
印度肺部疾病的负担可能远高于《柳叶刀》研究的预测:医生们说。 Burden of lung diseases in India likely much higher than Lancet study’s projection: Doctors 作者: PTI Indian doctors are concerned that the actual burden of lung-related diseases in the country may exceed recent projections by a Lancet study, attributing this discrepancy to high levels of air pollution and widespread tobacco use. 印度医生们担心,国内与肺有关的疾病实际负担可能超过了《柳叶刀》研究最近的预测,将这种差异归因于高水平的空气污染和烟草的广泛使用。 Indian doctors … Read more


光子学领域的不断扩展:在我们口袋设备中操控光线。 The growing world of photonics: Manipulation of light, inside our pocket devices 作者: M Ramesh Light-based innovations in photonic integrated circuits are set to enhance the speed and efficiency of electronic devices 基于光学的创新在光子集成电路中,预计将提升电子设备的速度和效率。 In electronics, electrons run errands for us like carrying data from one point to another. But in the recent years, scientists … Read more


亚马逊追求新鲜,拜耳偏爱巴斯马蒂:印度农业中的有毒影响 Amazon Gets Fresh, Bayer Loves Basmati: Toxic Influences in Indian Agriculture 作者: Global Research News The citizens of India have a problem. In what the media like to call ‘the world’s biggest democracy’, there is a serious, proven conflict of interest among officials in the areas of science, agriculture and agricultural research that results … Read more


分解“专利丛林”而不抑制创新。 Breaking down ‘patent thickets’ without smothering innovation 作者: PT Jyothi Datta With recent patent-linked rejections, governments push back on big pharma’s strategy 随着近期与专利相关的驳回,政府抵制大型制药公司的策略。 The last two-odd weeks witnessed three significant developments aimed at improving access to affordable medicines, playing out in India, South Africa and the US. All developments involved patents, … [+4952 chars] … Read more

如果经济增长7%,汽车需求也应该增长7%:RC 巴尔加瓦。

如果经济增长7%,汽车需求也应该增长7%:RC 巴尔加瓦。 If the economy grows at 7%, car demand should also grow by 7%: RC Bhargava 作者: S Ronendra Singh PV sales in July indicate industry growth; economy at seven per cent, optimistic for normal demand, steady growth expected. 七月光伏销量显示行业增长;经济增长百分之七,对常态需求持乐观态度,预计将保持稳定增长。 The passenger vehicle (PVs) sales in July would indicate the growth trend of the … Read more


JSW基础设施专注于提升内陆物流链。 JSW Infrastructure focuses on boosting inland logistics chain 作者: Janaki Krishnan On Friday, the company announced the acquisition of a slurry pipeline from group company JSW Utkal that will boost connectivity for its upcoming port at Jatadhar in Odisha 周五,该公司宣布收购集团子公司JSW Utkal的一条泥浆管道,这将增强其位于奥里萨邦贾塔达尔在建港口的连通性。 Ports operator JSW Infrastructure is working towards strengthening its logistics infrastructure through a … Read more


空中客车考虑在印度八个地点设立H125直升机总装线。 Airbus eyes eight locations for its H125 helicopter assembly line in India 作者: Anubhav Mukherjee Airbus has listed eight potential site locations for setting up its final assembly line for the H125 helicopters in India, inaugurations to be expected later this year in October or November, as per a PTI report. 空客已列出八个潜在的地点,用于在印度设立其H125直升机的最终装配线,据PTI报道,预计在今年10月或11月举行启动仪式。 The French … Read more


依赖零售在收购METRO印度业务后扩大B2B门店数量。 Reliance Retail scales B2B store count after acquiring METRO’s India ops 作者: Sharleen Dsouza It added 30 stores during the April-June quarter, it said in its investor presentation post announcing its results on Friday 公司在周五公布业绩后向投资者介绍时表示,在四月至六月季度期间增加了30家门店。 It added 30 stores during the April-June quarter, it said in its investor presentation post announcing its results on … Read more


碳税的经济愚行 The Economic Folly of a Carbon Tax 作者: Activist Post By Vance Ginn The push for a carbon tax has regained popularity as the fiscal storm in 2025 and climate change debates intensify. Advocates claim… The Economic Folly of a Carbon Tax 由Vance Ginn撰写 争取碳税的努力随着2025年财政风暴的加剧和气候变化辩论的升温而重新获得了人气。支持者声称……碳税的经济谬误。 By Vance Ginn The push for a carbon tax … Read more


泰米尔纳杜邦的蒂鲁普尔织就辉煌,将其传统织入巴黎奥运会。 Tamil Nadu’s Tiruppur spins glory, threads its legacy into Paris Olympics 作者: Shine Jacob Back Bay India from India’s textile hub weaves the Olympic spirit into official IOC stores and volunteer uniforms . 印度Back Bay从印度纺织中心织出了奥林匹克精神,将其融入到国际奥委会官方商店和志愿者制服中。 Back Bay India from India’s textile hub weaves the Olympic spirit into official IOC stores and volunteer uniforms Shine … Read more