
KEC国际股价上涨8%,因赢得价值1061亿卢比的订单。 KEC International shares jump 8% on winning order worth Rs 1,061 crore 作者: Navdeep Singh KEC International’s share price rose by 8% to Rs 829 after securing new orders worth Rs 1,061 crore. The company’s YTD order intake is over Rs 3,000 crores, with a growth of 30% compared to last year. KEC国际的股价在获得价值1061亿卢比的新订单后上涨了8%,达到829卢比。公司今年至今的订单量超过3000亿卢比,比去年增长了30%。 Engineering … Read more


信息边缘股价上涨0.46%,因Nifty指数上涨。 Info Edge shares up 0.46% as Nifty gains 作者: A total of 1,642 shares changed hands on the counter till time (IST). 总计1,642股在柜台交易直至印度标准时间。 Shares of Info Edge (India) Ltd. gained 0.46 per cent to Rs 6244.15 in Monday’s trade. It hit a high of Rs 6286.7 and low of Rs 6146.0 during the … Read more


人头:与亚马逊网络服务(AWS)合作,提供下一代联络中心及卓越服务解决方案。 Capita : collaborates with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to deliver a next generation contact centre and service excellence solution 作者: None ( Capita collaborates with Amazon Web Services to deliver a next generation contact centre and service excellence solution Home …… Capita与亚马逊网络服务合作,提供下一代联络中心及卓越服务解决方案 首页 …… Capita plc today announces CapitaContact, leveraging Amazon Connect, the generative … Read more


KEC国际股价因赢得1061亿卢比订单上涨8% KEC International shares jump 8% on winning order worth Rs 1,061 crore 作者: Navdeep Singh KEC International’s share price rose by 8% to Rs 829 after securing new orders worth Rs 1,061 crore. The company’s YTD order intake is over Rs 3,000 crores, with a growth of 30% compared to last year. KEC国际的股价在获得价值1061亿卢比的新订单后上涨了8%,达到829卢比。公司本年度至今的订单量超过3000亿卢比,同比增长了30%。 Engineering … Read more

孟买机场惊魂:IndiGo降落时Air India起飞,以下是出了什么问题。

孟买机场惊魂:IndiGo降落时Air India起飞,以下是出了什么问题。 Mumbai Airport Shock: IndiGo lands while Air India takes off, here’s what went wrong 作者: ET Online A close call occurred at Mumbai Airport when an IndiGo flight landed while an Air India plane was taking off, breaching the safety margin. Both airlines claimed they were following Air Traffic Control (ATC) clearances, highlighting … Read more

全球汽车人机界面市场规模预计到2033年将达到753亿美元 | 年复合增长率12.36%

全球汽车人机界面市场规模预计到2033年将达到753亿美元 | 年复合增长率12.36% Global Automotive HMI Market Size To Worth USD 75.3 Billion By 2033 l CAGR 12.36% 作者: SPHERICAL INSIGHTS LLP The Global Automotive HMI Market Size was Valued at USD 23.48 Billion in 2023 and the Worldwide Automotive HMI Market Size is Expected to Reach USD 75.3 Billion by 2033, according to a … Read more


印尼在担忧经济影响的同时加大抗击结核病的力度。 Indonesia ramps up fight against tuberculosis amid concerns on economic impact 作者: None JAKARTA: Indonesia plans to run clinical trials of several vaccines to fight surging cases of tuberculosis (TB) this year, with concerns the disease might affect economic growth, ministers said on Monday (Jun 10). The Southeast Asian country has seen TB cases… … Read more


纳伦德拉·莫迪的首次外访可能是意大利;总理乔尔吉亚·梅洛尼邀请他参加周四开始的G7峰会。 Narendra Modi’s first foreign trip likely to be Italy; PM Giorgia Meloni invites him for G7 summit starting Thursday 作者: ET Online PM Narendra Modi is poised to make his first foreign trip to Italy, accepting an invitation from Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to attend the G7 Summit from June 13 to 15. … Read more

市场在未来四到五年内应该会翻一番:Milind Karmarkar。

市场在未来四到五年内应该会翻一番:Milind Karmarkar。 Markets should double in next four-five years: Milind Karmarkar 作者: ET Now Maybe we will look at it at that point in time, but right now we miss getting into it early, but as of now we do not want to buy it. 或许我们会在那时考虑这个问题,但现在我们错过了早期介入的机会,但截至目前,我们不想购买它。 “I think that what has happened is that if … Read more


金砖国家考虑XRP:跨境支付的潜在飞跃。 BRICS Considers XRP: A Potential Leap for Cross-Border Payments 作者: BRICS group explores XRP for cross-border payments, indicating a shift towards its independent payment system. – XRP’s current price at $0.4942 could soar if BRICS adopts it, as experts predict. The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) group… 金砖国家集团探索使用XRP进行跨境支付,这表明其正转向独立的支付系统。 – 如果金砖国家采用XRP,其当前价格为0.4942美元可能会飙升,正如专家预测的那样。 … Read more