慢而稳:被动投资策略如何确保这位孟买CEO的退休未来? Slow and steady: How a passive approach secured this Mumbai-based CEO’s retirement future 作者: Jash Kriplani Kartik Sharma, global CEO of a media company, has followed his financial advisor’s plan over last 17 years to achieve his retirement goals.His asset mix has 74% allocation to equities and balance of 26% to debt 卡提克·夏尔马,一家媒体公司的全球首席执行官,在过去17年中遵循他的财务顾问的计划,以实现他的退休目标。他的资产组合中,有74%投资于股票,剩余的26%投资于债务。 Mumbai-based … Read more