
850万台运行Windows的计算机受到CrowdStrike错误更新影响。 8.5 million computers running Windows affected by faulty update from CrowdStrike 作者: News Staff As the world continues to recover from massive business and travel disruptions caused by a faulty software update from cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, malicious actors are trying to exploit the situation for their own gain. Government cybersecurity agencies a… 随着世界继续从网络安全公司CrowdStrike一次错误的软件更新造成的大规模商业和旅行中断中恢复,恶意行为者正试图利用这一局势为自己谋利。政府网络安全机构…… As … Read more


您能否以每月不到15美元的价格获得可靠的电话服务? Can you get reliable phone service for less than $15 a month? 作者: Andrew Grush Can you get a good phone plan for $15 or less a month? We take a closer look at the best phone plans in this price range to help find out. 你每月能否以15美元或更低的价格获得一个好的电话计划?我们仔细研究了这个价格范围内最好的电话计划,以帮助找出答案。 In 2024, even the cheapest postpaid plan … Read more


新马哈拉施特拉旅游政策旨在吸引重大投资:HRAWI New Maharashtra tourism policy to attract significant investments: HRAWI 作者: Press Trust of India A section of hotel and restaurant owners on Saturday welcomed the Maharashtra government’s Tourism Policy 2024, which is aimed at positioning the state as a premier global tourist destination. This progressive framework, aimed at positioning Maharashtra as a … 酒店和餐饮业者中的一部分在周六对马哈拉施特拉邦政府2024年的旅游政策表示欢迎,该政策旨在将本州定位为首选的全球旅游目的地。 … Read more


HDFC银行将在定价和贷款资金方面保持谨慎:首席财务官Vaidyanathan。 HDFC Bank will be watchful in pricing and funding loans: CFO Vaidyanathan 作者: Saloni Shukla “On the wholesale category, we have seen that credit demand is high but the rates are benign,” said chief financial officer Srinivasan Vaidyanathan. “The spread over government securities is thinner and competition pushes it even down. We want to … Read more


公司员工因停电在七月获得了一天假期。 Corporate workers get a snow day in July because of outage 作者: NYT News Service Millions were distressed by a global technology blackout on Friday. Hospitals postponed non-urgent surgeries, and 911 services failed in various states. Yet, the chaos was a welcome surprise for a few corporate employees: a mid-July ‘snow day’. Some shared … Read more


正式就业创造达到10个月来最高点,新增98.5万订阅者:EPFO数据。 Formal job creation hits 10-month high with 985K new subscribers: EPFO data 作者: Shiva Rajora Surge in young and female subscribers signals recovery in labour market 年轻女性订阅者激增,预示着劳动力市场的复苏。 Surge in young and female subscribers signals recovery in labour market Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation Shiva RajoraNew Delhi The number of fresh formal jobs created in a … Read more


TCS、Infosys、Wipro、HCLTech:简单的数学如何能颠覆近期IT股票的上涨势头? TCS, Infosys, Wipro, HCLTech: How simple math can derail the recent rally in IT stocks 作者: Hari Viswanath & BL Research Bureau Top-tier Indian IT companies, despite their stellar track record, face growth challenges with rising costs squeezing profit margins. Current high valuations are not justified by weak growth and cautious management outlook. Factors … Read more

科塔克马欣德拉银行聘请GT Bharat作为外部审计师审查IT系统。

科塔克马欣德拉银行聘请GT Bharat作为外部审计师审查IT系统。 Kotak Mahindra Bank hires GT Bharat as external auditor to review IT system 作者: Abhijit Lele The private sector lender has also beefed up internal teams to fix issues and tone up the working of the systems 私营部门贷款人还加强内部团队,以解决存在的问题并提升系统运作的效能。 The private sector lender has also beefed up internal teams to fix issues and tone … Read more


外国公司喜爱印度,但在谈及商业时,以下因素让他们心生畏惧。 Foreign firms love India, but here’s what gives them cold feet when talking business 作者: Sidharrth Shankar, Nandini Seth This explores the critical legal considerations and possible roadblocks investors typically navigate from an exchange control law perspective while assessing investment and business opportunities in India. 这探讨了从外汇管制法角度,投资者在评估印度投资和商业机会时通常需要考虑的的关键法律问题及可能遇到的障碍。 India’s rapidly growing economy, rise of the middle … Read more


印孟边境对学生开放24小时入境印度 Indo-Bangladesh Border Open For 24 Hours For Students To Enter India 作者: None The India-Bangladesh border would remain open for 24 hours to facilitate the students and other people of India and other countries to enter from the trouble-torn neighbouring country, where the situation remains extremely volatile. 印度-孟加拉国边界将全天候开放,以便印度及其他国家的学生和人民可以从局势极其动荡的邻国进入。 Indian students arrive from Bangladesh at … Read more