
印度财政部长支持增加中国直接投资。 India’s Finance Minister backs increasing Chinese direct investment 作者: Reuters India’s Finance Minister backs increasing Chinese direct investment 印度财政部长支持增加中国直接投资。 By Sarita Chaganti Singh and Nikunj Ohri NEW DELHI (Reuters) – India’s Finance Minister has backed her economic adviser’s suggestion to allow more Chinese investment in the country, after flows were… [+1692 chars] 沙里塔·查甘蒂·辛格和尼昆杰·奥里报道 新德里(路透社)- … Read more

PMAY-U 2.0:政府在预算中为信贷联系补贴计划分配了400亿卢比。

PMAY-U 2.0:政府在预算中为信贷联系补贴计划分配了400亿卢比。 PMAY-U 2.0: Govt allocates Rs 4,000 crore for credit-linked subsidy scheme in budget 作者: PTI India News: NEW DELHI: The government on Tuesday brought back interest subsidy under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) 2. 印度新闻:新德里:政府周二恢复了普拉哈纳德·曼特里·阿瓦斯·约贾纳(城市)2项目下的利息补贴。 10 evening snacks made with oats 10种以燕麦制成的夜间小吃 这条新闻提到的内容似乎涉及印度政府的一个住房计划(PMAY-U 2.0)以及燕麦制成的夜间小吃。从这些信息中,我们可以推测以下商业机会: 住房相关行业: PMAY-U 2.0:这是印度的一个住房计划,其预算中为信贷联系补贴计划分配了400亿卢比。对中国的外贸公司来说,这可能意味着以下机会: 建筑材料:随着印度住房建设的推进,对水泥、钢材、铝合金、陶瓷、玻璃等建筑材料的需求可能会增长。 家居用品:随着新房的增加,对家具、家电、装饰材料等家居用品的需求也可能上升。 食品加工业: 燕麦制成的夜间小吃:提到燕麦夜间小吃可能表明健康、便捷食品在印度市场受到关注。中国外贸公司可以探索以下机会: 健康食品:燕麦作为健康食品的原料,其出口到印度的机会可能增加。 … Read more


智能互联集装箱如何展示在未来航运中找到自我的方法。 How a smart connected container shows how to find yourself in the future of shipping 作者: Emma Reid Container 42, the smartest shipping container in the world, is a key example of how revolutionary #SmartTechnology is for the future! But what role does #Data, #AI, and #Cybersecurity play in this new digital landscape? Read … Read more

预算:苹果iPhone Pro、谷歌Pixel在关税减免后可能会降价。

预算:苹果iPhone Pro、谷歌Pixel在关税减免后可能会降价。 Budget: Apple’s iPhone Pro, Google Pixel may get cheaper on customs duty reduction 作者: Pankaj Doval India Business News: NEW DELHI: With nearly 99% of mobile phones being made in India, finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman decided to slash the import duty on imported devi. 印度商业新闻:新德里:随着近99%的手机在印度制造,财政部长尼马拉·西塔拉曼决定削减进口手机的进口关税。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, … Read more

预算案提议采取措施减少诉讼,即将推出“Vivad Se Vishwas”计划2.0。

预算案提议采取措施减少诉讼,即将推出“Vivad Se Vishwas”计划2.0。 Budget proposes steps to reduce litigation, ‘Vivad Se Vishwas’ scheme 2.0 in offing 作者: PTI Budget 2024-25 proposes ‘Vivad Se Vishwas’ scheme 2.0, reduces reassessment limit to 5 years, and increases appeal thresholds. Changes to Income Tax Act aim to simplify tax processes and reduce litigation. Government focuses on improving taxpayer services … Read more


预算案宣布为中小微企业制定一揽子计划,以提高其全球竞争力。 Budget announces package for MSMEs to make them globally competitive 作者: Harsh Kumar The budget also announced a new mechanism for facilitating the continuation of bank credit to MSMEs during their stress period 预算还宣布了一项新机制,以促进在中小企业面临压力期间银行信贷的持续发放。 The budget also announced a new mechanism for facilitating the continuation of bank credit to MSMEs during their stress period … Read more


印度联合利华面临挑战,因为价格削减影响了2025财年第一季度的增长。 Hindustan Unilever faces challenges as price cuts impact growth in Q1FY25 作者: BL Mumbai Bureau Despite an expected uptick in value growth in the home care category, HUL’s profit after tax is projected to be Rs.2,652 crore with a 2.5% year-on-year growth and 6.9% quarter-on-quarter growth. 尽管预计家庭护理品类的价值增长将有所上升,但HUL的税后利润预计为2652亿卢比,同比增长2.5%,环比增长6.9%。 Price cuts in select product categories are … Read more


市场在美国通胀报告公布前涨势后表现不一 Markets Mixed After US Rally Ahead Of Inflation Report 作者: AFP news Asian markets were mixed Tuesday as investors struggled to extend a surge on Wall Street, where the tech sector bounced back after last week’s losses, while attention turned to the upcoming release of key US inflation data. 周二,亚洲市场表现不一,投资者试图延续华尔街的涨势,在那里,科技板块在经历了上周的损失后出现反弹,同时市场关注点转向即将发布的关键美国通胀数据。 Asian markets were mixed … Read more


印度的公共财政仍然是信用状况的弱点,惠誉分析师表示。 India’s public finances remain a weakness for credit profile, Fitch analyst says 作者: Reuters Fitch Ratings acknowledges India’s achievable fiscal deficit targets, noting ongoing financial weaknesses. The government’s commitment to deficit reduction is evident through the lowered target. Significant investments announced for job creation and rural dev… 菲奇评级公司承认印度可以实现财政赤字目标,同时注意到持续的财务弱点。政府通过降低目标展现了对减赤的承诺。为创造就业和农村发展宣布的重大投资…… MUMBAI: India’s fiscal deficit targets are … Read more


印度的新预算能解决日益严重的就业危机吗? Can India’s new budget tackle growing job crisis? 作者: Murali Krishnan Despite strong economic growth, India is not generating enough jobs for its young population. With a new budget on the table, experts say paying for training skilled workers and more manufacturing would be a first step. 尽管经济快速增长,但印度并未为其年轻人口创造足够的工作岗位。面对新的预算案,专家表示,投资培训技术工人和增加制造业将是第一步。 Job creation has emerged as a … Read more