Tube Investments股价下跌1.54%,因Sensex指数下滑。

Tube Investments股价下跌1.54%,因Sensex指数下滑。 Tube Investments stock price down 1.54 per cent as Sensex slides 作者: As of 30-Jun-2024, promoters held 44.78 per cent stake in the company, while FIIs held 27.41 per cent and domestic institutional investors had 10.36 per cent. 截至2024年6月30日,发起人持有公司44.78%的股份,而外国机构投资者持有27.41%,国内机构投资者持有10.36%。 Shares of Tube Investments of India Ltd. fell 1.54 per cent to Rs … Read more


气候变化、就业、电子商务:分析人士如何解读2024年预算案? Climate change, employment, e-commerce: How analyst decode Budget 2024 作者: SI Reporter The Indian equity markets remain volatile on Budget day as the benchmark indices are trading lower on Tuesday 印度股市在预算日仍然波动,因为基准指数在周二交易中走低。 The Indian equity markets remain volatile on Budget day as the benchmark indices are trading lower on Tuesday Nirmala Sitharaman SI Reporter Budget … Read more


信用担保至200万卢比的Mudra贷款:财政部长在2024年预算中关于中小微企业发言。 Credit guarantee to Rs 20 lakh Mudra loan: FM on MSMEs in Budget 2024 作者: Vasudha Mukherjee Union Budget 2024-25: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced the continuation of bank credit to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) during stress periods 2024-2025年联邦预算:财政部长尼马拉·西塔拉曼宣布在压力时期将继续向微型、小型和中型企业(MSMEs)提供银行信贷。 Union Budget 2024-25: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced the continuation of bank credit … Read more


印度削减黄金、白银进口税以应对走私问题。 India slashes import tax on gold, silver to tackle smuggling 作者: None None If you click ‘Accept all’, we and our partners, including 237 who are part of the IAB Transparency & Consent Framework, will also store and/or access information on a device (in other words, use … [+678 chars] 如果您点击“接受所有”,我们及我们的合作伙伴,包括作为IAB透明度和同意框架一部分的237个合作伙伴,也将存储和/或访问设备上的信息(换句话说,使用……[+678个字符])。 这条新闻提到印度削减黄金和白银的进口税以应对走私问题。对于中国的外贸公司来说,这确实可能意味着一些商业机会。以下是一些潜在的商机和可能增长的行业或产品需求: 贵金属贸易: 黄金和白银出口:印度降低进口税后,合法进口黄金和白银的成本将减少,这可能会增加其市场需求。中国的黄金和白银生产商和出口商可以趁机增加对印度的出口。 … Read more


印度政府将2024-25年的总市场借款削减至14.01万亿卢比。 India government cuts gross market borrowings to 14.01 trillion rupees for 2024-25 作者: Reuters India government cuts gross market borrowings to 14.01 trillion rupees for 2024-25 印度政府将2024-25财年的总市场借款削减至14.01万亿卢比。 By Dharamraj Dhutia MUMBAI (Reuters) – The Indian government lowered its planned gross market borrowing for the financial year ending March 2025 by 120 billion Indian rupees … Read more


酒店必须拥有的三大属性以吸引更多活动 The Three Attributes Hotels Must Possess to Attract More Events 作者: Rohith Kori The global event industry was valued at approximately $890 billion (USD) in 2020 and is projected to reach more than $2 trillion (USD) by 2028. 全球活动产业在2020年的估值约为8900亿美元(美元),预计到2028年将超过2万亿美元(美元)。 The global event industry was valued at approximately $890 billion (USD) in 2020 and is … Read more


日本Nidec提高全年利润预期,第一季业绩强劲。 Japan’s Nidec lifts annual profit outlook after Q1 作者: Reuters Japanese electric motor maker Nidec raised its full-year operating profit forecast by 4.3% on Tuesday off the back of a recovery in demand for hard drive… 日本电动机制造商尼得科周二将其全年营业利润预测上调了4.3%,得益于硬盘驱动器需求复苏。 TOKYO (Reuters) – Japanese electric motor maker Nidec raised its full-year operating profit forecast by 4.3% on … Read more


个人所得税、黄金珠宝、手机价格:2024年预算将如何帮助您节省更多资金。 Income tax, gold jewellery, mobile phone price: How Budget 2024 will help you save more money 作者: PTI Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman while presenting Budget 2024 announced an income tax bonanza for those opting for the New Tax Refime. Under the new tax regime, standard deduction has been increased from Rs 50,000 to Rs … Read more


当巴基斯坦加强边界管控时,数千人的生活被颠覆了。 When Pakistan tightened a border, thousands of lives were upended 作者: NYT News Service Since October, Abdul Manan and other residents of Chaman, Pakistan, have faced severe disruptions due to the closure of their border with Afghanistan. Previously able to cross with just a national ID, they now need passports and visas—documents few possess. … Read more


巴基斯坦推迟拍卖以私有化巴基斯坦国际航空公司(PIA) Pakistan Delays Auction To Privatize PIA 作者: Live and Let’s Fly Pakistan has delayed the sale of beleaguered Pakistan International Airways (PIA) until autumn, as investors seek clarification on the books and on the potential return of service to Europe. PIA Sale Delayed Until September The economy of Pakistan is at a pre… 巴基斯坦已将陷入困境的巴基斯坦国际航空公司(PIA)的销售推迟至秋季,因为投资者需要澄清账目情况以及恢复欧洲航线的潜在可能性。PIA的销售推迟至九月。巴基斯坦经济正处于一个预…… … Read more