
从自动柜员机到航班,史诗级IT故障留下混乱的痕迹。 From ATMs to flights, epic IT crash leaves trail of chaos 作者: Bloomberg News LONDON – In what will go down as the most spectacular information technology (IT) failure the world has ever seen, a botched software update from cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike Holdings Inc crashed countless Microsoft Windows computer systems around the wo… 伦敦——这将被记录为世界所见过的最壮观的信息技术(IT)失败,网络安全公司CrowdStrike控股公司的一次失败的软件更新导致全球无数台微软Windows计算机系统崩溃…… … Read more


ELSS:在新税制下,投资者对税收节省基金感到失望了吗?专家表示是这样的。 ELSS: Are investors getting disillusioned with tax-saving funds under the New Tax Regime? Experts say this 作者: Vimal Chander Joshi Under the new tax regime, investors cannot claim tax exemption against investment in ELSS. Investors redeemed a total of ₹839.17 crore worth ELSS units in the past three months. 在新税制下,投资者无法针对ELSS投资的税收减免。在过去三个月里,投资者总共赎回了价值83.917亿卢比的ELSS单位。 Thanks to the new … Read more


印度的外汇储备达到创纪录的6668.5亿美元,由激增的黄金和外汇资产推动。 India’s forex reserves hit record $666.85 Billion, driven by surging gold and foreign currency assets 作者: ANI The RBI data reveals that India’s foreign currency assets (FCA), the largest component of forex reserves, rose by $8.3 billion to $585.47 billion 印度储备银行的数据显示,印度外汇储备中最大的组成部分——外汇资产(FCA)增加了83亿美元,达到5854.7亿美元。 India’s foreign exchange reserves have surged to a record high, reaching a new … Read more


负担得起的旅行要为欧洲过度旅游的问题负责,破坏了巴塞罗那、阿姆斯特丹和雅典等最受欢迎的城市。 Affordable travel is to blame for Europe’s overtourism problem, spoiling its most sought-after cities like Barcelona, Amsterdam and Athens 作者: Prarthana Prakash Mass tourism isn’t a new phenomenon, but it’s reached a tipping point in Europe where locals are increasingly bearing the brunt of it. 大众旅游并非新现象,但在欧洲,它已经达到了一个临界点,当地居民越来越多地承受其负面影响。 If you pick a famous European city for … Read more


从农场到香气:踏上打造高端香氛的道德之旅。 Farm to fragrance: Embarking on ethical journey of crafting premium fragrances 作者: Manoj Arora Given that the fragrance industry has a significant impact on both the environment and human communities, the fragrance industry is going through a major change 鉴于香氛产业对环境和人类社区具有重大影响,香氛产业正在经历一场重大变革。 When creating a perfume, each natural ingredient has its own distinct personality and character. … Read more


SaaS初创公司AiDash在班加罗尔推出新的AI卓越中心。 SaaS startup AiDash unveils new AI centre of excellence in Bengaluru 作者: Sreeradha Basu This facility is set to become a hub of innovation and advanced research, dedicated to driving significant advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), remote sensing, and geospatial analytics. 这座设施将成为创新和先进研究的中心,致力于推动人工智能(AI)、遥感技术和地理空间分析领域的重大进步。 AiDash, an enterprise SaaS company making critical infrastructure industries climate-resilient and sustainable … Read more


全球IT系统瘫痪使供应链陷入困境——下一次我们需要更好地做好准备。 A global IT outage brought supply chains to their knees – we need to be better prepared next time 作者: Sanjoy Paul, Associate Professor in Operations and Supply Chain Management, UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney, Towfique Rahman, Lecturer, Business Strategy and Innovation, Griffith Business School, Griffith University We don’t yet know the … Read more


慈善可以让印度人更加关心印度:贝恩资本的阿米特·钱德拉 Philanthropy can make Indians care more about India: Bain Capital’s Amit Chandra 作者: Mansi Verma, Nehal Chaliawala, Ranjani Raghavan Amit Chandra, Bain Capital’s India private equity chief, spends 50% of his time shepherding his philanthropic ventures. He speaks to Mint about why rich Indians need to give more. 阿米特·钱德拉,贝恩资本印度私募股权部门负责人,将50%的时间投入到他的慈善事业中。他就为什么印度富人需要给予更多接受《薄荷》采访时进行了讲述。 MUMBAI : Amit Chandra, partner … Read more


理解预算:投资者分步指南 Understanding the Budget: A step-by-step guide for investors 作者: Jimeet Modi On February 1 of each year, except for general election years, the Union government presents the Budget Estimate (BE) for the upcoming financial year, alongside the Revised Estimate (RE) for the current year and the actual figures for the previous year. The R… … Read more


2020年印度新冠死亡人数被低估8倍:研究凸显差异 India’s COVID-19 Death Toll in 2020 Underestimated by 8 Times: Study Highlights Disparities 作者: Rohini Krishnamurthy India’s death toll in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic was likely about eight times higher than the official figures, and 1.5 times higher than the World Healt 2020年新冠疫情期间,印度的死亡人数可能是官方数据的八倍,比世界卫生组织的估计高出1.5倍。 Indias death toll in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic was … Read more