
联邦预算围绕普通民众,关注青年和农民:马哈拉施特拉邦首席部长埃克纳特·辛德。 Union Budget centres around common man, focuses on youth, farmers: Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde 作者: PTI India News: MUMBAI: Maharashtra chief minister Eknath Shinde on Tuesday lauded the Union Budget presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, saying it centre. 印度新闻:孟买:马哈拉施特拉邦首席部长埃克纳特·辛德周二赞扬了由财政部长尼马拉·西塔拉曼提交的联邦预算,称其体现了中央政府的关怀。 10 evening snacks made with oats 10种以燕麦制成的晚间小吃 这条新闻提到的背景是印度马哈拉施特拉邦的联邦预算着重于普通民众、青年和农民。从这条信息中,我们可以推测以下商业机会可能适用于中国的外贸公司: 农产品和食品加工业: 燕麦制成的晚间小吃:这表明对健康、方便的食品有需求。中国外贸公司可以出口燕麦及相关产品,例如即食燕麦、燕麦片、燕麦零食等。 针对农民的解决方案:可能包括农业机械、肥料、高效种植技术等,这些都是中国出口的优势领域。 针对普通民众的产品: 日用消费品:普通民众日常生活所需的日用品,如家居用品、个人护理产品等,可能会有增长的需求。 价格亲民的电子产品:如小型家电、移动设备等,如果预算倾斜于提高民众生活品质,这些产品的需求可能增加。 … Read more


日本钢铁公司拟解散与中国宝钢的合资企业。 Nippon Steel to dissolve joint venture with China’s Baoshan 作者: The Japan Times Nippon Steel did not provide a reason for dissolving the partnership originally established in 2004. 日本钢铁公司没有提供解散最初于2004年建立的合作伙伴关系的理由。 Nippon Steel will dissolve its joint venture with China’s Baoshan Iron & Steel, it said on Tuesday, ending two decades of cooperation when their existing … Read more

聚焦提高农业生产力将助力农村消费故事:R. Mukundan,塔塔化学品公司。

聚焦提高农业生产力将助力农村消费故事:R. Mukundan,塔塔化学品公司。 Focus to improve agriculture productivity will play into rural consumption story: R Mukundan, Tata Chemicals 作者: ET Now ​India can be the food basket for the world and I think that focus to improve agriculture productivity will play into rural consumption story which has been a bit of a worry for many companies … Read more


TaskUs(纳斯达克股票代码:TASK)在美洲银行被上调至中性评级。 TaskUs (NASDAQ:TASK) Upgraded to Neutral at Bank of America 作者: MarketBeat News Bank of America upgraded shares of TaskUs (NASDAQ:TASK – Free Report) from an underperform rating to a neutral rating in a report issued on Monday, MarketBeat Ratings reports. The firm currently has $18.00 price target on the stock, up from their previous … Read more


摩尔德cai·库兹谈市场力量、大型科技、反垄断等问题。 Mordecai Kurz on market power, Big Tech, antitrust, and more 作者: Mordecai Kurz Mordecai Kurz explains how technology firms abuse patent law to establish and preserve monopolies, criticizes the US Supreme Court’s approach to market power, sheds light on the relationship between innovation and inequality, and more. 摩尔德cai·库茨解释了技术公司如何滥用专利法来建立和维持垄断,批评了美国最高法院对市场力量的处理方式,揭示了创新与不平等之间的关系,等等。 This week in Say More, PS … Read more


全球并购市场的大宗交易勇气在2024年利率持续高企的情况下正在逐渐减弱。 The global M&A market’s big-deal bravado is losing steam as rates stay high in 2024 作者: Lucinda Guthrie The largest sector for M&A globally was technology, with deal volume up 37% year on year, of which North America made up some 66% of the total. 全球并购最大的领域是科技,交易量同比上升了37%,其中北美占到了大约66%。 Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are about confidence. And … Read more


印度2024年预算在财政审慎中引导经济增长:苏扬·哈杰拉 India Budget 2024 steers economic growth amid fiscal prudence: Sujan Hajra 作者: Sujan Hajra Union Budget 2024 news: The budget prioritises sectors like agriculture, education, and employment generation, broadening the base for economic advancement 2024年联邦预算新闻:预算优先考虑农业、教育和就业生成等领域,扩大经济进步的基础。 This detailed approach not only aims to safeguard the immediate economic parameters but also secures a foundation for durable … Read more


2024年预算:专家表示,可变资本公司可能吸引基金经理投资印度。 Budget 2024: Variable capital companies could attract fund managers to India, say experts 作者: Mohit Bhalla Experts in the investment management industry and tax and legal professionals suggest that the introduction of variable capital companies (VCC) in India as announced in the union budget. This could boost private equity and venture capital investments, with … Read more


超过100万卢比的奢侈品,如路易威登手袋、宝格丽珠宝等,将从2025年1月1日起征收统一商品及服务税(TCS)。 Luxury goods above Rs 10 lakh like Louis Vuitton handbag, Bulgari jewellery etc. to attract TCS from January 1, 2025 作者: Preeti Motiani TCS on luxury goods, Budget 2024: The budget documents have proposed the levying of TCS (tax collected at source) on notified luxury goods from January 1, 2025. The list of luxury … Read more

“为了一致性、可预测性和稳定性预算”: 阿米特巴·坎特接受NDTV采访谈预算。

“为了一致性、可预测性和稳定性预算”: 阿米特巴·坎特接受NDTV采访谈预算。 ‘Budget For Consistency, Predictability And Stability’: Amitabh Kant To NDTV 作者: None This year’s Union Budget is an outstanding one, has something for everyone and has been prepared keeping the long-term growth of the country in mind, India’s G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant has told NDTV. 今年的联合预算非常出色,考虑到了每个人的需求,并且是在考虑到国家长期增长的基础上制定的,印度的G20协调人阿米特巴·坎特告诉NDTV。 Mr Kant said steps have been taken … Read more