
HDFC银行的子公司寻求最高3亿美元的离岸贷款。 HDFC Bank’s Unit Seeks Up to $300 Million in Offshore Loan 作者: Bloomberg HDB Financial Services Ltd. is in talks with a group of global and local banks to finalize the terms HDB金融服务有限公司正在与一组全球及本地银行洽谈,以敲定条款。 HDB Financial Services Ltd. is in talks with a group of global and local banks to finalise the terms The final … Read more

印度的纳伦德拉·莫迪面临“造王者”盟友的预算要求 – 金融时报

印度的纳伦德拉·莫迪面临“造王者”盟友的预算要求 – 金融时报 India’s Narendra Modi faces budget demands from ‘kingmaker’ allies – Financial Times 作者: feedfeeder India’s Narendra Modi faces budget demands from ‘kingmaker’ alliesFinancial Times Budget Session 2024 LIVE updates: Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman tables Economic SurveyThe Hindu Budget 2024 date, time: When will FM Nirmala Sitharaman present Union Budget … 印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪面临“造王者”盟友的预算要求 《金融时报》2024年预算会议实时更新:联邦部长尼马拉·西塔拉曼提交经济调查报告 … Read more


食物费用的压力在两年内翻了一番,经济调查解释了为何会出现这种情况。 Pressure on your food bills has doubled in 2 years, Economic Survey explains why that happened 作者: ET Online Economic Survey 2024, presented by Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, highlighted a sharp rise in food inflation in India. From 3.8% in FY22, it increased to 6.6% in FY23 and further to 7.5% in FY24, … Read more

Coal India成为Khattali Chotti石墨区块的首选投标人。

Coal India成为Khattali Chotti石墨区块的首选投标人。 Coal India emerges preferred bidder for Khattali Chotti graphite block 作者: Capital Market Coal India (CIL) has successfully opened its account in domestic critical mineral asset emerging as the preferred bidder for Khattali Chotti graphite block in Alirajpur district of Madhya Pradesh. This was under tranche two forward auction held on 9 … Read more


认为印度能够承接中国在某些制造业领域腾出的空缺并不谨慎:经济调查报告。 Not prudent to think India can take up slack from China vacating certain spaces in manufacturing: Economic Survey 作者: ET Online The Economic Survey 2023-24 advises caution against assuming India can replace China in global manufacturing. Despite India’s rapid growth, China’s dominance in supply chains, especially in critical and rare earth minerals, presents significant … Read more


2024年经济调查:为何印度必须以印度方式看待气候变化问题,摒弃西方解决方案。 Economic Survey 2024: Why India must look at climate change problem through Indian way, ditch western solutions 作者: ET Online Economic Survey 2024 opens with a Vedic shloka, “Mata bhumih putruahan prthivya,” setting the tone for a deep-rooted philosophical perspective on sustainability. It highlighted India’s resilience in the face of global adversities, attributing this … Read more


印孚瑟斯有限公司(纽约证券交易所:INFY)预计2025年第四季度每股收益0.19美元,威廉·布莱尔预测。 Infosys Limited (NYSE:INFY) to Post Q4 2025 Earnings of $0.19 Per Share, William Blair Forecasts 作者: MarketBeat News Infosys Limited (NYSE:INFY – Free Report) – Equities research analysts at William Blair upped their Q4 2025 EPS estimates for Infosys in a research report issued on Thursday, July 18th. William Blair analyst M. Nolan now … Read more


被遗忘的疫情教训?印度的救护车系统急需改革。 Forgotten pandemic lessons? India’s ambulance system needs urgent reforms 作者: Abhijeet Kumar A recent report revealed that the focus of the Indian ambulance market, valued at $1.5 billion in 2022, still remains largely on patient transfer rather than critical emergency care 一份最新的报告显示,2022年估值达15亿美元的印度救护车市场,其关注点仍然主要在于患者转运,而非关键的紧急救护。 A recent report revealed that the focus of the Indian ambulance market, … Read more


佩萨解锁新市场,以确保汇款持续流向新兴经济体。 Pesa unlocks new markets to keep remittances flowing to emerging economies 作者: Annie Njanja Founders of Pesa, a remittance fintech, know too well how costly, inaccessible and unreliable remittance services drive people to opt for risky informal channels —  like WhatsApp groups  — to transfer money.  Their firsthand experience using informal channels… Pesa这家汇款金融科技公司的创始人深知,费用高昂、难以获得且不可靠的汇款服务如何迫使人们选择风险较高的非正式渠道——比如WhatsApp群组——来转账。他们亲身使用非正式渠道的经历…… Founders … Read more

Madhu Kela表示,现在投资短期资金是个难题;他指出调控期货及期权市场的最佳方式。

Madhu Kela表示,现在投资短期资金是个难题;他指出调控期货及期权市场的最佳方式。 It is a struggle to invest money in short-term now, says Madhu Kela; points to best way to regulate F&O market 作者: ET Now The smartest way to regulate the F&O market is to increase the lot size so that the retail people cannot get in basically, says Madhu Kela. You do not … Read more