
CASHe发放了1000亿卢比的贷款。 CASHe disburses ₹10,000 crore as loans 作者: BL Bengaluru Bureau Fintech platform, CASHe, has crossed ₹10,000 crore in loan disbursals. It has disbursed over three million loans to over two million customers. It has an active customer base of over 1.3 million users. 金融科技平台CASHe在贷款发放上已超过1000亿卢比。它已向超过200万客户发放了超过300万笔贷款。它拥有超过130万的活跃用户群。 Fintech platform, CASHe, has crossed 10,000 crore in loan disbursals. … Read more


失业青年与教育 Jobless youth and education 作者: Gurbachan Singh In tackling India’s unemployment problem, look beyond the finance minister and focus on the education minister as well 在解决印度的失业问题时,不仅要关注财政部长,还要关注教育部长。 In tackling India’s unemployment problem, look beyond the finance minister and focus on the education minister as well (Photo: Bloomberg) Gurbachan Singh Some unemployment is natural. The natural … Read more


重建解决方案市场规模预计到2032年将达到8.7993亿美元——绿色建筑翻新需求的增长将推动增长。 Reconstruction Solution Market Size Worth $879.93 Million by 2032 – Growing Demand for Green Buildings Renovation to Propel Growth 作者: Brainy Insights Pvt. Ltd. The reconstruction solution market encompasses a diverse range of products and services designed to aid in the rebuilding and restoration of structures, infrastructure, and communities following disasters, conflicts, or other … Read more

细胞疗法市场预计到2033年将达到325亿美元的营收,复合年增长率为18.6% | Dimension市场研究

细胞疗法市场预计到2033年将达到325亿美元的营收,复合年增长率为18.6% | Dimension市场研究 Cell Therapy Market Is Expected To Reach a Revenue Of USD 32.5 Bn By 2033, At 18.6% CAGR | Dimension Market Research 作者: Dimension Market Research Advancements and Projections in the Cell Therapy Market: Insights, Trends, Opportunities, and Recent Developments Advancements and Projections in the Cell Therapy Market: Insights, Trends, Opportunities, and … Read more


印度西斯萨拉姆第二次担任财政部长,面临新的挑战。 India’s Sitharaman gets finance portfolio for a second term, with new challenges 作者: None ( Nirmala Sitharaman, who is credited with India’s economic success over the past five years, will remain finance minister in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s third term, taking on the challenge of ensuring more equitable growth across the wo… (市场筛选器网站)尼拉姆拉·西塔拉曼,因其对过去五年印度经济成功的贡献而备受赞誉,将在纳伦德拉·莫迪总理的第三任期中继续担任财政部长,承担确保全国范围内更公平增长的任务…… NEW … Read more


Netflix:2024年5月互联网服务提供商速度指数→ Netflix : ISP Speed Index for May 2024 → 作者: None ( Back to All News Netflix ISP Speed Index for May 2024 Mulitcolor streaks on a black background curved right to foreground with the Netflix logo N at the top left on a black background. Netflix Staff …ht… 回到所有新闻 2024年5月Netflix ISP速度指数 在黑色背景上,多色彩条纹向右弯曲至前景,顶部左侧的黑色背景上带有Netflix标志N。 Netflix员工 … Read more


信用卡比较公司在印度扩展比较平台 Credit Card Compare Expands Comparison Platform in India 作者: Credit Card Compare Credit Card Compare, the leading online platform for comparing credit cards in Australia, announced its expansion into the Indian market with the launch of Credit Card Compare, the leading online platform for comparing credit cards in Au… 信用卡比较,澳大利亚领先的在线信用卡比较平台,宣布通过推出CreditCardCompare.in进入印度市场。信用卡比较,在澳大利亚领先的在线信用卡比较平台…… Sydney, June 10, … Read more


全球黄金ETF一年内首次月度资金流入,世界黄金协会报告。 Global Gold ETFs See First Monthly Inflows in a Year, Reports World Gold Council 作者: Siamak Masnavi In May 2024, physically backed gold ETFs experienced their first monthly inflow since the same period last year, according to the World Gold Council (WGC). The World Gold Council (WGC) is an influential international trade association focused … Read more


库马尔斯瓦米表示他将增强企业信心,并专注于增加就业。 Kumaraswamy says he will take businesses into confidence & focus on adding jobs 作者: ET Bureau The JDS leader, who spoke to the media in Delhi soon after the portfolios were announced, said he believed India’s development hinged on his portfolio. There were lots of expectations from the government in the manufacturing sector, he … Read more


个性化正畸解决方案的需求上升推动全球3D打印牙套市场增长;TNR,利基研究机构表示。 Rising Demand for Personalized Orthodontic Solutions Drives Growth in Global 3D Printed Dental Brace Market; says TNR, The Niche Research 作者: The Niche Research Global 3D Printed Dental Brace Market to Reach US$ 732.0 Mn by 2034; Anticipated to Experience CAGR of 5.1% During 2024 – 2034 Global 3D Printed Dental Brace Market to … Read more