最低工资,Agniveer:P Chidambaram 对 Nirmala Sitharaman 的五项要求

最低工资,Agniveer:P Chidambaram 对 Nirmala Sitharaman 的五项要求 Minimum Wage, Agniveer: P Chidambaram’s 5 Demands From Nirmala Sitharaman 作者: None Congress MP P Chidambaram posed five questions to the government Wednesday in a speech in the Rajya Sabha, a day after Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman read out the Union Budget. 国会议员P·奇丹巴拉姆周三在联邦预算公布次日于人民院发表演讲,向政府提出了五个问题。 Congress MP P Chidambaram is a … Read more


印度航空直飞达拉斯和洛杉矶的航班离现实更近了吗? Air India non-stop flights to Dallas and Los Angeles coming closer to reality? 作者: Live from a Lounge Air India may be coming closer to launching their new non-stop flights to the US in the coming months. Dallas Fort Worth could be the next destination for the airline in the months ahead, followed by … Read more


MSC邮轮,全球巨头随着有利税改生效将在印度起航:索诺瓦尔。 MSC Cruises, global biggies to set sail in India as favourable tax reforms kick in: Sonowal 作者: Abhishek Law ‘Operations could begin January 2025 onwards, across Mumbai-Goa, Mumbai-Diu, Kochi–Lakshadweep, Chennai-Andaman routes, among others’ 运营可能会从2025年1月开始,涉及孟买-果阿、孟买-迪乌、科钦-拉克沙群岛、金奈-安达曼等路线。 Global cruise major MSC Cruises, based out of Geneva, has expressed willingness to start India operations post clarity of cruise … Read more


巴贾金融贷款损失准备金激增,非银行金融公司将重点提高收款效率。 Bajaj Finance loan loss provisions jump, NBFC to focus on collection efficiency 作者: Anshika Kayastha Gross loan losses and provisions for the quarter were ₹1,790 crore. During the quarter, the NBFC utilized a management overlay of ₹105 crore towards loan losses and provisions, as a result of which net loan losses and provisions were … Read more


印度锌公司推出亚洲首个低碳锌品牌,生态锌(EcoZen) Hindustan Zinc launches Asia’s first low-carbon zinc brand, EcoZen 作者: Anjali Singh The automotive industry is a significant consumer of zinc, primarily for galvanisation to protect steel from corrosion 汽车行业是锌的重要消费者,主要用于镀锌以保护钢材免受腐蚀。 Arun Misra, CEO, Hindustan Zinc Limited at the Launch of EcoZen, Asias First low carbon green zinc brand in Mumbai on Wednesday 24th July, … Read more


印度锌业探索产能翻倍;推出低碳锌产品。 Hindustan Zinc explores doubling capacity; launches low-carbon zinc 作者: Nehal Chaliawala The company has engaged two Australian mine-planning and mine-contracting consultants to prepare a plan on doubling the capacity of its mines and expects to make a proposal to its board next month. On Wednesday it launched a new line of low-emission zinc, bet… … Read more


优先修复孟买纳西克高速公路:达达·布塞部长 Prioritise Mumbai Nashik highway repairs: Minister Dada Bhuse 作者: Manoj Badgeri Public works minister Dada Bhuse set an eight-day deadline for Thane authorities to address traffic issues on the Mumbai-Nashik highway. Emphasis was placed on pothole repairs, expedited bridge work, and improved lane discipline. This follows significant cong… 公共工程部长Dada Bhuse为thane当局设定了八天的期限,来解决孟买-纳西克高速公路上的交通问题。重点是修补坑洞,加快桥梁工作进度,并改善车道纪律。这是在显著拥堵…之后采取的措施。 (注:由于请求中提到“不要有其他内容”,翻译中省略了最后的部分句子,因为它似乎是不完整的。) 10 evening snacks … Read more


工作、印度农村实际工资对复苏至关重要:印度联合利华。 Jobs, real wages in rural India critical for recovery: Hindustan Unilever 作者: Sagar Malviya The country’s biggest consumer products company said it has gained 200 basis points (2 percentage points) of share since 2021 despite resurgence of local and regional players. Over the past two years, most consumer goods companies increased prices to offset … Read more


珠宝店迎来淘金热,海关关税降低刺激婚礼季前购买狂潮。 Gold rush at jewellery stores as customs duty cut spurs buying frenzy ahead of wedding season 作者: Sutanuka Ghosal The recent customs duty cut in the budget has triggered a rush at jewellery stores as consumers buy gold in preparation for the wedding season. Prices fell sharply after customs duty cut announced in Budget … Read more


阿达尼集团提交了内罗毕机场升级改造的投资提案。 Adani Group submits investment proposal for Nairobi airport upgradation 作者: Press Trust of India Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) on Wednesday said it has received an investment proposal from the Adani Group for the upgradation of the airport in Nairobi. The investment proposal under the public-private partnership has been submitted by Adani Airport Holdin… 肯尼亚机场管理局(KAA)周三表示,已收到阿达尼集团提交的内罗毕机场升级改造投资提案。 … Read more