
印度的T20世界杯胜利激发了CEO和品牌们的庆祝活动。 India’s T20 World Cup win sparks celebrations among CEOs and brands 作者: Meenakshi Verma Ambwani With India emerging as the champions of the ICC T20 World Cup in a nail-biting final match, celebrations broke out across the nation. Among those that flooded social media platforms with congratulatory messages were CEOs and brands, while Disney+ … Read more


美联储的降息推迟不会阻挡全球宽松潮的趋势。 Fed’s Rate-Cut Delay Won’t Hold Back the Tide of Global Easing 作者: Bloomberg News Global policymakers aren’t about to let the Federal Reserve’s delay in cutting interest rates distract them too much from their own easing efforts. 全球政策制定者不会因为美联储延迟降息而太过分散他们对自身宽松政策的注意力。 Global policymakers arent about to let the Federal Reserves delay in cutting interest rates distract them … Read more