
中国沿海省份公共建筑碳排放预测研究——以福建省为例的不同情景分析 Prediction of carbon emissions from public buildings in China’s Coastal Provinces under different scenarios ——A case study of Fujian Province 作者: Yanyan Ke, Rui Fan, Yan Yang, Pingying Wang, Jiarui Qi With the rapid pace of industrialization and the increasing intensity of human activities, the global climate change and energy crisis have reached a … Read more


映射:全球各地巨无霸汉堡的价格变迁。 Mapped: The Price of a Big Mac Across the World 作者: Visual Capitalist What can a Big Mac tell us about currency rates? As it turns out, quite a lot.The Big Mac Index, created by The Economist in 1986, started out as a simple tool to make currency theory more digestible. Now, it’s a … Read more


黄金今日交易价为每托拉146,300卢比。 Gold traded at Rs 146,300 per tola today 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: The price of gold in the domestic market remained stagnant today. According to the Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers’ Association, the price of fine gold is fixed at Rs 146,300 per tola, while standard gold is trading at Rs 145,600 per tola. On … Read more


抗击艾滋病“需要更多资源” Fight against Aids ‘needs more resources’ 作者: Anucha Charoenpo MUNICH – World leaders have pledged to help end the Aids pandemic as a public health threat by 2030, but doing so will require more resources and better protection of human rights, says Winnie Byanyima, the executive director of UNAIDS. 慕尼黑——世界领导人已承诺到2030年将艾滋病大流行作为一个公共卫生威胁予以终结,但联合国艾滋病规划署执行主任温妮·拜安伊玛表示,要做到这一点将需要更多资源和更好地保护人权。 MUNICH – World leaders … Read more


菲利普·莫里斯国际公司公布2024年第二季度及上半年业绩,并上调全年指导预期。 Philip Morris International Reports 2024 Second-Quarter and First-Half Results and Raises Full Year Guidance 作者: Business Wire Second-Quarter Reported Diluted EPS grew 52.5% to $1.54 Adjusted Diluted EPS decreased by 0.6% to $1.59; and grew by 10.6% excluding currency STAMFORD, CT — Regulatory News: Philip Morris International Inc. (PMI) (NYSE: PM) today announces its … Read more

孟加拉国宵禁,因配额抗议而引发的互联网封锁打击经济 – 阿尔 Jazeera 英文频道

孟加拉国宵禁,因配额抗议而引发的互联网封锁打击经济 – 阿尔 Jazeera 英文频道 Bangladesh curfews, internet blackout batter economy amid quota protests – Al Jazeera English 作者: feedfeeder Bangladesh curfews, internet blackout batter economy amid quota protestsAl Jazeera English Internet is still down in Bangladesh despite apparent calm following deadly protestsThe Associated Press Bangladesh to accept court ruling cutting job quotas after unre… … Read more


这些无性蚂蚁是如何避免遗传多样性问题的? How these asexual ants avoid genetic diversity problems 作者: Rockefeller University New research documents a never-before-seen strategy for retaining genetic diversity among asexually reproducing insects. 新研究记录了一种以前未见过的策略,用于保持无性繁殖昆虫之间的遗传多样性。 Asexual reproduction usually leads to a lack of genetic diversity. New research digs into why that’s not a problem for clonal raider ants. Genetic diversity is essential to … Read more


互联网中断给孟加拉呼叫中心描绘了黑暗前景。 Internet blackout paints dark picture for Bangladesh call centres 作者: AFP Hundreds of thousands of Bangladeshis work in outsourcing firms and the industry generates billions every year, but executives fear the internet shutdown imposed by authorities seeking to quell anti-government protests threatens its entire existence. Packed i… 数十万孟加拉人在外包公司工作,这个行业每年创造数十亿美元的收入,但高管们担心,当局为了镇压反政府抗议活动而实施的互联网关闭威胁到其整个存在。拥挤的… Bangladesh’s outsourcing firms face closures and … Read more


印度在莫迪首次大选后预算中启动240亿美元就业计划 India On $24 Bn Jobs Drive In Modi’s First Post-election Budget 作者: AFP News The funding will be used over five years for a package of five schemes and initiatives to “facilitate employment, skilling and other opportunities” for more than 40 million young people, finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman said in her annual budget speech. … Read more


国防部分获得超过6万亿卢比的最高预算分配,在各部门中居首。 Defence gets highest budgetary allocation of over ₹6 lakh crore among ministries 作者: Dalip Singh The allocation to MoD for FY25 is higher by approximately ₹1 lakh crore (18.43%) over the allocation for FY23 and 4.79 per cent more than allocation of FY24, says the MoD 国防部表示,在FY25财年分配给国防部的预算比FY23财年高出约1000亿卢比(18.43%),比FY24财年的预算高出4.79%。 At a time when global uncertainty continues … Read more