
进一步破坏俄罗斯石油流量的阴谋证明制裁无效 The Plot To Further Disrupt Russian Oil Flows Proof That Sanctions Don’t Work 作者: Irina Slav Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is set to attend a UK Cabinet meeting to discuss strategies aimed at further disrupting Russian oil sales as the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict continues to reverberate through global oil markets. While critics of Weste… … Read more


土耳其电视剧出口也推动了旅游业的发展。 Turkey’s Export of TV Shows Also Fuels Tourism 作者: VOA Learning English Turkish TV dramas are becoming popular around the world. The shows are providing export income. They are also a form of soft power bringing attention to Turkey’s history and rich lifestyles in Istanbul. 土耳其电视剧在全球范围内变得越来越受欢迎。这些剧集提供了出口收入,同时也是软实力的一种形式,引起了人们对土耳其历史和伊斯坦布尔丰富生活方式的关注。 Turkey has become a leading exporter of television … Read more


奥里萨邦在遭到反对后,对比朱奖做出180度大转弯。 After backlash, Odisha’s U-turn on Biju award 作者: TNN India News: BHUBANESWAR: BJP govt in Odisha on Sunday reversed its decision to rename Biju Patnaik Sports Award to Odisha Rajya Krida Samman following backlash fr. 印度新闻:布巴内斯瓦尔:奥里萨邦的BJP政府周日撤销了将比朱·帕特奈克体育奖更名为奥里萨邦皇家体育奖的决定,此前该决定遭到了强烈反对。 10 evening snacks made with oats 10种用燕麦制作的夜间小吃 这条新闻提到的内容似乎涉及印度奥里萨邦的某个政策转变,以及与朱奖有关的燕麦夜间小吃。虽然新闻本身并没有直接说明具体的商业机会,但我们可以推测以下可能的外贸商业机会: 燕麦产品行业: 随着对健康食品需求的增长,特别是在印度这样快速发展的经济体中,燕麦作为一种健康的谷物,其产品的需求可能会增加。 中国的燕麦加工企业可以探索出口燕麦制成的食品到奥里萨邦乃至印度其他地区的机会。 具体商机可能包括: 燕麦片:即食燕麦片和传统燕麦片可能会受到欢迎,尤其是在忙碌的城市生活中,方便快捷的健康食品需求量大。 燕麦小吃:正如新闻提到的夜间小吃,这表明市场可能对健康且方便的休闲食品有较大需求。 燕麦粉和其他燕麦制品:燕麦粉可以用于多种食品加工,其他燕麦制品如燕麦饼干、燕麦能量棒等也可能在市场上受欢迎。 健康和有机食品行业: 如果奥里萨邦的政策转变暗示了对健康生活方式的支持,那么除了燕麦产品,其他健康食品也可能迎来市场需求。 有机产品的需求也可能增长,中国有机食品生产商可以探索进入印度市场的机会。 … Read more


信息技术的中心,特兰甘纳成为网络犯罪的热点。 Hub of infotech, Telangana turns cybercrime hotspot 作者: Amrita Didyala India News: HYDERABAD: A flourishing IT industry, coupled with a thick concentration of high net worth individuals (HNIs), has put Hyderabad on the hit list of cy. 印度新闻:海得拉巴:繁荣的IT产业以及高净值人群(HNIs)的高度集中,使得海得拉巴成为了网络安全攻击的目标名单上的一员。 10 evening snacks made with oats 10种以燕麦制成的夜间小吃 从您提供的新闻标题中,“信息技术的中心,特兰甘纳成为网络犯罪的热点。10种以燕麦制成的夜间小吃”,我们可以分析出以下商业机会: 信息技术安全行业: 随着特兰甘纳成为网络犯罪的热点,对于信息技术安全解决方案的需求可能会增长。中国的外贸公司可以提供网络安全服务、咨询以及相关产品,如防火墙、入侵检测系统、加密技术等。 云安全服务、移动安全解决方案、大数据分析以预防犯罪等高端IT服务可能会有更大的市场。 燕麦制夜间小吃行业: 燕麦作为一种健康食品的原料,在夜间小吃市场的兴起表明消费者对健康、营养、方便食品的需求增长。 中国的外贸公司可以开发多样化、创新型的燕麦小吃产品,针对不同市场的需求,如注重健康的消费者群体。 具体商机如下: 健康食品出口:可以开发针对特兰甘纳及印度其他地区市场的健康燕麦小吃,利用中国丰富的燕麦资源和成熟的食品加工技术。 … Read more


新加坡元有理由再次赢得亚洲货币之王的称号。 Singapore Dollar Has Reasons to Win Asia’s Currency Crown Again 作者: David Finnerty (Bloomberg) — The odds are growing for Singapore’s dollar to be Asia’s best-performing currency for a third straight year as the central bank looks set to… — 据彭博社报道,随着新加坡中央银行有望采取行动,新加坡元连续第三年成为亚洲表现最佳货币的可能性正在增加…… (Bloomberg) — The odds are growing for Singapores dollar to be Asias best-performing … Read more


地缘政治超过通胀,成为主权财富基金最担忧的问题之首。 Geopolitics overtakes inflation at top of sovereign wealth fund worry list 作者: Reuters Geopolitics overtakes inflation at top of sovereign wealth fund worry list 地缘政治超过通货膨胀,成为主权财富基金最担忧的问题之首。 By Libby George and Marc Jones LONDON (Reuters) – Geopolitical rivalries, including brewing trade battles between the United States and China, now trump inflation as the biggest worry for … Read more


2024年预算案,Q1盈利情况在内的11个因素将影响本周D-Street的情绪。 Budget 2024, Q1 earnings action among 11 factors to impact D-Street mood this week 作者: Shivendra Kumar The short-term trend of Nifty seems to have reversed from all-time highs, Nagaraj Shetti of HDFC Securities said. The formation of candle patterns as per daily and weekly charts indicate the possibility of more weakness in the … Read more

AIIMS外国医生对预算的期望 – 《周日卫报》直播

AIIMS外国医生对预算的期望 – 《周日卫报》直播 Expectations Of AIIMS Foreign Doctors From Budget – The Sunday Guardian Live 作者: Anjali Singh NEW DELHI: Foreign doctors, mostly of Nepal nationality, employed at All India Institute Of Medical Sciences(AIIMS) Delhi and Rishikesh are holding high 新德里:在德里全印医学科学研究所(AIIMS)和rishikesh工作的外籍医生,主要是尼泊尔国籍,他们的职位很高。 NEW DELHI: Foreign doctors, mostly of Nepal nationality, employed at All India Institute Of … Read more


投资征税是一个四维矩阵,简化它是至关重要的:费罗兹·阿齐兹分享了他的预算愿望清单。 Investment taxation is a 4D matrix, simplifying it is crucial: Feroze Azeez shares his Budget wishlist 作者: Neha Vashishth Feroze Azeez expects the Union Budget to revise LTCG limits, add debt schemes to Section 80C, and include mutual fund infrastructure in Section 54EC. AMFI’s Section 50AA proposal, fixed deposits, and indexation benefits are discussed. … Read more


2024年联合预算可以为点燃印度电动汽车革命绘制路线图。 Union Budget 2024 can draw a roadmap to spark India’s electric vehicle revolution 作者: Yogada Sharma Union Budget 2024: The forthcoming Union Budget 2024 is expected to outline strategies aimed at ramping up India’s electric vehicle aspirations. Under the Narendra Modi government’s vision, the target is for electric vehicles to constitute 30% of total … Read more