
马哈拉施特拉政府即将公布孟买大都会区广告牌新政策。 Maharashtra government to unveil new policy for hoardings in Mumbai Metropolitan Region 作者: PTI The Maharashtra government, led by state Minister Uday Samant, will introduce a new policy on hoardings in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region following a recent tragic incident where 17 individuals lost their lives due to a hoarding collapse in Ghatkopar. The … Read more


斯坦利生活方式公司的股价在摩根士丹利收购超过1.6亿卢比股份后飙升9%。 Stanley Lifestyles shares surge 9% after Morgan Stanley picks up over Rs 16 crore stake 作者: Nishtha Awasthi Stanley Lifestyles aims for business doubling in major metros with a steady 20% annual growth rate, steering clear of small town expansions. 斯坦利生活方式公司目标是在主要大都市实现业务翻倍,保持每年20%的稳定增长率,避免小城镇扩张。 Shares of the newly listed Stanley Lifestyles jumped 9% on BSE to its … Read more


MSME部寻求额外5000亿卢比用于就业生成计划。 MSME ministry seeks additional ₹5,000 crore for job generation scheme 作者: Suryash Kumar The ministry of micro, small and medium enterprises is seeking an additional ₹5,000 crore for the Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme due to a surge in subsidy claim applications. Budget constraints and an overwhelming number of applications have… 微中小企业部因补贴申请激增,正在寻求为总理就业生成计划额外追加500亿卢比。预算限制和申请数量庞大已…… New Delhi: … Read more


塔鲁尔敦促政府建造缓解设施以对抗喀拉拉邦的海岸侵蚀。 Tharoor urges govt to build mitigating structures to combat sea erosion in Kerala 作者: The Hills Times NEW DELHI, July 1: Congress MP Shashi Tharoor drew the government’s attention on Monday to sea erosion impacting the economically and socially disadvantaged coastal communities in Kerala and demanded that a robust network of mitigating structures be … Read more

WNS被纳入Russell 2000指数,自2024年7月1日起生效。

WNS被纳入Russell 2000指数,自2024年7月1日起生效。 WNS Added to Russell 2000 ® Index Effective July 1, 2024 作者: Investing.com WNS Added to Russell 2000 ® Index Effective July 1, 2024 WNS被纳入Russell 2000®指数,自2024年7月1日起生效。 NEW YORK & LONDON & MUMBAI, India–(BUSINESS WIRE)–WNS (Holdings) Limited (NYSE: WNS (NYSE:WNS)), a leading provider of global digital-led Business Process Management (BPM) solutions, today … [+4448 … Read more


阿萨姆邦的纳姆鲁普将建设两座纳米尿素工厂:萨勃南达·索诺瓦尔。 Assam’s Namrup to get two nano urea plants: Sarbananda Sonowal 作者: Bikash Singh Union Minister Sarbananda Sonowal met with Union Minister JP Nadda to discuss expanding the Brahmaputra Valley Fertiliser Corporation Ltd in Namrup. Sonowal urged Nadda to expedite Nano Urea Plant projects within the BVFCL compound. Nadda assured a Rs 500 cro… 联合部长萨勃拉南达·索诺瓦尔与联合部长JP·纳达会面,讨论在纳姆鲁普扩建布拉马普特拉谷化肥有限公司。索诺瓦尔敦促纳达加快在BVFCL园区内纳米尿素工厂项目的进度。纳达保证将提供50亿卢比的资助…… … Read more


英国选举:与印度的自贸协定成为保守党和工党竞选纲领的议题。 UK election: FTA with India on manifesto agenda for both Tory, Labour 作者: Press Trust of India As the UK enters the final phase of campaigning ahead of the general election on Thursday, a free trade agreement (FTA) with India is seen as high on the agenda no matter whether the verdict is in … Read more


SBI为中小微企业推出在线快速贷款解决方案。 SBI launches online quick loan solution for MSMEs 作者: list.metadata.agency The solution, named ‘MSME Sahaj – End to End Digital Invoice Financing’, has been developed that will provide solutions ranging from applying the loan, documentation and disbursement of the sanctioned loan within 15 minutes, without any manual intervention 该解决方案名为“MSME Sahaj – 端到端数字发票融资”,已开发完成,将提供从申请贷款、文件处理到批准贷款发放全流程的服务,且整个过程在15分钟内完成,无需人工干预。 Mumbai: Lender State … Read more


ICICI普纳鲁保险资产管理公司以31.5亿卢比从卡尔帕塔鲁购买孟买办公大楼。 ICICI Prudential AMC buys office tower from Kalpataru in Mumbai for Rs 315 cr 作者: Kailash Babar ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company has acquired a commercial tower in Santacruz, Mumbai, for over Rs 315 crore from realty developer Kalpataru’s subsidiary Ixora Properties. The tower, built on one-third of an acre, is expected to house … Read more


革命化能源储存:探索全固态电池的纳米尺度前沿 Revolutionizing energy storage: exploring the nanoscale frontier of all-solid-state batteries 作者: Yedluri Anil Kumar, Nipa Roy, Tholkappiyan Ramachandran, Mohammed A. Assiri, Sunkara Srinivasa Rao, Md Moniruzzaman, Sang Woo Joo Dalton Trans., 2024, Advance ArticleDOI: 10.1039/D4DT01133C, PerspectiveYedluri Anil Kumar, Nipa Roy, Tholkappiyan Ramachandran, Mohammed A. Assiri, Sunkara Srinivasa Rao, Md Moniruzzaman, Sang Woo JooAll-solid-state batteries … Read more