
哪家银行提供高达7.75%的储蓄账户利率:SBI、ICICI银行、HDFC银行、RBL银行、PNB还是印度联合银行? Which bank offers up to 7.75% savings account interest rate: SBI, ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, RBL Bank, PNB or Union Bank of India? 作者: ET Online The interest rate on your savings account balance is determined by your daily closing balance. The accrued interest is credited to your account monthly or quarterly depending on … Read more


人工通用智能可能重启印度的前景。 Artificial general intelligence could reboot India’s prospects 作者: mint How wisely we adopt AGI could determine our place in the world and also define the legacy we leave for future generations. 我们如何智慧地采纳通用人工智能(AGI)可能决定了我们在世界中的位置,同时也定义了我们留给未来世代的遗产。 Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world.” This was Vladimir Putin, talking about artificial intelligence … Read more


为何休息对员工和组织辛勤工作与取得成功至关重要? Why breaks are important to work hard and achieve success, of both employees and organisations 作者: Debleena Majumdar Aditya Narayan Mishra, Managing Director and CEO of CIEL HR Services, emphasizes the importance of breaks and holidays for workplace respect and gratitude. Somdutta Singh, Founder and CEO of Assiduus Global Inc, highlights the role of … Read more


印巴比赛达到高潮,纽约市为“更多”的比赛做好准备,预计将收获超过7800万美元的经济效益。 India-Pak match at fever pitch as New York’s game for more’ NYC set to reap economic benefits of over $78m 作者: Ratna Bhushan The India versus Pakistan match in the T20 World Cup is expected to have a net economic impact of over $78 million for New York city, with thousands of cricket fans … Read more


数据存储公司因需保持冷却而紧张不安。 Data storage cos in a sweat over need to stay cool 作者: Himanshi Lohchab Data centers in western and northern India are facing rising operational costs due to soaring temperatures. Firms like Yotta and CtrlS are using alternative cooling methods and renewable energy, while ESDS reports a 10-12% rise in power costs due to … Read more


经济摘要:快速了解尼泊尔的商业新闻。 Economic Digest: Nepal’s Business News in a Snap 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: Economic Digest offers a concise yet comprehensive overview of significant business happenings in Nepal, presented in easily digestible summaries. NEA reports over Rs 11 billion profit in first nine months of fiscal year 2080/81 The Nepal Electrici… 加德满都:经济摘要为尼泊尔的重要商业事件提供了简洁而全面的概述,以易于消化的摘要形式呈现。尼泊尔电力公司报告在财政年度2080/81的前九个月内实现超过110亿卢比的利润。 KATHMANDU: Economic Digest offers a … Read more


BJP如何搞砸了“singhasan”州?这不仅仅是社会工程的问题。 How did BJP muff up ‘singhasan’ state? More to it than social engg 作者: Badri Narayan ‘Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are’— this insightful line by German poet Bertolt Brecht seems to hold true for Lok Sabha results. In fact, it applies… “因为事情就是这样,事情不会一直这样”——德国诗人贝托尔特·布莱希特的这句洞察力的话似乎对洛桑达结果同样适用。实际上,它适用于…… Because things … Read more


印度人民党是如何搞砸了“singhasan”州的?其中不仅仅是社会工程的问题。 How did BJP muff up ‘singhasan’ state? More to it than social engg 作者: Badri Narayan ‘Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are’— this insightful line by German poet Bertolt Brecht seems to hold true for Lok Sabha results. In fact, it applies… “因为事情就是这样,事情就不会一直是这样”——德国诗人贝托尔特·布莱希特的这句深刻的话似乎同样适用于印度人民院的结果。实际上,它适用于…… Because things … Read more


更大的开支并非答案。新政府应专注于有效治理。 Bigger spends not the answer. New govt should focus on effective governance instead 作者: Karthik Muralidharan In our 75th year as a sovereign Republic, India has much to celebrate. The recent elections showcased our vibrant democracy, and we are the world’s fastest growing large economy. But, we also face profound challenges… 在我们的第75个作为主权共和国的年份里,印度有很多值得庆祝的。最近的选举展示了我们充满活力的民主,我们是世界上增长最快的大型经济体。但是,我们也面临着深刻的挑战…… In our … Read more


印度快运航空宣布,将从2024年8月起暂停加济阿巴德的欣登机场的运营。 Air India Express announces, then pauses, operations from Ghaziabad’s Hindon Airport effective August 2024 作者: Live from a Lounge Air India Express, earlier this week, announced flights to be launched from Hindon, a secondary airport in Delhi. Now, these are on hold. What gives? The post Air India Express announces, then pauses, operations from … Read more