
在WD-40公司,电子商务支撑着所有“必须赢”的战斗。 At WD-40 Co., ecommerce underpins all “must-win” battles 作者: Paul Demery WD-40 Co. is reporting positive developments across its global sales operations, and ecommerce is crucial them all, president and CEO Steve Brass says. In a recent earnings call, he said the manufacturer and marketer of industrial and residential lubricants, … WD-40公司在其全球销售业务中报告了积极的发展态势,电子商务在其中起着至关重要的作用,董事长兼首席执行官Steve Brass表示。在最近的一次财报电话会议上,他表示这家工业和住宅润滑剂的生产商和营销商…… WD-40 … Read more

Sputnik V 创造者表示,结核病疫苗可能会在2025年出现。

Sputnik V 创造者表示,结核病疫苗可能会在2025年出现。 Sputnik V creator says TB vaccine could appear in 2025 作者: RT A new jab protecting against tuberculosis could potentially change the epidemiology of the disease, according to Gamaleya researchers Read Full Article at RT.com 根据加马列亚研究所的研究人员,一种新的预防结核病的注射疫苗可能潜在地改变该疾病的流行病学。详读全文请访问RT.com。 A vaccine protecting against tuberculosis infection (TB) could appear in Russia as early as next year, … Read more


国际合作伙伴关系将如何帮助印度石油勘探的未来? How will international partnerships aid the future of India’s oil exploration? 作者: Rishi Ranjan Kala & Anjana P V Today, oil exploration involves pinpointing subsurface areas that are suitable for sequestering carbon dioxide. This adaptation is crucial for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change impacts, says Sushma Rawat, Director (Exploration) a… 今天,石油勘探涉及精确定位适合封存二氧化碳的地下区域。这种适应性对于减少温室气体排放和缓解气候变化的影响至关重要,勘探部总监苏什玛·罗瓦特说…… … Read more


雀巢印度公司,携手梅加拉亚邦食品药品监督管理局(FDA)及全国街头食品供应商协会(NASVI),扩大了“提供安全食品”项目的范围。 Nestlé India, in partnership with FDA, Meghalaya, and NASVI expands Project ‘Serve Safe Food’ 作者: The Hills Times To train over 500 street food vendors to further elevate food hygiene and safety  HT Bureau GUWAHATI, July 24: Expanding the geographical footprints of Project ‘Serve Safe Food’ in Meghalaya, Nestlé India has continued its collaboration … Read more


日本将恢复对斯里兰卡停滞项目的资金支持。 Japan to resume funding for stalled projects in Sri Lanka 作者: None Japan will resume funding for all stalled projects in Sri Lanka, Tokyo’s envoy there said on Wednesday, the first such announcement since the island nation finalized a $10 billion restructuring deal with its official creditors. A total of 11 projects will res… … Read more


世界十大最富有的人一天内损失660亿美元。 The Ten Richest People In The World Lose $66 Billion In A Day 作者: Sarah Young, Contributor, Sarah Young, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/sarahyoung/ The billionaires behind Tesla, Alphabet, Meta, LVMH and more saw their fortunes plunge in the billions on Wednesday following a rash of earnings reports that disappointed investors. 特斯拉、字母表、Meta、LVMH等公司的背后亿万富翁在周三经历了一连串令投资者失望的财报发布后,他们的财富暴跌了数十亿美元。 Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s fortune … Read more


必须对即场货币转账进行了解你的客户(KYC)检查以防止欺诈:印度储备银行(RBI) KYC must for walk-in money transfers to check frauds: RBI 作者: TNN India Business News: MUMBAI: In a bid to prevent fraudsters from using the money transfer route for laundering, RBI has tightened rules for money transfers and has asked b. 印度商业新闻:孟买:为了防止欺诈分子利用转账途径洗钱,印度储备银行已经收紧了转账规定,并要求… FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount you deposit … Read more


七成的股票交易员在23财年出现亏损。 ‘7 in 10 equity traders made losses in FY23’ 作者: TNN India Business News: MUMBAI: There is growing evidence that Indian retail investors are fast turning into speculators with a majority losing money in the stock market. 印度商业新闻:孟买:越来越多的证据表明,印度零售投资者正迅速变成投机者,大多数人都在股市中亏损。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount you deposit earns interest as per … Read more


预算规模几乎与临时预算持平,显示了政府对财政审慎的承诺:专家们表示。 Budget size almost unchanged from interim, shows govt’s commitment to fiscal prudence: Experts 作者: PTI The 2024-25 Budget maintains fiscal prudence with Rs 48.20 lakh crore expenditure and Rs 11.11 lakh crore capital outlay, targeting a 4.9% fiscal deficit. Experts commend its focus on employment, education, IBC strengthening, and business ease. MakeMyTrip pra… 2024-25年度预算保持了财政审慎,支出为48.20万亿卢比,资本支出为11.11万亿卢比,目标财政赤字为4.9%。专家称赞其关注就业、教育、加强IBC(印度破产法)和商业便利性。MakeMyTrip…(此处原文似乎不完整) … Read more


印度承诺支持核能、煤炭和抽水蓄能项目。 India Pledges Support for Nuclear, Coal, and Pumped Storage Projects 作者: Darrell Proctor Officials in India said that country’s energy transition plan will focus on developing small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs), pumped energy storage projects,… 印度官员表示,该国的能源转型计划将重点发展小型模块化核反应堆(SMRs)和抽水蓄能项目。 Officials in India said that country’s energy transition plan will focus on developing small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs), … Read more