
GCC繁荣促进了服务业出口:经济调查报告 GCC boom has aided services exports: Economic Survey 作者: Sindhu Hariharan India’s Global Capability Centres (GCCs) drive services exports growth, surpassing IT services, with a CAGR of 18% in FY24. 印度的全球能力中心(GCCs)推动服务业出口增长,超过IT服务业,在2024财年的复合年增长率达到18%。 Global capability centres (GCCs) have boosted Indias services exports in a year when merchandise trade remained flat.  Within services sector, while IT services/software … Read more


PLI计划促使投资、就业和出口增长,但需要放松管制:经济调查报告。 PLI scheme leading to investments, jobs, exports but deregulation needed: Economic Survey 作者: Amiti Sen Governments across the country can help by reviewing, amending, relaxing and annulling regulations that are messy, stifling 全国各地政府可以通过审查、修订、放宽和废除那些混乱、压抑性的规章制度来提供帮助。 The Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme, introduced in 2021 for 14 key sectors to meet the objectives of Atmanirbhar Bharat, has attracted … Read more


2024年预算:GTRI敦促政府不要削减智能手机零件的进口关税。 Budget 2024: GTRI urges govt not to cut import duty on smartphone parts 作者: Press Trust of India Economic think tank GTRI on Monday urged the government to cut import duty on smartphone components in the Budget as it could lead to an increase in superficial assembly plants that rely heavily on imported parts. … Read more


行业专家分析WazirX遭黑客攻击:印度加密生态系统的教训与未来举措 Industry experts analyse WazirX hack: Lessons and future steps for India’s crypto ecosystem 作者: ETMarkets.com WazirX, one of India’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges, recently faced a significant security breach, resulting in a loss of over $230 million. This incident, the largest of its kind in India to date, has prompted a thorough examination of security … Read more


经济调查呼吁重新思考通货膨胀目标制,建议将食品价格排除在外。 Economic Survey calls for rethinking inflation targeting, recommends excluding food prices 作者: KR Srivats Economic Survey suggests India reconsider inflation targeting framework to exclude volatile food component for better policy effectiveness. 经济调查建议印度重新考虑通胀目标框架,排除波动性较大的食品成分,以增强政策的有效性。 India must take a relook at its current inflation targeting framework and explore one that would target an inflation rate excluding the … Read more


印度主权绿色债券几乎未从私人投资者那里获得任何绿色溢价:生态调查。 Indian sovereign green bonds hardly received any green premiums from private investors: Eco Survey 作者: Rishi Ranjan Kala India undertook the issue of sovereign green bonds amounting to ₹16,000 crore in January-February 2023, followed by a second issue of ₹20,000 crore in October-December 2023. 印度在2023年1-2月发行了总额为1600亿卢比的主权绿色债券,随后在2023年10-12月又发行了第二笔总额为2000亿卢比的债券。 Indias sovereign green bonds have hardly received any good … Read more


医药行业显示出韧性:原料药出口激增,通过PLI激励降低进口依赖性。 Pharma sector shows resilience: Bulk drug exports surge, import dependency tackled with PLI boost 作者: Abhishek Law India’s import dependency of APIs are largely due to a lack of cost-effective options in domestic API manufacturing compared with imports, the Survey noted 印度的活性药物成分进口依赖主要是由于与进口相比,国内API制造缺乏成本效益高的选项,调查指出。 India is net exporter of bulk drugs in FY24, but the country … Read more

全球技术故障导致航班停飞,影响银行和企业 | 摘要

全球技术故障导致航班停飞,影响银行和企业 | 摘要 Global tech outage grounds flights, hits banks and businesses | The Excerpt 作者: Taylor Wilson, USA TODAY Plus: Did Secret Service agents follow protocols in the moments after a shooter opened fire on former President Donald Trump? It’s all on The Excerpt. Washington 此外:在一名枪手对前总统唐纳德·特朗普开枪后,特勤局特工是否遵循了协议?一切尽在《摘录》中。华盛顿报道。 On Saturdays episode of The Excerpt podcast: A tech … Read more

Cashfree Payments获得印度储备银行颁发的支付聚合商-跨境许可。

Cashfree Payments获得印度储备银行颁发的支付聚合商-跨境许可。 Cashfree Payments gets payment aggregator-cross border licence from RBI 作者: Ajinkya Kawale Cashfree Payments RBI licence: The Bengaluru-based company is one of the first non-banks to receive the PA-CB licence, according to the RBI’s website 现金免费支付公司 RBI 许可证:根据印度储备银行的网站,这家位于班加罗尔的公司是首批获得PA-CB许可的非银行机构之一。 The Bengaluru-based company is one of the first non-banks to receive the PA-CB licence, according … Read more


印度法院阻止命令餐饮店展示店主姓名 India court blocks order for eateries to display owners’ names 作者: Meryl Sebastian – BBC News, Kochi and Dilnawaz Pasha – BBC Hindi, Muzaffarnagar Critics say ordering restaurants to prominently display names of owners is discriminatory towards Muslims. 评论家称,要求餐厅显眼地展示业主的名字是对穆斯林的歧视。 The order was issued ahead of an annual Hindu pilgrimage usually undertaken by young men … Read more