
WhatsApp降低商业短信价格以对抗短信和谷歌的RCS。 WhatsApp cuts business messaging prices to counter SMS, Google’s RCS 作者: Himanshi Lohchab Meta’s WhatsApp has reduced business messaging prices by 16-97% across several countries, including a 63% cut in India, to counter competition from Google’s Rich Communication Services (RCS) and Apple’s forthcoming entry into the sector. Meta的WhatsApp在全球多个国家降低了商业信息的价格,降幅为16%至97%,其中包括在印度降低了63%,以应对来自谷歌的富通信服务(RCS)以及苹果即将进入该行业的竞争。 Mumbai: Metas WhatsApp cut business messaging … Read more


2024预算日市场展望:Nifty可能小幅高开;关键水平在此处。 Budget 2024 day market outlook: Nifty may open tad higher; key levels here 作者: Rex Cano All you need to know before the market opens on Budget Day, July 23: The Budget 2024-25 is likely to set the market direction in the near-term; Experts recommend keeping a close tab on Nifty 24,500. 在预算日7月23日市场开盘前您需要知道的一切:2024-2025年度的预算可能会在短期内设定市场走向;专家建议密切关注Nifty 24,500。 … Read more


Equinix计划通过收购三个数据中心将其数字基础设施平台扩展至菲律宾。 Equinix to Extend its Digital Infrastructure Platform to the Philippines with Acquisition of Three Data Centers 作者: Investing.com Equinix to Extend its Digital Infrastructure Platform to the Philippines with Acquisition of Three Data Centers Equinix计划通过收购三个数据中心将其数字基础设施平台扩展至菲律宾。 REDWOOD CITY, Calif. and MANILA, The Philippines , July 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Equinix (NASDAQ:EQIX), Inc. (Nasdaq: EQIX), the … Read more


重启东盟地区论坛 Rebooting the Asean Regional Forum 作者: Kavi Chongkittavorn When Asean foreign ministers met in Singapore in 1994, they all concurred that dialogue and consultations on political and security issues among major powers and Asean members would be essential in preserving peace and stability in the Asean region… 当1994年东盟外长在新加坡会晤时,他们一致认为,在东盟地区维护和平与稳定,大国与东盟成员国之间就政治和安全问题的对话与磋商将至关重要…… When Asean foreign ministers met in … Read more


联合国大使宣布为海地提供6000万美元援助和警察资源。 UN ambassador announces $60M in aid, police resources for Haiti 作者: Associated Press U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield announced an additional $60 million in humanitarian aid for Haiti while in the nation Monday. 美国驻联合国大使琳达·托马斯-格林菲尔德周一在haiti国宣布向该国追加6000万美元的人道主义援助。 The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations announced $60 million in additional humanitarian assistance to Haiti during … Read more


印度莫迪在选举后首份预算中斥资数十亿卢比用于就业和关键盟友支持计划。 India’s Modi spends billions on jobs, key allies in first budget after election 作者: Sarita Chaganti Singh, Nikunj Ohri and Shivangi Acharya India unveiled spending of billions of dollars to create new jobs and satisfy key coalition partners in the first budget by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s… 印度揭幕了数十亿美元的开支,用于创造新就业并满足关键联盟伙伴在莫迪总理首份预算中的需求…… By Sarita Chaganti Singh, Nikunj Ohri … Read more


预算案可能带来更标准的税收方法:报告称 Budget Could Bring In More Standardised Approach To Taxation: Report 作者: None The full budget for 2024-25, to be presented in Parliament on Tuesday, could possibly increase capital expenditure and may usher in a more standardised approach to taxation, Moody’s Analytics said. 穆迪分析表示,周二将在议会提交的2024-25年全部预算可能会增加资本支出,并可能带来更标准的税收方法。 Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present budget today in parliament. … Read more


中国贸易新规则:应对关税、动荡和机遇 The New Rules of Trade with China: Navigating Tariffs, Turmoil, and Opportunities 作者: by Rachel Layne Trade tensions between the US and China have continued well beyond the Trump Administration’s tariffs. Harvard Business School faculty offer insights for leaders managing the complexities of doing business with the world’s second-largest economy. 美中贸易紧张局势已远超出特朗普政府时期的关税范围。哈佛商学院的教职员工为管理者们提供了应对与世界第二大经济体做生意复杂性的见解。 When former President … Read more


俄罗斯公布其新空间站建设时间表,将于2027年开始。 Russia unveils timeline for building its new space station, starting in 2027 作者: Jackson Ryan Russia has unveiled a comprehensive roadmap for building its newest space station and associated ground infrastructure, with the first modules expected to launch within three years. 俄罗斯公布了一份全面的建设最新空间站及相关地面基础设施的路线图,预计首个模块将在三年内发射。 Russia has unveiled a comprehensive roadmap for building its newest space station … Read more

2024年预算实时更新 收入税:收入税级距调整,标准扣除限额提高——预算可能会宣布为纳税人提供税收优惠。

2024年预算实时更新 收入税:收入税级距调整,标准扣除限额提高——预算可能会宣布为纳税人提供税收优惠。 Budget 2024 Live Updates Income Tax: Change in income tax slabs, hike in standard deduction limit — Budget may announce tax sops for taxpayers 作者: Economic Times Budget 2024 Income Tax Changes Live Updates: On Tuesday, July 23, 2024, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present the Union Budget for the fiscal year 2024-25. … Read more