
预算将增加教育投入,带领村庄走向繁荣:莫迪。 Budget will scale up education, take villages on path to prosperity: Modi 作者: Archis Mohan Modi spoke of the Budget’s focus on supporting small businesses and MSMEs, which he said were run by the middle classes and provided the maximum job opportunities to the poor 莫迪谈到了预算案对小型企业和中小微企业的支持重点,他表示这些企业由中产阶级经营,并为穷人提供最大的就业机会。 Modi spoke of the Budget’s focus on supporting … Read more


2024年预算案宣布加强技能培训,使青年就业准备就绪。 Budget 2024 announces enhanced skilling push to make youth job-ready 作者: Shiva Rajora FM announces new centrally sponsored scheme, internship and upgradation of it is 中央电台宣布新的中央资助计划,实习及其升级计划。 FM announces new centrally sponsored scheme, internship and upgradation of it is Representative Picture Shiva RajoraNew Delhi To bridge the gap between the skill-development ecosystem and employme… [+3690 … Read more


预算将确保没有人被落下。 Budget will ensure no one is left behind 作者: Vinay Sahasrabuddhe & Naitik Muley Apart from standard welfarism, the Budget is about seeing the poor, youth, farmers and women become catalysts for overall growth 除了标准的福利制度之外,预算案还旨在让贫困群体、青年、农民和女性成为整体增长的催化剂。 Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharamans Budget for 2024-25 is realistic to the hilt as in every sector what reflects is … Read more


联邦预算特别注重将比哈尔邦发展成工业和旅游中心。 Union Budget places special focus on developing Bihar as industrial & tourism hub 作者: Rishi Ranjan Kala Union Budget proposes ₹58,900 crore for Bihar’s industrial, logistics, and tourism development, including infrastructure, power projects, and road connectivity. 联邦预算提议为比哈尔邦的工业、物流和旅游业发展提供5,890亿卢比,包括基础设施、电力项目以及道路连通性。 The Union Budget has proposed an array of schemes worth around 58,900 crore for Bihar aiming to … Read more


预算对就业问题加大了投入力度。 Budget buckles down on jobs 作者: Lekha Chakraborty Continued focus capex, jobs and fiscal consolidation is welcome. States have been urged to do the heavy lifting 持续关注资本支出、就业和财政巩固是受欢迎的。各州已被敦促承担重任。 Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharamans record seventh consecutive Budget prioritises commitments to a robust economic growth recovery process, focusing on employment, human development, and energy tran… [+6090 chars] … Read more


盈利电话会议:金佰利克拉克报告第二季度稳健增长和乐观展望 Earnings call: Kimberly-Clark reports solid Q2 growth and confident outlook 作者: Investing.com Earnings call: Kimberly-Clark reports solid Q2 growth and confident outlook 盈利电话会议:金佰利克拉克报告第二季度稳步增长及乐观前景预测。 Kimberly-Clark Corporation (NYSE:KMB), a leading global manufacturer of personal care products, reported a positive outlook in its Second Quarter 2024 Earnings Call, citing improvements in market sha… [+39720 chars] 金佰利克拉克公司(纽约证券交易所代码:KMB),作为全球领先的个人护理产品制造商,在其2024年第二季度收益电话会议上报告了积极的前景,指出市场占有率的提升……[+39720字符] 从这条关于金佰利克拉克公司的新闻中,我们可以提炼出一些可能对中国的外贸公司产生的商业机会。金佰利克拉克公司作为全球领先的个人护理产品制造商,其稳健的增长和乐观展望可能为以下行业或产品创造需求增长的机会: … Read more


生计权:通过激励措施,就业创造获得预算支持。 Right to livelihood: Job creation gets budget boost with incentives 作者: Shiva Rajora Budget 2024: Only those employers that hire 50 non-EPFO-enrolled workers, or 25 per cent of its previous year’s EPFO employees, will be eligible 2024年预算:只有那些雇佣了50名未在EPFO注册的工人,或其前一年EPFO员工数的25%的雇主才有资格。 Only those employers that hire 50 non-EPFO-enrolled workers, or 25 per cent of its previous year’s EPFO … Read more


Tropolis收购了密歇根东南部的三家保险代理机构。 Tropolis Acquires Three Insurance Agencies in Southeastern Michigan 作者: admin Unity Partners, a principles-based private equity firm, and Tropolis, an Ann Arbor, Mich.-based insurance brokerage that provides property & casualty and employee benefits solutions, announced that Tropolis has completed the acquisitions of three insurance ag… 联合伙伴公司(Unity Partners),一家基于原则的私募股权公司,与位于密歇根州安阿伯的Tropolis保险公司,一家提供财产与意外伤害保险及员工福利解决方案的经纪公司,宣布Tropolis已完成了对三家保险代理公司的收购… Unity Partners, a principles-based private equity firm, … Read more


股市更新:Nifty制药指数上涨0.55%。 Stock market update: Nifty Pharma index advances 0.55% 作者: ETMarkets.com The Nifty Pharma index closed 0.55 per cent up at 20755.35. Nifty制药指数收涨0.55%,报20755.35点。 NEW DELHI: The Nifty Pharma index closed on a positive note on Tuesday. Shares of Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd.(up 3.6 per cent), Natco Pharma Ltd.(up 2.69 per cent), Ipca Laboratories Ltd.(up 2.26 pe… … Read more


锂、钴关税豁免将助力电动汽车行业发展:汽车工业协会 Customs duty exemption on lithium, cobalt to aid EV sector growth: Auto Inc 作者: Press Trust of India The proposed exemption in customs duty on import of lithium, cobalt and other rare minerals in the Union Budget 2024-25 is likely to lower the battery production cost and help in making electric vehicles more affordable … Read more