Piramal Capital将其首次海外债券发行定价为7.95%;目标筹集3亿美元资金。

Piramal Capital将其首次海外债券发行定价为7.95%;目标筹集3亿美元资金。 Piramal Capital prices first overseas bond issue at 7.95%; eyes $300 million fundraise 作者: Shilpy Sinha Piramal plans to use proceeds from a new bond issue to fuel its rapidly growing retail business, which has seen a 50% annual expansion in the past two years. While primarily relying on domestic borrowing, Piramal is … Read more


印度煤炭公司确保石墨区块,标志着其首次进入非煤炭矿物开采业务。 Coal India secures graphite block, marking entry into first ever non-coal mineral mining venture 作者: Mithun Dasgupta Graphite has its utility as anode material in lithium-ion battery manufacturing due to its relatively low-cost and energy density. 石墨作为锂离子电池负极材料,因其相对低成本和能量密度而具有实用性。 State-run coal behemoth Coal India has secured a graphite block, a critical mineral asset, in Madhya Pradesh. … Read more


印度航空将在美国航线部署新A350客机,因国内航班经济舱拥挤受到批评。 Air India to deploy new A350s on US routes, comes under fire for cramped economy class on domestic flights 作者: BL Mumbai Bureau Air India to deploy new A350 planes on US routes; under fire for cramped economy class on domestic flights 印度航空将在美国航线上部署新A350飞机;因国内航班经济舱拥挤而受到批评。 On Monday the airline said it will deploy its new Airbus … Read more


专家敦促中心取消对心理健康服务征收18%的的商品及服务税(GST) Experts Urge Centre To Remove 18% GST On Mental Health Services 作者: None The government must remove or limit the 18 per cent Goods and Services Tax (GST) on mental health services, and allocate resources strategically to help India become a mentally resilient society, experts said. 政府必须取消或限制心理健康服务上18%的商品与服务税(GST),并战略性地分配资源以帮助印度成为一个心理韧性强的社会,专家表示。 Lack of mental health professionals is crippling … Read more


“月球科学的黑暗一天:”NASA取消VIPER月球车计划,科学家们感到震惊。 ‘A dark day for lunar science:’ Scientists shocked as NASA cancels VIPER moon rover 作者: Leonard David “VIPER is people and there should be significant concern for the engineers and scientists working to test and fly the completed rover given the uncertain situation. Please keep the VIPER team in mind.” VIPER是由人组成的,考虑到不确定的情况,应该对那些致力于测试和驾驶完成后的火星车的工程师和科学家表示深切关注。请记住VIPER团队。 It is a … Read more


超过100种止咳糖浆未通过质量检测。 Over 100 cough syrup makers fail quality test 作者: Teena Thacker A government report reveals that over 100 pharma units’ cough syrup samples failed quality tests, showing the same toxins linked to child deaths in Gambia, Uzbekistan, and Cameroon. The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation’s analysis found 353 out of 7… 一份政府报告显示,超过100家制药单位的咳嗽糖浆样本质量检测不合格,检出了与冈比亚、乌兹别克斯坦和喀麦隆儿童死亡相关的相同毒素。中央药品标准控制组织分析发现,在7…(此处原文似乎不完整)。 Cough syrup … Read more


2024年预算实时更新:铁路、公路记录资本支出及可能从尼马拉·西塔拉曼联邦预算中获得所得税减免。 Budget 2024 Live Updates: Record capex for railways, roads & income tax relief likely from FM Nirmala Sitharaman’s Union Budget 作者: Times Of India Budget 2024 Live Updates: Union Budget 2024 will be presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman today, that is on July 23, 2024 in Parliament. F 2024年预算实时更新:财政部长尼马拉·西塔拉曼将于今日,即2024年7月23日在议会提交2024年联合预算。 Taxpayers and corporate entities … Read more

concern. 主权财富投资者认为,地缘政治和选举不确定性,而非通货膨胀,是它们最大的风险担忧。

concern. 主权财富投资者认为,地缘政治和选举不确定性,而非通货膨胀,是它们最大的风险担忧。 Sovereign wealth investors think geopolitics and election uncertainty, not inflation, is their biggest risk 作者: Lionel Lim A year of elections, including November’s upcoming U.S. presidential elections, is driving volatility and uncertainty in the markets. 一年中的各种选举,包括即将到来的11月美国总统选举,正在推动市场的波动性和不确定性。 Geopolitics and election-driven uncertainty is the biggest worry for sovereign wealth managers, according to a survey from … Read more


一个世界,一个太阳,一个电网:关于印度雄心勃勃的可再生能源项目OSOWOG的一切。 One World, One Sun, One Grid: All about India’s ambitious renewable project OSOWOG 作者: ET Online The 2023-24 Economic Survey, presented by Nirmala Sitharaman and authored by V Anantha Nageswaran, highlights the OSOWOG initiative for solar energy. Launched at COP26 with the UK, it aims to interconnect global energy grids, targeting 500 GW by … Read more


瓦拉纳西小商贩对2024年联邦预算的期望是什么? What Varanasi Small Traders Expect From Union Budget 2024 作者: None “We have a lot of expectations from the Modi government, including reduction of GST on Banarasi sarees,” Chandanlal, who runs a Banarasi saree business said. 我们期待莫迪政府做出许多改变,包括降低班加罗尔纱丽的GST税率,经营班加罗尔纱丽生意的钱丹纳尔说。 Varanasi: Common people have high hopes from the Union Budget 2024-25 which will be presented in the … Read more