
特朗普对决哈里斯:每位总统对旅游业意味着什么 Trump vs. Harris: What Each Administration Would Mean for the Travel Industry 作者: Sarah Kopit, Dawit Habtemariam, Meghna Maharishi, Skift President Joe Biden’s decision to leave the 2024 U.S. presidential race put an unprecedented twist on what was always going to be an unconventional election. But one thing is clear: Each potential administration’s policies … Read more


Prosus首席执行官法布里西奥·布洛西将于八月抵达审视业务情况。 Prosus CEO Fabricio Bloisi landing in August to take stock of business 作者: Digbijay Mishra Fabricio Bloisi, who was appointed CEO of Prosus in May, will be in New Delhi and Bengaluru meeting some of the top portfolio firms like Swiggy, Meesho, and Urban Company, per current plans. Bloisi replaced long-time CEO Bob van … Read more


独家:亚马逊就快速商务业务Instamart与Swiggy进行收购谈判:消息人士透露。 Exclusive: Amazon in deals talks with Swiggy for quick commerce business Instamart: sources 作者: Samidha Sharma and Digbijay Mishra Early talks on; US ecommerce biggie looking for a buyout or stake via pre-IPO placement. Discussions may face multiple roadblocks, said sources in the know. Legacy ecommerce players like Amazon and Flipkart scouting for quick … Read more


新电子元件计划可能超出预算,SPECS复兴的可能性不大:IT秘书处。 New electronics component scheme maybe outside Budget, SPECS revival unlikely: IT Secy 作者: Gulveen Aulakh S. Krishnan, secretary in the ministry of electronics and information technology said the government will consider every component individually for whether it can be built locally and whether production can be scaled up to enable exports that fit into … Read more

AM绿色计划投资10亿美元进入生物燃料领域,购买Assam生物炼油厂50%的股份,该厂由Fortum Oyj和Chempolis Oy持有。

AM绿色计划投资10亿美元进入生物燃料领域,购买Assam生物炼油厂50%的股份,该厂由Fortum Oyj和Chempolis Oy持有。 AM Green plans $1 billion biofuels foray, to buy 50% stake in Assam Bio Refinery from Fortum Oyj and Chempolis Oy 作者: Utpal Bhaskar The company is planning its biofuels foray by setting up two bio ethanol plants, marking a new venture for the renewable energy company 公司正计划通过建立两个生物乙醇工厂来开展其生物燃料业务,这标志着这家可再生能源公司的一个新企业。 New Delhi: AM Green … Read more


互惠基金:过去的表现并不总是保证未来收益;如何选择互惠基金以获得最佳回报。 Mutual funds: Past performance not always guarantee future return; how to choose mutual funds to get best return 作者: Sanket Dhanorkar Mutual fund: The basic premise for chasing top performers— the belief that past success will continue into the future—is flawed. Chasing past returns is a futile exercise. Funds, like the broader markets, tend … Read more


为什么这位前企业巨头认为前25年是学习,接下来是赚钱,最后是回报。 Why this ex-corporate honcho believes first 25 years are to learn, next to earn & last to return 作者: Jash Kriplani Dalveer Singh, with his wife Aarti, have achieved major life goals, providing for their sons’ overseas education and building a retirement kitty. They are now seeking a serene retirement home far away from … Read more


探索三只印度股息股票,收益率高达3.8% Exploring Three Indian Dividend Stocks With Yields Up To 3.8% 作者: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St) In the past year, the Indian market has shown robust growth, climbing by 43%, despite a recent 1.3% dip over the last week. In this dynamic environment… 在过去的一年中,印度市场显示出强劲的增长,增长了43%,尽管在最近一周出现了1.3%的下跌。在这个充满活力的环境中… In the past year, the Indian market has shown robust growth, … Read more


我们尽管面临全球宏观经济动荡,依然保持了强劲的有机增长:阿努普里娅·阿查里亚。 We have maintained our strong organic growth despite the global macro-economic turbulence: Anupriya Acharya 作者: Gaurav Laghate CEO of Publicis Groupe South Asia Anupriya Acharya talks about evolving landscape of advertising in economic uncertainties & tech evolution. She discusses strategic manoeuvres Publicis is adopting in response to global economic conditions, recent election… Publicis Groupe … Read more


印度公司把健康目标加入评估中; India Inc adds health goal to appraisals; 作者: Devina Sengupta India Inc is now looking at health benefits in not just a ‘feel-good’ factor but a more tangible way of curbing employee attrition and measuring performance. 印度企业现在不仅仅将健康福利看作是一种“感觉良好”的因素,而是更作为一种切实减少员工流失和衡量绩效的方式。 Mumbai: Indian companies are reorienting health insurance coverage for their employees to include extended benefits for household … Read more