
“女性在董事会的比例上升速度超过高层职位” ‘Women’s share on boards rises faster than in top jobs’ 作者: Sidhartha India Business News: NEW DELHI: Govt mandate to have women on corporate boards has not just pushed up their share to 15. 印度商业新闻:新德里:政府要求企业董事会中必须有女性成员,这一要求使得女性在董事会的比例上升至15%。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount you deposit earns interest as per the prevailing… Calculate … Read more


BPCL与印度奥林匹克协会合作,支持背景卑微的印度运动员。 BPCL tie up with India Olympic Association to support Indian athletes from humble background 作者: TNN MUMBAI: Mumbai : Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) has entered into a four-year partnership with the Indian Olympic Association (IOA), comme. 孟买:印度巴拉特石油公司(BPCL)与印度奥林匹克协会(IOA)签订了一项为期四年的合作伙伴关系。 Unforgettable train journeys across Indias best landscape 难忘的火车之旅,穿越印度最美的风景。 关键词: 1. BPCL 2. 印度奥林匹克协会 3. 合作 4. … Read more


直销收购公司延长合并期限。 Direct Selling Acquisition Corp. extends merger deadline 作者: Investing.com Direct Selling Acquisition Corp. extends merger deadline 直销收购公司延长合并截止日期。 Direct Selling Acquisition Corp. (OTC:DSAQ), a special purpose acquisition company, announced on Monday an amendment to its existing Business Combination Agreement with Aeroflow Urban Air Mobility Pr… [+1467 chars] 直销收购公司(OTC:DSAQ),一家专门目的的收购公司,周一宣布对其与Aeroflow城市空中机动性公司的现有业务合并协议进行修订……[+1467字符] 关键词: 1. 直销收购公司 2. 合并期限 3. OTC:DSAQ … Read more


提出加快对电动汽车充电站电力连接的审批速度。 Faster nod for power connection to EV charging stations proposed 作者: ET Bureau The Indian government has proposed new guidelines to reduce the approval time for electricity connections for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. The approval time in metropolitan areas will be cut from seven days to three days, and in municipal areas fr… … Read more


亚马逊OpenSearch数据摄取增加了对从自管理源摄取数据的支持。 Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion adds support for ingesting data from self-managed sources 作者: aws@amazon.com Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion now allows you to ingest data from self-managed OpenSearch, Elasticsearch and Apache Kafka clusters, eliminating the need to run and manage 3rd party tools like Logstash to migrate your data from self-managed sources into Amazon Op… 亚马逊OpenSearch数据摄取功能现在允许您从自管理的OpenSearch、Elasticsearch和Apache Kafka集群摄取数据,消除了运行和管理如Logstash等第三方工具来将您的数据从自管理资源迁移到亚马逊Op…的需要。 … Read more


如何通过窥视人们的冰箱来致富 How to Get Rich From Peeping Inside People’s Fridges 作者: Nicola Twilley Forget the S&P 500. Look at the ice cream. This investor visits homes around the world to see where diets—and economies—will go next. 忘了标普500吧。看看冰淇淋。这位投资者访问全球各地的家庭,以了解饮食——以及经济——下一步将如何发展。 People make fun of me about the fridges, said Tassos Stassopoulos. I am fridge-obsessed. As the founder and … Read more


2024年预算:制药行业寻求更好的激励措施以增加研发投资,将市场规模增长至1200亿至1300亿美元。 Budget 2024: Pharma industry seeks better incentives to increase investments in R&D, grow market size to $120-$130 bn 作者: Naman Suri The Indian pharma industry is seeking better incentives and a robust intellectual property regime in the upcoming Budget 2024, as it aims to grow the domestic industry to $120-$130 billion in market size … Read more


班加罗尔环形铁路链接项目工程启动。关键更新、路线及其他细节。 Bengaluru Circular Rail Link project work starts. Key updates, routes and other details 作者: ET Online The 287-km Bengaluru Circular Rail Link aims to reduce congestion and enhance connectivity around the city’s outskirts with a Rs 23,000 crore budget. The state government will cover land acquisition costs, while the Railways handle construction. The project, … Read more


HostColor推出灵活的边缘服务器托管合同。 HostColor introduces flexible Edge Server Hosting contracts 作者: Host Color LLC HostColor.com (HC), a global infrastructure provider, has introduced flexible contracts for Edge Bare Metal servers in 50 Edge data centers across the United States and many international locations. HostColor.com (HC), a global infrastructure provider, has in… HostColor.com(HC)是一家全球基础设施提供商,已在美国50个边缘数据中心及许多国际位置推出了边缘裸金属服务器的灵活合同。 New York, July 01, 2024 (GLOBE … Read more


内阁部长在提兹普尔与商业领袖就GST问题进行交流。 Cabinet ministers engage business leaders in Tezpur on GST concerns 作者: The Hills Times HT Correspondent TEZPUR, July 1: The cabinet committee comprising state government’s minister for Housing & Urban Affairs and Irrigation, Ashok Singhal, and state Finance minister Ajanta Neog interacted with trade and business organisations from several distr… HT驻站记者 TEZPUR,7月1日:由该州住房与城市事务及灌溉部长Ashok Singhal和州财政部长Ajanta Neog组成的内阁委员会与来自多个地区的商业和贸易组织进行了互动。 … Read more