举办大型投资者峰会;周一开始路演活动。 Bihar to host mega investor summit in Dec; roadshows from Monday 作者: PTI Bihar will roll out the red carpet for domestic and foreign investors at a mega event in December as it looks to lure investments in sectors like textiles, food processing and EVs that will create jobs and boost business in the … Read more

半个地球将在2024年进行投票 – 80%的人希望采取气候行动,新联合国研究显示。

半个地球将在2024年进行投票 – 80%的人希望采取气候行动,新联合国研究显示。 Half The Globe Is Voting In 2024 – 80% Want Climate Action, New UN Study 作者: Joan Michelson, Contributor, Joan Michelson, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/joanmichelson2/ About 50% of the world’s population, billions of people, are voting in 2024, & 80% of them want more action on climate change from their leaders, new UN study … Read more


世界上一位最富有的人想要改变印度最大的贫民窟。 One of the world’s richest men wants to transform India’s biggest slum 作者: Story by Jessie Yeung, CNNPhotos by Noemi Cassanelli, CNN When Masoom Ali Shaikh arrived in Mumbai in 1974 as a young man from northern India, the patch of land where he set up shop was “just a creek with no proper … Read more


初创企业是连接高校与产业差距的强大工具:LG。 Startups powerful instrument to bridge universities-industries gap: LG 作者: statetimes_editor STATE TIMES NEWS SRINAGAR: Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha on Saturday said that Startups are powerful instrument to bridge the gap between universities and industries.“The Startups have also been able to meet the two important objectives- employment generati… 州时报新闻 斯里纳加尔:副州长马诺杰·西哈周六表示,初创企业是连接大学与工业的重要工具。“初创企业还实现了两个重要目标——就业生成和…(此处原文似乎不完整) STATE TIMES NEWS SRINAGAR: Lieutenant … Read more


印度队在国际二十20世界杯的胜利可能会进一步提振广告收入。 Team India’s victory in T20 World Cup likely to boost ad revenues further 作者: Bloomberg Disney Star, this season’s official media rights holder of the shortened, fast-paced form of cricket, was expecting to rake in as much as Rs 18,000 crore ($2.2 billion) in advertising from the sport 迪士尼之星,本赛季缩短版快节奏板球的官方媒体权益持有者,预计从这项运动中可获得高达1800亿卢比(22亿美元)的广告收入。 Disney Star, this season’s official … Read more


议会将从周一开始见证关于NEET-UG争议、阿格尼帕斯计划及通货膨胀的激烈辩论。 Parliament set to witness stormy debate on NEET-UG row, Agnipath scheme, inflation from Monday 作者: PTI Parliament will witness heated debates on various issues like the NEET paper leak, the Agnipath initiative, and inflation as both houses reconvene on Monday. The opposition is also expected to raise concerns about unemployment. In the Lok Sabha, … Read more


铁道部将在未来五年在奥里萨邦投资1000亿卢比:联邦部长Vaishnaw。 Railways to invest Rs 1 lakh crore in Odisha in next 5 years: Union Minister Vaishnaw 作者: PTI In Odisha, BJP government’s focus on railway projects and infrastructure development, under the double-engine administration, aims to enhance connectivity and economic growth. The state stands to benefit from new initiatives like electronic manufacturing and … 在奥里萨邦,BJP政府的双引擎行政管理下,重点关注铁路项目和基础设施发展,旨在提升连通性和经济增长。该邦将从新的举措中受益,如电子制造业等。 … Read more

S. 贾伊尚卡尔与卡塔尔首相讨论贸易、技术和全球问题

S. 贾伊尚卡尔与卡塔尔首相讨论贸易、技术和全球问题 S Jaishankar Discusses Trade, Technology, Global Issues With Qatar’s PM 作者: None External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Sunday met Qatar’s PM Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani and reviewed bilateral relationship, with a focus on political, trade, investment, energy, technology, culture and people-to-people ties. 外长苏杰生周日会见了卡塔尔首相穆罕默德·本·阿卜杜拉曼·本·哈迈德·阿勒萨尼,并审视了双边关系,重点关注政治、贸易、投资、能源、科技、文化以及人民之间的联系。 S Jaishankar was received at the … Read more