可再生能源采购市场预计将以8-10%的增长率飙升:到2022年全球采购量达到3,609吉瓦 | ELINT市场研究

可再生能源采购市场预计将以8-10%的增长率飙升:到2022年全球采购量达到3,609吉瓦 | ELINT市场研究 Renewable Energy Procurement Market Set to Soar at 8–10% Growth Rate: Global Procurement Reaches 3,609 GW by 2022 | ELINT Market Research 作者: Elint Market Research The renewable energy procurement market shows promising growth, with renewables in the pipeline reaching 3,609 GW by 2022, an 8-10% increase from the previous year. This … Read more

MMO游戏市场规模预计到2030年将达到20360百万美元,复合年增长率为8.2% | Valuates报告

MMO游戏市场规模预计到2030年将达到20360百万美元,复合年增长率为8.2% | Valuates报告 MMO Games Market Size to Grow USD 20360 Million by 2030 at a CAGR of 8.2% | Valuates Reports 作者: benzinga.com BANGALORE, India, June 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — MMO Games Market is Segmented by Type (MMO Role Play Games (MMORPG), MMO First Person Shooter (MMOFPS), MMO Real-time Strategy (MMORTS)), by Application (Mobile, … Read more


印度在财年26至财年30期间可能保持6.5-7%的GDP增长率,瑞银表示。 India may sustain 6.5-7% GDP growth between FY26 & FY30, says UBS 作者: Anjali Kumari India GDP growth rate: Inflation likely to be lower than RBI’s 4.5% FY25 forecast 印度GDP增长率:通货膨胀可能低于印度央行对2025财年4.5%的预测。 Inflation likely to be lower than RBI’s 4.5% FY25 forecast Anjali KumariMumbai India is expected to sustain a potential growth rate of 6.5 per … Read more


爱思唯尔:世界研究出版中的性别多样性 Elsevier: Gender Diversity in World Research Publishing 作者: Porter Anderson A new, 20-year report from Elsevier today releases data on women in international research publishing: progress and more work needed. The post Elsevier: Gender Diversity in World Research Publishing appeared first on Publishing Perspectives. 今天,爱思唯尔发布了一份新的20年报告,其中包含了关于国际研究出版领域中女性的数据:既有进展,也有更多需要完成的工作。 《爱思唯尔:世界研究出版的性别多样性》这篇文章首先出现在出版视角上。 A new, 20-year report from Elsevier today releases … Read more


南亚人如何提升了湾区咖啡界水平 How South Asians Leveled Up the Bay Area’s Coffee World 作者: Paolo Bicchieri Slowly, then all at once, Indian coffee captured San Francisco’s hearts and minds. It’s all thanks to one coffee supergroup. 慢慢地,然后突然之间,印度咖啡俘获了旧金山的心和灵魂。这一切都要归功于一个咖啡超级集团。 South Asian coffee culture is having its hero moment throughout the Bay Area. | Lille Allen / Eater Slowly, then … Read more


印度欢迎埃及、伊朗、阿联酋、沙特阿拉伯和埃塞俄比亚加入金砖国家。 India Welcomes Egypt, Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia And Ethiopia Joining BRICS 作者: None India on Monday wholeheartedly welcomed Egypt, Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia joining the BRICS as their representatives attended for the first time a key meeting of the grouping hosted by Russia. 周一,印度热烈欢迎埃及、伊朗、阿联酋、沙特阿拉伯和埃塞俄比亚加入金砖国家,因为他们的代表首次参加了由俄罗斯主持的该组织的重要会议。 Russia took over the year-long chairmanship of BRICS … Read more


莫迪总理展现对农村的关注,批准为“总理农民福利基金计划”提供2000亿卢比。 PM Modi shows rural bent, OKs ₹20kcr for PM Kisan Nidhi Scheme 作者: ET Bureau The Prime Minister approved the 17th instalment of the PM Kisan Nidhi Scheme, benefiting 93 million farmers with around ₹20,000 crore. This move is seen as a boost to rural demand and consumer stocks. The new coalition government is … Read more

全球生物保存市场规模预计到2033年将达到19.8亿美元 | 年复合增长率为22.05%

全球生物保存市场规模预计到2033年将达到19.8亿美元 | 年复合增长率为22.05% Global Biopreservation Market Size To Worth USD 19.8 Billion By 2033 | CAGR of 22.05% 作者: SPHERICAL INSIGHTS LLP The Global Biopreservation Market Size was Valued at USD 2.7 Billion in 2023 and the Worldwide Biopreservation Market Size is Expected to Reach USD 19.8 Billion by 2033, according to a research report … Read more


AIoT平台市场预计到2033年将以37.7%的复合年增长率增长,智慧见解公司报道。 AIoT Platforms Market to Grow at CAGR of 37.7% through 2033, The Brainy Insights 作者: Brainy Insights Pvt. Ltd. The surge in the need for AIoT is broadly due to the large population and strong adoption of the internet and mobile in the region. North America emerged as the largest market for the global … Read more


印度与国际劳工组织合作,进行全球技能缺口绘图和工作未来的研究。 India to collaborate with ILO on global skills gap mapping, future of work 作者: Yogima Seth Sharma A tripartite Indian delegation, led by labour secretary Sumita Dawra, to the 112th International Labour Conference being in held in Geneva, Switzerland, reinstated India’s commitment to strengthen its work with ILO in view of emerging technologies and … Read more