
检查中国进口,鼓励投资 Check Chinese imports, encourage investments 作者: Team TOI India Business News: Discourage Chinese goods but encourage Chinese capital. 印度商业新闻:抵制中国商品,但鼓励中国资本。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount you deposit earns interest as per the prevailing… Calculate Now 定期存款计算器 在投资定期存款时,您存入的金额将根据当前的……产生利息。 立即计算 新闻内容并没有直接提供,但我可以根据您提到的“检查中国进口,鼓励投资定期存款计算器”这些线索,推测可能存在以下商业机会: 进口检验和质量控制服务: 随着进口量的增加,对于确保产品质量和安全性的需求也会上升。因此,提供专业的检验、测试和认证服务的企业可能会发现新的商业机会。 行业机会可能存在于: 食品安全检验:随着对食品安全重视程度的提升,相关的检验服务需求可能会增长。 环保标准检测:中国加强对环保的监管,可能导致需要更多检测服务来确保进口产品符合国内环保要求。 产品质量认证:对于电子、机械设备等高价值产品,质量认证需求可能会增加。 金融科技产品和服务: 投资定期存款计算器的提及暗示了金融科技领域的机会。随着中国鼓励储蓄和投资,以下产品或服务的需求可能会增长: 理财规划工具:开发用于帮助个人和企业进行理财规划、定期存款计算和投资管理的软件或应用。 金融服务平台:提供在线定期存款、投资管理和其他金融服务,便捷性和高回报可能会吸引更多用户。 教育和咨询:为投资者提供投资教育服务和个性化咨询服务,帮助他们更好地理解和利用定期存款等金融产品。 … Read more


人工智能对就业带来了巨大的不确定性。 AI casts huge uncertainty on jobs 作者: Team TOI India Business News: The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) casts a “huge pall of uncertainty” when it comes to jobs, considering its impact on workers across all skil. 印度商业新闻:人工智能(AI)的出现给各行各业技能水平的工作者带来了“巨大的不确定性阴霾”。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount you deposit earns interest as per … Read more


韩国航空交易让波音在范堡罗领先空客一步。 Korean Air Deal Puts Boeing Ahead of Airbus at Farnborough 作者: Jesus Mesa Despite the limited physical presence at the aviation fair, Boeing dominated the first day of dealmaking with a multibillion-dollar agreement with the Korean carrier. 尽管在航空展上的实体存在有限,波音公司在第一天通过同韩国航空公司的数十亿美元协议主导了交易活动。 Boeing made a big splash on the first day of the Farnborough International Airshow, securing an … Read more


基于经济收益是未来韧性的关键。 Building on economic gains key to future resilience 作者: ET CONTRIBUTORS India’s economy shows resilience post-pandemic with strong growth rates. Fiscal prudence, private sector investments, and digitalization contribute to stability. IMF acknowledges India’s economic achievements amidst global challenges. 印度经济在疫情后显示出韧性,增长势头强劲。财政审慎、私营部门投资和数字化为稳定做出了贡献。国际货币基金组织(IMF)在全球挑战中承认印度的经济成就。 India is navigating its economy through a world beset with multiple challenges. Although headline inflation … Read more


微软服务中断可能会扩大保险覆盖范围和定价。 Microsoft outage likely to expand insurance coverage, pricing 作者: Shilpy Sinha The outage, caused by a cyber incident involving CrowdStrike, is expected to have had a limited impact on insurance claims due to existing policy constraints. A majority of claims related to the outage fall under business interruption coverage, which typicall… 这次由涉及CrowdStrike的网络事件引起的系统中断预计因现有政策的限制,对保险索赔的影响有限。与此次中断相关的多数索赔属于业务中断险范围,这类保险通常…… MUMBAI: Some … Read more

什么是市场进入策略?市场进入计划模板 + 示例

什么是市场进入策略?市场进入计划模板 + 示例 What is a Go-to-Market Strategy? GTM Plan Template + Examples 作者: Stefan Groschupf A go-to-market strategy is what’s going to help you catapult your new product into the hands of buyers, and we’ve got the examples + templates you need. 入市策略将帮助你将新产品迅速推广到买家手中,我们这里有你需要的相关案例和模板。 To have a successful product launch, you need to craft a … Read more


P&Q访谈:GBSB全球新任院长谈为学生准备数字化未来 The P&Q Interview: New Dean Of GBSB Global On Preparing Students For The Digital Future 作者: Kristy Bleizeffer The graduating class of 2024 from GBSB Global Business School in Spain, including bachelor’s, Master’s and MBA graduates. Courtesy photo Ever since a group… 2024届西班牙GBSB全球商学院的毕业生,包括本科、硕士和MBA毕业生。图片来源:自供照片 自从一群…… The graduating class of 2024 from GBSB Global Business School … Read more


成熟待采:苹果印度组装iPhone的决定结出果实 Ripe for picking: Apple’s India iPhone assembly decision bears fruit 作者: Surajeet Das Gupta Apple india sales: The decision to assemble in India paid off even though it was focused on exports in the beginning. In FY19, only 10% of Apple’s phones sold in India were assembled in India, a figure that has now … Read more


欧洲自由贸易联盟为印度和瑞士开启了新机遇:具有印度血统的瑞士国会议员。 EFTA opens up new opportunities for India and Switzerland: Indian-origin Swiss MP 作者: Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury Niklaus-Samuel Gugger, a Swiss politician and member of the National Council of Switzerland, has praised the recently signed European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) between Switzerland and India. The agreement, which was signed 16 years ago, aims to increase … Read more


南非旨在利用金砖国家平台促进贸易:官员表示。 South Africa aims to use BRICS platform to boost trade: official 作者: Xie Jiang, Ndumiso Mlilo JOHANNESBURG, July 22 (Xinhua) — South Africa will attend the 14th BRICS Trade Ministers Meeting later this week in Moscow, Russia, to seek trade and investment opportunities, a government official said on Monday. Read full story 约翰内斯堡,7月22日(新华社)——一名政府官员周一表示,南非将在本周晚些时候参加在俄罗斯莫斯科举行的第十四届金砖国家贸易部长会议,寻求贸易和投资机会。阅读全文。 JOHANNESBURG, … Read more