
紧缩的流动性迫使银行进入债务市场,支付更多费用。 Tight liquidity forces banks to tap debt markets, shell out more 作者: ET Bureau “To a certain extent, the year-on-year rise in the bank borrowing numbers is a reflection of the merger between HDFC and HDFC Bank. But apart from that, it is clearly a reflection of the tightness in the liquidity and that … Read more


将地铁铁路扩展至31个城市,提升公共交通,改进废物与水管理,成为政府未来五年的重点。 Expanding Metro Rail to 31 cities, enhancing public transport, improving waste & water management in govt focus for 5 yrs 作者: Dipak K Dash India News: NEW DELHI: Taking note of the country’s rising urban population, which is poised to reach 40% by 2030, govt has finalised a series of targets for the . … Read more


马哈拉施特拉邦财年34电力购买招标遭遇监管障碍。 Maharashtra power purchase bid for FY34 hits regulatory bump 作者: Sanjay Dutta India Business News: NEW DELHI: Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd’s (MSEDCL) bid to contract 6,600 MW power for meeting projected demand in 2033-34 ha. 印度商业新闻:新德里:马哈拉施特拉邦电力分配有限公司(MSEDCL)计划在2033-34年度为满足预计需求而招标6,600兆瓦电力。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount you deposit earns interest as per … Read more


印度正在见证高额的外汇汇款和外国直接投资流入:戈亚尔。 India is witnessing high foreign remittances & FDI inflow: Goyal 作者: Kirtika Suneja India’s thriving investment appeal is evident with high foreign remittances and FII inflows, while regulatory reforms and sector openings attract global interest. Elon Musk’s potential investments in the space and EV sectors signal promising developments for … 印度的投资吸引力日益增强,这体现在高额的外汇汇款和外国机构投资者流入上;同时,监管改革和行业的开放吸引了全球关注。埃隆·马斯克在太空和电动汽车领域的潜在投资预示着……的发展前景充满希望。 India as an … Read more


赞度斯和雷迪博士实验室宣布签署Pertuzumab生物类似药的共同营销许可协议。 Zydus and Dr. Reddy’s announce licensing agreement for co?marketing of Pertuzumab biosimilar 作者: None Zydus and Dr. Reddy’s announce licensing agreement for co?marketing of Pertuzumab biosimilarindianpharmapost.com 赛伊度和瑞迪博士宣布就Pertuzumab生物仿制药共同营销的许可协议印度药讯网.com Zydus Lifesciences Limited and Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, a global pharmaceutical company, announced the execution of a licensing agreement to co-market Pertuzumab biosimilar in India. Pertuzumab is a… … Read more


政府开始对中国和巴林进口的玻璃纤维进行反倾销调查。 Govt begins anti-dumping probe into glass fibre imports from China, Bahrain 作者: Press Trust of India India has initiated an anti-dumping probe into the import of glass fibre from China, Thailand, Bahrain following a complaint by a domestic player. The duty is aimed at protecting the domestic industry from cheap imports. The commerce ministry’s … Read more


“需要为混合动力车型提供激励措施,因为不能强迫人们购买电动汽车”:斯柯达全球首席执行官泽尔默。 ‘Need incentives for hybrids as can’t force people to buy EVs’: Skoda Global CEO Zellmer 作者: Pankaj Doval India Business News: PRAGUE: German auto giant Volkswagen is in talks to sell stake in its India business to a local partner — having failed to crack the market despite in. 印度商业新闻:布拉格:德国汽车巨头大众正在与一位当地合作伙伴洽谈,出售其在印度业务的股份——尽管努力但未能打开市场。 FD Calculator When investing … Read more


研究表明,远程工作薪酬差异因情况而异。 Long-Distance Work Pay Differentials Vary By Situations, Study Shows 作者: Joe McKendrick, Senior Contributor, Joe McKendrick, Senior Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/joemckendrick/ The share of long-distance workers has been increasing, according to ADP’s latest payroll data. 根据ADP最新的薪资数据,远程工作者的比例一直在上升。 Long-distance makes a pay difference getty Several years back, I had the opportunity to work with an organization, on a … Read more


印度公司违反俄罗斯制裁将面临后果:美国大使。 Indian firms flouting Russian sanctions will face consequences: US Ambassador 作者: Amiti Sen Any Indian company that violates global sanctions against Russia will have to be aware of the “consequences” they face when they are trying to do business with countries in Europe, America and their global allies around the world, says US Ambassador … Read more


平衡行动:新成立的HDFC银行能否恢复合并前的辉煌? Balancing act: Can the new HDFC Bank regain its pre-merger old glory 作者: Manojit Saha After a challenging year post-merger, HDFC Bank looks poised for a strategic path forward 在合并后充满挑战的一年之后,HDFC银行似乎已经准备好沿着战略道路向前发展。 After a challenging year post-merger, HDFC Bank looks poised for a strategic path forward Manojit SahaMumbai For over a decade, HDFC Bank consistently outperformed … Read more