
谷歌将要求选举广告中数字化修改内容必须披露。 Google to require disclosures for digitally altered content in election ads 作者: None Latest step to battle election misinformation. 最新一步是打击选举虚假信息。 Google will make it mandatory for advertisers to disclose election ads that use digitally altered content to depict real or realistic-looking people or events, its latest step to battle election misi… [+1572 chars] 谷歌将强制广告商透露使用数字篡改内容来描绘真实或逼真人物或事件的选举广告,这是其对抗选举误……的最新举措。 … Read more


帕坦加利收购母公司非食品业务。 Patanjali to acquire parent’s non-food biz 作者: TNN India Business News: MUMBAI: The board of Patanjali Foods (earlier known as Ruchi Soya Industries) has approved the acquisition of the home and personal care business of p. 印度商业新闻:孟买:帕坦加利食品公司(前称鲁奇豆业)董事会已批准收购p公司的家居和个人护理业务。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount you deposit earns interest as per the … Read more


亚洲上升的排放量抵消了西方的气候进展。 Asia’s Rising Emissions Offset Western Climate Progress 作者: Robert Rapier Global CO? equivalent emissions grew by 2.1% in 2023, crossing 40 billion metric tons for the first time. This category of emissions is the sum of carbon dioxide emissions from energy, carbon dioxide emissions from flaring, and methane emissions (in carbon di… 全球二氧化碳当量排放量在2023年增长了2.1%,首次超过400亿吨。这一排放类别包括能源产生的二氧化碳排放、燃烧产生的二氧化碳排放以及甲烷排放(以碳二氧化物当量计)。 The … Read more


Netflix和亚马逊正在给我们带来世界。 Netflix and Amazon Are Giving Us the World 作者: Tony Maglio Netflix and Amazon combined for 53 percent of global commissions in the first quarter of 2024, Ampere Analysis found. 奈飞和亚马逊在2024年第一季度合计占全球佣金总额的53%,这是安培分析公司的发现。 Perhaps “Peak TV” has one more run in it — outside of the U.S., that is. That’s mostly thanks to Amazon and Netflix. … Read more

Niva Bupa Health 旨在通过IPO筹集3000亿卢比。

Niva Bupa Health 旨在通过IPO筹集3000亿卢比。 Niva Bupa Health looks to raise Rs 3,000 crore from IPO 作者: TNN India Business News: MUMBAI: Niva Bupa Health Insurance (formerly Max Bupa) has submitted a draft red herring prospectus to Sebi to raise Rs 3,000 crore. 印度商业新闻:孟买:Niva Bupa健康保险(前身为Max Bupa)已向Sebi提交了一份初步招股说明书草案,计划筹集3000亿卢比。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount … Read more


纳拉亚纳健康公司进入保险业务。 Narayana Health enters insurance biz 作者: TNN India Business News: BENGALURU: Dr Devi Shetty’s Narayana Health has forayed into insurance space with its product Aditi, which offers coverage with a sum insured of Rs 1 . 印度商业新闻:班加罗尔:德薇·谢蒂博士的纳拉亚纳健康公司推出了其产品“阿迪提”,涉足保险领域,该产品提供的保险金额为1卢比。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount you deposit earns interest as per the … Read more

ICICI 伦巴德推出人工智能健康保险

ICICI 伦巴德推出人工智能健康保险 ICICI Lombard floats AI health insurance 作者: TNN India Business News: MUMBAI: ICICI Lombard has launched Elevate, a health insurance plan that uses AI to personalise covers. 印度商业新闻:孟买:ICICI Lombard推出了Elevate,这是一款利用人工智能个性化保险范围的健康保险计划。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount you deposit earns interest as per the prevailing… Calculate Now 定期存款计算器 在投资定期存款时,您存入的金额将根据当前的利率赚取利息… 立即计算 关键词: … Read more


债券收益率正在下降,人寿保险公司可能会提高费率。 Bond yields are falling, life insurers may raise rates 作者: Mayur Shetty India Business News: MUMBAI: The fall in long-term bond yields, coupled with pressure from reinsurers, is causing private insurers to reevaluate their term insurance rates. 印度商业新闻:孟买:长期债券收益率的下降,加上再保险公司的压力,使得私人保险公司在重新评估他们的定期保险费率。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount you deposit earns interest as per … Read more


印度国家银行推出基于网络的发票融资解决方案。 State Bank of India Launches Web-Based Invoice Financing Solution 作者: The State Bank of India reportedly launched a web-based invoice financing solution for microbusinesses and small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). The new MSME Sahaj solution allows the bank’s customers to access financing against their sales invoices in le… 印度国家银行据报道为微型企业和小型至中型企业(SMBs)推出了一项基于网络的发票融资解决方案。 新的MSME Sahaj解决方案让银行的客户能够凭借他们的销售发票获得融资。 The State … Read more


亚洲美元贷款量跌至14年低点,因利率上升影响加剧。 Asia Dollar Loan Volumes Plunge to 14-Year Low as Rates Bite 作者: Ameya Karve (Bloomberg) — Dollar loan sales for the first half across Asia excluding Japan tumbled to their lowest since 2010 as higher borrowing costs in the greenback… — 在不包括日本在内的亚洲地区,上半年美元贷款销售额跌至2010年以来的最低点,因为美元的借贷成本上升…… (Bloomberg) — Dollar loan sales for the first half across Asia excluding Japan … Read more