
化妆品手术的历史根源始于重建手术。 The Historical Roots of Cosmetic Surgery Begin with Reconstructive Surgery 作者: Sara Novak After thousands of years, cosmetic surgery is only now becoming more widely accepted. 数千年后,整形手术如今才逐渐被更广泛地接受。 To fully understand how ancient plastic surgery is one need only look to the root of its meaning. The term plastic surgery has nothing to do with … Read more


税务申报:在税务申报表中,您应在何处申报境外资产和收入? ITR filing: Where should you declare foreign assets and income in the tax return form? 作者: Vimal Chander Joshi ITR filing: Anyone who is a tax resident and either owns a foreign asset or earns a foreign income during the financial year must fill out the foreign asset schedule. 税务居民申报:在财务年度内,任何税务居民如果拥有海外资产或获得海外收入,都必须填写海外资产报表。 When filing your income … Read more


为什么印度储备银行应该关注气候变化? Why RBI should be concerned about climate change 作者: Gayatri Nayak Climatic factors are now increasingly playing an important role in influencing food and fuel inflation which tends to affect the overall inflation levels which is emerging as a big area of concern for monetary policy. ET explains how could climate change impa… 气候因素现在越来越重要,影响着食品和燃料通货膨胀,这往往会影响整体通货膨胀水平,这已成为货币政策领域的一个主要担忧点。ET解释了气候变化可能如何影响…… … Read more


皮尤什·戈亚尔将访问瑞士,推进印度与欧洲自由贸易联盟协议下的投资承诺。 Piyush Goyal to visit Switzerland to take forward investment commitments under India-EFTA deal 作者: Surabhi Union commerce and industry minister says India committed to talks under India-UK FTA; contamination in spices very miniscule 联合商业和工业部长表示,印度致力于在印英自由贸易协定下进行谈判;香料的污染非常微小。 Union commerce and industry minister Piyush Goyal will be leaving for Switzerland this Sunday (July 14) to take forward commitments … Read more


制裁导致数十艘油轮闲置——彭博社报道。 Sanctions leaving dozens of oil tankers idle – Bloomberg 作者: RT Fifty-three ships that previously moved Russian oil reportedly remain empty and unused across the world Read Full Article at RT.com 五十三艘之前运输俄罗斯石油的船只据报道在全球范围内仍处于空置和未使用状态。在RT.com阅读全文。 Dozens of oil tankers that previously shipped Russian crude currently remain empty and idle off the Russian, Chinese, and Turkish coasts after … Read more


核融合到量子计算:印度、俄罗斯探索高科技项目 Nuclear fusion to quantum computing: India, Russia explore hi-tech projects 作者: Bhaswar Kumar India-Russia collaboration in high technology: During PM Narendra Modi’s recent Russia visit, Russian media reported that New Delhi and Moscow are in talks to construct six more high-powered nuclear power units, as well as small nuclear plants 印俄高科技合作:在纳伦德拉·莫迪总理最近访问俄罗斯期间,俄罗斯媒体报道称,新德里和莫斯科正在就建造六个更高效核电机组以及小型核电站进行谈判。 During PM Narendra … Read more


益生菌食品和化妆品市场蓄势待发,受健康意识提升和创新产品推出的推动呈现指数级增长。 Probiotics Food and Cosmetics Market Poised for Exponential Growth, Driven by Rising Health Consciousness and Innovative Product Offerings 作者: MarketsandMarkets Research Pvt. Ltd. Chicago, July 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global probiotics food and cosmetics market is experiencing a remarkable surge, projected to reach a staggering valuation of USD 84.5 billion by 2026, … Read more


接触胶市场预计到2029年将达到超过720亿美元的规模——精确咨询公司。 Contact Adhesive Market is expected to reach above USD 7.20 Billion by 2029 – Exactitude Consultancy 作者: Ameliorate Digital Consultancy Pvt Ltd The Asia-Pacific region is expected to dominate the contact adhesive market. Factors contributing to its dominance include rapid industrialization, infrastructural development, and growing manufacturing sectors in countries like China, India, and Southeast … Read more


2人承认出口用于俄罗斯武器的美国电子设备罪状。 2 plead guilty to exporting U.S. electronics used in Russian weapons 作者: None The Justice Department said it “remains committed to holding accountable those who fuel Putin’s war machine.” 司法部表示,它“仍然致力于让那些助长普京战争机器的人承担责任。” A Canadian national and a New York resident pleaded guilty on Tuesday to illegally exporting millions of dollars worth of U.S. electronics that were … Read more

crore > > 帕坦加利食品公司将用1100亿卢比购买集团公司的非食品业务。 请注意,”crore” 是印度卢比的计数单位,1 crore 相当于一千万卢比。在翻译时,通常根据上下文将其转换为中文的计数单位“亿”。

crore > > 帕坦加利食品公司将用1100亿卢比购买集团公司的非食品业务。 请注意,”crore” 是印度卢比的计数单位,1 crore 相当于一千万卢比。在翻译时,通常根据上下文将其转换为中文的计数单位“亿”。 Patanjali Foods to buy group company’s non-food business for Rs 1,100 crore 作者: ET Bureau Patanjali Foods and Patanjali Ayurved have also agreed to enter into a licensing agreement, permitting Patanjali Foods to use the trademarks and associated intellectual property rights owned by the latter, the company … Read more